Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

Thanks nadeauhugo, I'll try to learn Active Presenter, and then make some vids of some of my mods gameplay. It might take me a while though, because I can be a slow learner.

I'm definitely going to make a video, on how to beat the first mission... I have been watching "mrsupaloco's" playthrough vid on you tube, and man is he struggling. The first mission is mean't to be hard, but not as hard as he's made it for himself. For one he neglected to give his sniper (Farsight) skillpoints on smallguns when he leveled her WTF? Also he chose to not give his main character tag skill small guns, which completely cripples his squad -- when two primary characters are weak in small gun skill , it won't be easy... OMG

It is interesting and somewhat entertaining for me to watch his tactics, as he continues to make the wrong choice in regards to places to take cover, oh man he makes it so hard for himself hehehe.

Here's my First attempt at a Video. In this we see the character creation and squad selection process.

This is my first ever video, and I don't know how to make it record without the big black border area around the actual game.

How can I record just the Fallout Tactics and have it fit perfect in a window, what tools do I use to trim it? or do I have to record it differently ?

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my play-through of Brahminwood... I play in CTB for fast action. I finished the mission in one pass, no casualties, and no reloading...
Not so hard afterall.

Part 1

Part 3

Really not so hard, if you're well trained in small guns with decent squaddies.

Here's a Look at Zombie Mode, for those of you who aren't into questing...

Here we see a rookie squad pull the Doomswitch and change the world forever...

We'll leave it there --

One thing for sure is that you are gonna need good weapons and plenty of ammo if you want to survive the Zombie apocalypse

Part 2
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Hey man, been playing your mod for a cpl days and i can say it is quite epic. Wanted to give FOT a go after many years, saw this and dl right away. I can tell alot of time and work was put into this. Adds and brings the game to life, lots to do. Just finished st.louis, lvl 17 or so to give you an idea where i am. Enjoying the quests/missions etc as i work my way through, dialogue is awesome. Been waiting for a mod like this for a long time.

no complaints or bugs to report other than the infected map by jackson city is laggy as hell, when you enter you are swarmed by infected, so much lag makes it impossible to move around. Also load times seem to take a long time. other than that your mod is awesome.

ill leave another post if theres anything to report, just wanted to say thanks and good work
Hey man, been playing your mod for a cpl days and i can say it is quite epic. Wanted to give FOT a go after many years, saw this and dl right away. I can tell alot of time and work was put into this. Adds and brings the game to life, lots to do. Just finished st.louis, lvl 17 or so to give you an idea where i am. Enjoying the quests/missions etc as i work my way through, dialogue is awesome. Been waiting for a mod like this for a long time.

no complaints or bugs to report other than the infected map by jackson city is laggy as hell, when you enter you are swarmed by infected, so much lag makes it impossible to move around. Also load times seem to take a long time. other than that your mod is awesome.

ill leave another post if theres anything to report, just wanted to say thanks and good work

Thanks for playing, and thanks for kind words. I'm glad you are enjoying the MOD and I hope you play deep into it...

I hope you guys aren't experiencing too many 'undead' bugs. In version 0.894 I dealt with the issue, however it wasn't completely resolved.

However, as you know, in any version of the Mod, if you play in CTB mode, there will be no undead bugs at all.

I'm ready to release version 0.895 in the next week or so, and the undead bug should be eliminated. In Version 0.895, I completely went through every map and implemented Endocore's suggested fix, and so now I hope it will be a much better experience for players playing exclusively in turnbased mode.

I hope this will be the final build, if so, then I can start to begin adding the last four maps that didn't make it into the release.

For those wondering about it, Here's a look at the Zombie hoard.

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Hey, I downloaded this mod a couple days ago, REALLY enjoying it! Ver .0894. I'm having a problem with fortress city though, when I turn in to the register , it says obj complete, gives no cash or work pass. They won't open the gate for me after I leave. Cain is gone. All I know that may have caused the problem is Geoffrey started the quest and had the transcribe. I played through to the start of at Louis before trying to go to fortress city. I reloaded a save from preoria, same deal they lock me out. Any ideas?
I think you just missed the items... When you deliver the 'treaty document' to the register he will place a briefcase on his desk with the cash and workers pass. Here's some screenshots.


If you leave before you take the loot don't expect it to be there when you comeback-- Sometimes there are triggers to remove these 'pay briefcases'... So try to be thorough and pay attention. Just like in real life, if you lost your pass, you will get denied entry.

You can also get a Fortress City worker's pass if you work with Niel's crew.

You might have to Reload to just before your very first visit to Fortress City and give the register the treaty doc again... Pay attention -- often you're payment will come in a 'briefcase'
Ok, thanks for the info and the screens. My save is definitely not spawning a briefcase. I think I might have messed up some files when I was trying to use the editor to change the metal armour back ( instructions said unzip entities ). I tried to make a new char and it skipped your new intro level so I know it's screwed. So, I went back and replaced everything with the modded files, fixed the intro. It didn't fix my save file though, is that save just f'ed?

I think you just missed the items... When you deliver the 'treaty document' to the register he will place a briefcase on his desk with the cash and workers pass. Here's some screenshots.
View attachment 9647
View attachment 9648
If you leave before you take the loot don't expect it to be there when you comeback-- Sometimes there are triggers to remove these 'pay briefcases'... So try to be thorough and pay attention. Just like in real life, if you lost your pass, you will get denied entry.

You can also get a Fortress City worker's pass if you work with Niel's crew.

You might have to Reload to just before your very first visit to Fortress City and give the register the treaty doc again... Pay attention -- often you're payment will come in a 'briefcase'
So I replaced all the modded files and still not getting a briefcase from the register. The only thing sitting on that table is a useless cash register. You say pay attention, ... To what? Do I need to reinstall everything or what, please if you're going to be vague just send me an email to the point. I'd like to play this, but without the shit not gonna work moments. Btw Neil wasn't in fortress city in my other save, I checked every building. Thanks.
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I think what happened is you inadvertantly deleted the 'briefcase' entity when you changed the entities folder. The briefcase entity doesn't exist in the vanilla FOT. Your save might be corrupted. If you go changing the mod files, I can't promise you that everything will work.

You need to have my mod's 'entities' folder complete otherwise you will break the game. You can add to it, but don't take away from it.

In theory, If you reinstall everything and load to before your first visit to Fortress City, and try the sequence again it should work. Any save you have now where you have already entered FCity is now permanently stamped with this error.

However, as I said earlier, your save might be to corrupted to fix.

I've never ever EVER had this bug, and I believe that it's only because of your tinkering that you're having this problem.

If reinstall and retry doesn't work, well then... All is not lost ... Simply use the level editor and open an unvisited map and add the entity ...Fallout Tactics\core\entities\World\FCityPass.ent -- make sure to tagname the entity 'fcitypass', Then when you visit the map you can pick up the pass.

Also, you first have to meet Niel and his crew down at 'The Roadhouse' and South Lake City... Only later on will he come to Fortess City

Just thinking about what you said..."I tried to make a new char and it skipped your new intro level so I know it's screwed. So, I went back and replaced everything with the modded files, fixed the intro. It didn't fix my save file though, is that save just f'ed?"

Yes, this save will be corrupt if you missed the intro mission, you will lose out on recruits and other things. If you unzipped the vanilla files into my mod, anything can happen --- you are in no man's land!
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Alright, I edited the fcity pass ( and a spiffy nice new suit of power armour ) into my next mission! Hopefully everything will work now after full reinstall and whatnot. Thanks so much for the help! Sorry for the lip, I had a bit much to drink after I messed my game up lol. Mad kudos to you on the mod, especially after fooling with the editor! You crazy badass mother two thousand zero zero nine whooops outta time, my bacon's smellin fine!
WHAAA! I have much to read here! I will do that soon. But in the meanwhile, if you want to remove the black border, what I do is to play the game not in full screen (using /w in box.exe or ft improver.exe shortcut I don't remember which) and then choose in Active presenter to lock the recording on one specific application in the settings. I choose "bos.exe" as the locked application and it creates a small video (like 800x600) of the size of the program you choose, which look better when listen to in a smaller player...
Alright guys... The new Version is out. The Undead bug issue should be resolved now, and it should be a much better experience for people who are exclusively turn based players. Sorry to any turnbased guys who had a hard time, it should be smooth sailing now!!

Get Version 0.895 here: http://www.xkcon.net/

This should be the most stable and polished version yet. I will upload a copy to MODDB in the next few days.

Hugo thanks for all your help and insights, but I'm still having troubles to get it right.

"....if you want to remove the black border, what I do is to play the game not in full screen (using /w in box.exe or ft improver.exe shortcut I don't remember which) and then choose in Active presenter to lock the recording on one specific application in the settings. I choose "bos.exe" as the locked appli...."

Can you be more specific on how to do this. I don't understand what you mean "using /w"

also guys, The new version is out on MODDB


or get it here:

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Oh sorry it is more -window or -w than /w.... Take a look at this page, it explain how to play a game (like Tactics) in windowed mode. Windowed mode will be very useful to you when it comes to record in-game videos. I also use it every damn time I work on my mod. With ft Improver option to have more than one BOS processes at the same time, it allow me to have 1 or 2 level editors and entity editor opened at the same time... and more than that, one opened just next to another for a quick switch between them.

Hi, been playing and enjoying mod a lot, it sprinkles a lot of new life to tactics and fallout in general.
Got a couple of questions / problems, that are partially present because old and clunky fot engine ( no item highlight, etc, and partially because Your mod is hard and complicated ( which is actually a good thing ). Dont get me wrong, i like riddles and solving, exploring, etc. Its just sometimes annoying when I am struck and cant find help anywhere.
Especially when there are so many possibilities the problem can be solved and figuring out all of that on my own is sometimes just stressful.
I was able to solve almost every location and quest, with two exceptions

So i got two questions, one regarding the Tomb, and second, cloning center.

Is that Tomb accesible after bramin wood? i mean, do i need some BETA bunker or such? I finished bramin wood and gone to rampage, exploring world and maps, found 3 necro books, gave to Boris, hell, even found GECK^^ but now i cant find that Tomb entrace and I dont know if its just my poor understanding of riddle or just i need to be deeper in Tactics storyline.

Second question is about clonning center.
Its really poorly designed, i mean, its okay but i got some items that have no description, not sure what to do with them.
I tried a lot of things, hell, i ever tried to give terminal in ''power'' room microfusion cells.
Now i am stuck and not sure what to do, i looked for a keycard or such that i could miss, but no clue.
The last room that i got acces to was power room, it says '' power converter not detected ''
Only items i have are plasma coupler ( no destcription on that ) and some pass key ( again, no desc. )
I am puzzled and begin to think that some items needed are in other map or smth...
I also noted that there are two items in third storage room, and some room in office with a safe, but i cant get acces to those room, cant find more keycards... ehh

A walktrough would be real nice, considering most of areas are complex and contains riddles, and tbh, Tactics is poorly designed engine for that sort of gameplay, so it isnt helpful at all.
Anyway, thanks for a great mod that actually makes Tactics replayable:)
P.S About the cloning center, well i got myself new, shine copy of dupre^^ the clue to opening that door was very subtle, or i could say ''subtle''. Thanks, good job, and it was priceless to figure it out on my own:)
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Oh sorry it is more -window or -w than /w.... Take a look at this page, it explain how to play a game (like Tactics) in windowed mode. Windowed mode will be very useful to you when it comes to record in-game videos. I also use it every damn time I work on my mod. With ft Improver option to have more than one BOS processes at the same time, it allow me to have 1 or 2 level editors and entity editor opened at the same time... and more than that, one opened just next to another for a quick switch between them.


Thanks for the help again. I checked out the link and I attempted the short cut method with -w and -window and I got a path not valid error. * sigh * I'll keep trying and maybe attempt some of the other methods mentioned like editing the .ini file.

As usual things don't come easy ... Too bad too, I wanted to make a 'Lost Temple of Agarapichu' trailer video...

"Hi, been playing and enjoying mod a lot, it sprinkles a lot of new life to tactics and fallout in general.
Got a couple of questions / problems, that are partially present because old and clunky fot engine ( no item highlight, etc, and partially because Your mod is hard and complicated ( which is actually a good thing ). Dont get me wrong, i like riddles and solving, exploring, etc. Its just sometimes annoying when I am struck and cant find help anywhere.
Especially when there are so many possibilities the problem can be solved and figuring out all of that on my own is sometimes just stressful.
I was able to solve almost every location and quest, with two exceptions"

Thanks for playing, glad that you are enjoying it. You are right about FOT being a clunky engine. Almost all quests have many possible endings instead of the 'just complete the quest ending' ie: what happens if you kill the actors in a quest? then what? or what if you refuse to return the quest object to it's questmaster? it was very hard to nail down every possible choice a player can make for each specific quest, but I think I managed to come as close as possible. If any one finds a bug or whatnot please report it here...

"Second question is about clonning center.
Its really poorly designed, i mean, its okay but i got some items that have no description, not sure what to do with them.
I tried a lot of things, hell, i ever tried to give terminal in ''power'' room microfusion cells.
Now i am stuck and not sure what to do, i looked for a keycard or such that i could miss, but no clue.
The last room that i got acces to was power room, it says '' power converter not detected ''
Only items i have are plasma coupler ( no destcription on that ) and some pass key ( again, no desc. )
I am puzzled and begin to think that some items needed are in other map or smth...
I also noted that there are two items in third storage room, and some room in office with a safe, but i cant get acces to those room, cant find more keycards... ehh"

Regarding the cloning center aka 'Sleeper Base' -- I disagree that it is 'really poorly designed' -- The overall design is ported as close as possible from Wasteland 1. The plasma coupler and Rom boards and a few other items are just Trophy Items, not everything is mean't to be used. did you manage to activate the Holo-Doctor ? I see from your PS comments that did eventually manage to figure it all out and get the power on and create a clone -- maybe not so 'poorly designed' afterall...

"Is that Tomb accesible after bramin wood? i mean, do i need some BETA bunker or such? I finished bramin wood and gone to rampage, exploring world and maps, found 3 necro books, gave to Boris, hell, even found GECK^^ but now i cant find that Tomb entrace and I dont know if its just my poor understanding of riddle or just i need to be deeper in Tactics storyline."

By "Tomb', I guess you mean 'The Temple of Agarapichu'...

To find the sacred location of Agarapichu, the answer is in the Satellite station and the Forbidden Zone

Also... Most content can be accessed without going too deep into the Actual FOT storyline, except if you wish to become an Alkida terrorist/freedom fighter -- then you need to play the actual original campaign a bit deeper. I suggest you play the original missions anyway as you will get access to more recruits and better armor and weapons -- plus all original missions are beefed up to be way more hard with more enemies and XP.

Also again... Since you gave the 3 necro books to Boris, make sure you find the Sacrificial chamber in the Temple of Agarapichu, if you are lucky you can catch Boris just in time to see him perform the sacrificial rite... If you keep the books instead of giving them to Boris, then you can perform the sacrifice yourself.


One more thing guys. Try to take your time on each map, and really be thorough. If you try to sprint through each map you are going to miss out on stuff. And honestly, most of my bigger town maps are meant to be visited and re-Visited multiple times to get all the content.
This is especially true if you play the HEAT storyline, quite often after a score, Niel will tell you to leave town and lay low for a while... This is a good time to go and do a brotherhood mission or Farm some Random encounter XP or even explore other areas.
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One more thing guys. Try to take your time on each map, and really be thorough. If you try to sprint through each map you are going to miss out on stuff. And honestly, most of my bigger town maps are meant to be visited and re-Visited multiple times to get all the content.
This is especially true if you play the HEAT storyline, quite often after a score, Niel will tell you to leave town and lay low for a while... This is a good time to go and do a brotherhood mission or Farm some Random encounter XP or even explore other areas.

Nice, btw I recall you saying something about adding more maps to the game later. Any estimates when that might happen?
As far as more maps, I plan to add four more maps to the campaign to take it to Version 1.0

The maps aren't nowhere near ready to add right now, but if there is a significant interest, I will speed up the process to get them in.

The maps will be added one at a time, so I can get one map out in a reasonable amount of time. The first map to be added will be the 'BOS Labor camps' and this map will allow you a 'final solution' to any unwanted recruits in your recruit pool, and a few other quests and rewards.

Also have planned for two more bigger towns, but they are a ways off...

Also I want to add, that because FOT is a very clunky engine, when playing my mod that you always check the NPC click speech until he is finished talking. You will know they are done talking when they won't say anything new or won't say anything at all, but make sure to really read what they say. They always tell you EXACTLY what to do, but read them thoroughly. If you felt like you missed what an NPC says, you can always check you PIP boy Dialogue.

Talking with zegh8578 about open ended gameplay after defeating the calculator, here we see 'SeeDee' about to volunteer her brain so the squad can continue with post-play.

Much more to explore and non linear gameplay.

Hi Everyone. Time for an update. I've been working slowly on the new content/maps but progress is slow.

One thing I've done, is too beef up the Robot Random Encounters with more behemoths and pacification bots for bigger XP. and I've fixed a flaw in the Robot-Humanoid entity. Also I've beefed up a few other types of Random encounters with stronger entities and more XP.

Heres a look...



The new version will feature a few more maps, with more stories and plot-lines that will feature more 'Diversity' and 'Inclusion' but the mod also promises to be more unredeemable and deplorable than ever... heh...

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How do I exit quartz?

I've decided to visit the town and now that I have I'd like to leave the town and go to another, but I cannot seem to find the exit grid.
To activate the exit grids, you need to find and rescue Corrigan. He can located in the basement of 'Ugly's' hideout. First you need to find the flowers in the graveyard and bring them to 'Ellen' in the bar, this will set off a series of events that will allow access to the final battle with Ugly and his crew, there by allowing you to rescue colonel Corrigan.
Thank you I just barely made it out alive :-) wish I would have taken more people, weapons, ammo and stims.
Thank you I just barely made it out alive :-) wish I would have taken more people, weapons, ammo and stims.
Cool... Quartz is mean't to kick a noob squads ass and hopefully cause some squaddie casualties.

While it is possible to solo my mod, It's a much better Idea to travel with a bigger squad in my mod -- There is much danger out there.

If you find anything you like in the MOD then please give us a 'like' on the very first (original) post of this thread.
Hi, thanks for the mod, mostly enjoyed it, now few questions and impressions:
1. Where to find necronomicon parts other than in ridgetown?
2. I've completed quests with fort city(forget the name, city with big walls and trigger gates) and being allowed in it without problems, however now guard not opening the gates for some reason, I've robbed south lake city bank without fight with policemans + my carma very bad now, could be that a reason? Also there no other way in the city but trigger gates, I like how you can enter all other cities with hidden paths, and suggest to make something like this or ability to unlock gates somehow.
3. What Max gives you after you complete nazi guy quest? I've killed him and looted basement for tons of equipment, and now cannot speak with him
4. Really enjoyed storming Tony drug lab - remind me of "Raid" film, maybe you can make some location in same style - "well" designed stairs so you can shot from on of it's side to other, about stairs - there many places where you have to go upstairs and there a guy with m2 in the corner which you cannot see from downstairs and in real time its a pain to kill him - as you cannot manualy render upfloor and aim him in the middle of the stairs.
5. Mostly game balance alright, but it's weird to see every second bandit in some towns with m2 browning, also it's doesnt look there enough new guns\armor - I'd really like to see more townspecific gears and longer mobs equipment upgrade curve - more ammo types, different specific armor like metal armor in f2 was perfect against laser weapons.
6. Big cities - pain in the ass to explore at 1st time, really, about 9 unique buildings to explore more than enough, and some cities have about 16+, but I really like overall design of buildings. Maybe add some factories, something industrial.