Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

Hi vodkabear, thanks for playing. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. My computer crashed and I had to buy a new one. I was without a computer for a few weeks or so.

1. Where to find necronomicon parts other than in ridgetown?

one is in Ridgeway as you said.... The other two are west of Jackson city in infected territory.

2. I've completed quests with fort city(forget the name, city with big walls and trigger gates) and being allowed in it without problems, however now guard not opening the gates for some reason, I've robbed south lake city bank without fight with policemans + my carma very bad now, could be that a reason? Also there no other way in the city but trigger gates, I like how you can enter all other cities with hidden paths, and suggest to make something like this or ability to unlock gates somehow.

The gate can only fail if you stand your squad directly in it's path when opening or closing. sometimes it will Jam .... but it is only one side of the gate as both doors can function independantly. What does the gate guard say when you approach the gate? Did you lose your Fortress City Pass?

If it is just a bug causing you to be locked out, then all is not lost, just open the FOT Editor and in the level editor, open filename 'Location13.mis' and delete any tile near the entrance. now reload your savegame and the tile should be gone leaving an access way for you to re enter the city. Tiles are the only asset that can be changed in a .mis file and have those changes be reflected in a savegame after you've already entered a map.

3. What Max gives you after you complete nazi guy quest? I've killed him and looted basement for tons of equipment, and now cannot speak with him

You'll have to play as a deplorable and find out on your own....

4. Really enjoyed storming Tony drug lab - remind me of "Raid" film, maybe you can make some location in same style - "well" designed stairs so you can shot from on of it's side to other, about stairs - there many places where you have to go upstairs and there a guy with m2 in the corner which you cannot see from downstairs and in real time its a pain to kill him - as you cannot manualy render upfloor and aim him in the middle of the stairs.

Glad you liked it. It was one of my favorite maps as well. I will consider what you say about stairs. If you find you need to, then toggle turn based mode and deal with enemies in TB mode. You may have to do this for some of the more difficult battles in the mod depending on how strong your squad is.

5. Mostly game balance alright, but it's weird to see every second bandit in some towns with m2 browning, also it's doesnt look there enough new guns\armor - I'd really like to see more townspecific gears and longer mobs equipment upgrade curve - more ammo types, different specific armor like metal armor in f2 was perfect against laser weapons.

Those bandits with m2 brownings are Bounty hunters. They aren't wimps. they are mean't to track down and kill renegades. Townspecific gear is a good idea, maybe I will add some unique items in a future release.

6. Big cities - pain in the ass to explore at 1st time, really, about 9 unique buildings to explore more than enough, and some cities
have about 16+, but I really like overall design of buildings. Maybe add some factories, something industrial.

Big maps can be tricky at first, but after a while you feel right at home. Small maps can sometimes leave you feeling unsatisfied. Glad you liked the building design. I think my maps are really good especially considering my mod is a one man operation... heh.
This Mod kicks ass.

When I started my latest play-through, I was messing around the camp after the Col. picked my squad. I talked to the guys from Flower and Black squads on my way to the motor pool to pick up the Humvee. When I got there, I found that not only the Green hummer, but also the Flower and Black Squad hummers, spawned. When I got to the Bunker, the recruits for Black Squad (not Green), were available. (Extra hummers are a good thing.)

Anyway, I have had lots of fun with the Mod.

Cannot wait for .896 because I need to diversify my deplorability.
The mod is not on ModDB now. Just when I was going to try it and possibly do a news post. Haha.
boonXXX, thanks for playing, I'm glad you like the Mod. It looks like you found a bug/exploit.... Extra humvees is cool.... I don't know if I should change this or not. With Black Squad recruits you will get Kurgan (from the movie Highlander) .... I will have to add some variable checks to correct this.

Glad that you actually tried more than one playthrough. there are different quests for different factions and you can't do it all in one playthrough. There are different outcomes for many situations. The Zianists and Alkidas have different stories and plotlines, you can't do both in one game. It's also a good idea to play again and this time double cross Niels crew, then you can get the Waingro alt crew scenarios....


Be warned, Waingro is a real scumbag and a loose cannon... You'll probably get in a lot of trouble with this guy and do some really Deplorable things.

TorontRayne, The moddb link above is still working when I checked it...

Try this DropBox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2wwhhe9n4j279zx/coreVersion0.895.zip?dl=0
Got it. So I can expect lots of cool movie references, eh? This might give me a chance to actually play through Tactics all the way.

This mod feels like it needs some Snake Plissken and Duke Nukem Lets Play. Haha.
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"This mod feels like it needs some Snake Plissken..."

Maybe no Snake but, Brain, Maggie, and 'The Duke' are all in there...
Screenshot (3).png

Screenshot (4).png

Just Remember one thing... The Duke is A number 1!

Make sure to get busted to Prison Island in at least one playthrough... Lots to do there... Nice musics there too. If your character is tough enough, you will be able to clique up with either the AB Block Brotherhood (the Peckerwoods) or the DC Block Guerrilla Army (the OG's).

If you're character is weak, you might have to live as a 'Punk' or worse.... A sex slave for the gang known as 'the PC Goofs.'

In upcoming version 0.896 some colorful new faces have moved into E-Block. Guys like 'The Iceman' Richard Kuklinski, and Danny Rolling 'The Gainesville Ripper', and a few others...

Also too, the player can choose to skip out on the sentence to Prison Island and go on the Lam... Thats where those Heavily armed Bounty Hunters that Vodkabear was mentioning come into play.

I'm going to post a few 'Walkthrough' Tips for specific game situations in the coming days, so that you guys can get the most out of the storylines. more on that later.
"This mod feels like it needs some Snake Plissken..."

Maybe no Snake but, Brain, Maggie, and 'The Duke' are all in there...
View attachment 10590
View attachment 10591

Just Remember one thing... The Duke is A number 1!

Make sure to get busted to Prison Island in at least one playthrough... Lots to do there... Nice musics there too. If your character is tough enough, you will be able to clique up with either the AB Block Brotherhood (the Peckerwoods) or the DC Block Guerrilla Army (the OG's).

If you're character is weak, you might have to live as a 'Punk' or worse.... A sex slave for the gang known as 'the PC Goofs.'

In upcoming version 0.896 some colorful new faces have moved into E-Block. Guys like 'The Iceman' Richard Kuklinski, and Danny Rolling 'The Gainesville Ripper', and a few others...

Also too, the player can choose to skip out on the sentence to Prison Island and go on the Lam... Thats where those Heavily armed Bounty Hunters that Vodkabear was mentioning come into play.

I'm going to post a few 'Walkthrough' Tips for specific game situations in the coming days, so that you guys can get the most out of the storylines. more on that later.

Prison Island needs a Book of Eli and Snake Plissken reference then. ;)

Any chance I can get a look at the full map?
I used to have a nice big JPEG map of Prison Island, but it is lost somewhere on my old hard drive and maybe somewhere on my external HD, but not on this new computer. I tried to create a new jpeg file with FT Tools, but now it crashes when I try the 'make picture' option. So all I can give you is the ingame pipboy minimap. I don't know if you can get the sense of scale or not, but the map is huge. with Cell Blocks A B C D and E and then the PC ward , infirmory, etc.

All the buildings are two story, and there is a basement and cave system as well...

Escape from Prison Island!!!
Ok, I have made it to Jackson City and Quartz, but I missed the companions in the initial location like a dummy so I got Farsight and Stitch. To get Ace out I just bartered for the key so that part is bugged. I think you said you did not design that area. And for the map I meant a map of the whole game with your added locations. If you don't have that I will get it.


I took out the Mentats Lab, working on the Buffout Lab...I took out the one in Jackson City with the 50. cal guards on accident. :(

My Dune Buggy blew up, but I still have the Humvee I got running in Quartz I think it was. What is the story on the Infected?


What tutorials/threads did you use to make this mod?
I see you used another mod's location in this mod. Is that the only location you used from another mod author? Did you work with him or learn from him initially to accomplish this?
We need more Tactics mods like this. I imagine people adding locations to this mod until the Midwest is just as fleshed out as the West Coast.

My thinking is Tactics is easier to mod for because you don't have to script all the dialog options, making it a prime candidate for FUN projects that are based on...tactics.


After delivering treaty document to Fortress City I can no longer enter...trying again now.

Ahh the workers pass. Fuck where did I leave that thing? Haha.

I think it was lost in one of my many explosions with a Humvee. I added it with the editor. I took the liberty of looking at the map and holy shit...

This is without a doubt one of the best Fallout mods. It is definitely the best one for Tactics or at least it will be when it is totally finished. Massive KUDOS. There is just so much stuff to do. :)

@Hassknecht Can you add the modder tag to Xcon or do we need one of those rare Uber Admins?
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"This is without a doubt one of the best Fallout mods. It is definitely the best one for Tactics or at least it will be when it is totally finished. Massive KUDOS. There is just so much stuff to do. :)

@Hassknecht Can you add the modder tag to Xcon or do we need one of those rare Uber Admins?"

Thanks for the kind words. I hope more people will try it out. It would be awesome to have a modder tag too...


What tutorials/threads did you use to make this mod?
I see you used another mod's location in this mod. Is that the only location you used from another mod author? Did you work with him or learn from him initially to accomplish this?
We need more Tactics mods like this. I imagine people adding locations to this mod until the Midwest is just as fleshed out as the West Coast.

My thinking is Tactics is easier to mod for because you don't have to script all the dialog options, making it a prime candidate for FUN projects that are based on...tactics."

There was few tutorials on the old DAC boards, and I had a lot of discussion with 'Requiem for a Starfury' and OTB and Jarekfall website. I used one map from the Awaken mod -- it was when I was just learning how to use the editor. A complete list of this info is in the Readme.txt. of the mod.

When I started the mod, I started it with the intention of doing just what you said... To keep adding more and more new locations. I even wanted to work on a bigger world campaign map of the whole USA, and there was a thread on DAC about a bigger campaign world map, but it was quite complex, and in the end I abandoned the idea.

Everybody is always losing their FCityPass... Heh. You can also get another Fortress city workers pass if you put in work for Niel's Crew.
"This is without a doubt one of the best Fallout mods. It is definitely the best one for Tactics or at least it will be when it is totally finished. Massive KUDOS. There is just so much stuff to do. :)

@Hassknecht Can you add the modder tag to Xcon or do we need one of those rare Uber Admins?"

Thanks for the kind words. I hope more people will try it out. It would be awesome to have a modder tag too...

When I started the mod, I started it with the intention of doing just what you said... To keep adding more and more new locations. I even wanted to work on a bigger world campaign map of the whole USA, and there was a thread on DAC about a bigger campaign world map, but it was quite complex, and in the end I abandoned the idea.

Everybody is always losing their FCityPass... Heh. You can also get another Fortress city workers pass if you put in work for Niel's Crew.
View attachment 10695

No problem. We will get on that ASAP. We are in the process of working out a few administrative kinks...

Hit me up in private about the complexity of the world map issue if you like. I tinkered briefly with the Toolset earlier. It definitely shows promise. I think the number one barrier is the Fallout fanbase has a tendency to want dialog options, but that is simply not required here in the first place. You can block those off with skill checks I bet, so alternate dialog can pop up.

I did see that Niel option. Me manually putting the pass back in was the best bet since I learned something. I can't wait to rob the bank and get sent to prison. The map is fucking massive.
I'm having trouble figuring out what to do in South Lake City when attacking the Al Qaeda...ahem..Alkida. I don't know exactly what door he was even talking about blowing up and I killed all the terrorists I found. The building next door I cleared but I found no tunnel.
I'm having trouble figuring out what to do in South Lake City when attacking the Al Qaeda...ahem..Alkida. I don't know exactly what door he was even talking about blowing up and I killed all the terrorists I found. The building next door I cleared but I found no tunnel. View attachment 10706 View attachment 10707
The tunnel is in the building you cleared, room with the red/rusty colored door. It is in front of the wrecked bookcase, I had to drag the mouse along the top of the outside wall to find it.

(Make sure you get the backpack from Ridgeway before the Battle of Alkida Mt., lots of bodies to loot.)
Thanx for the modder tag boys...

Thanx BoonXXX, and there is also another backpack hidden in the Forbidden Zone.

A while back I mentioned, I would give a few 'walkthrough' tips. So that you can get the most out of the Mod. Here is a bit of a walkthrough for the '8mm' storyline.

First when you're a noob squad you should go to Jackson city. There you will meet Mary Ellen's mother...
She mentions a man named Shoni Star....

Shoni is a former pimp who has fallen on hard times. Now he's out workin the streets just to get by...
You might have to give him a punch in the face to get him to tell you what happened to Mary Ellen...

Eventually he tells you about a man in Fortress City... Make sure to find this man (he works at Exqisid Studios!!)

The man in question denies any knowledge of Mary Ellen... but after talking to him you will encounter 'Nix' hanging out across the street...

You and Nix will do a bit of sleuthing and eventually you will find some hard evidence of Mary's fate.

You can take the evidence to Detective Hanna (or not). Who will more than happy to help you...

At this point you should be able to figure out the rest of the plot line on your own. It will lead to a climactic scene with all the key players involved.

If however, you are an evil character, then forget about mary what's her fuck, and her bitch mother, and just simply go straight to the "place where you make the business transaction" -- You will know the room when you see it. The people inside are very cautious about who they let enter, so you might have to come by yourself and un-equip your weapons and armor.

** Further tip ** If you complete (The Good path) of this quest -- AND you also help 'The Landlord' and his kids in South Lake City, then Max in Fortress City will give you a fun quest to help his people...

Good luck out there.
I still haven't been able to pick that lock to free that woman. I keep forgetting to put points towards it when I level up. She must be pretty lonely in there after all these months.


Still looking for that bookcase. Ok, it was where I thought but the icon was not popping up. GOD. One more iteration with this engine and they would have had it. No problem though because all Classic Fallout had the same issue.

Well I guess I bugged the quest by leaving. I killed them all but it didn't update.
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