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  • Spambots are going nuts now.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Indeed, I have removed several now from public view and deleted a bunch more. It has really been bad lately.
    I can tell. Usually it's just a few but today's been quite a lot more in comparison.
    Even if the nostalgic elements are altered just to be 'complex', 'mature' or even, 'progressive', nostalgia pandering can be done
    Nostalgia pandering's easy to profit from. Many Marvel films bank off the nostalgia from watching those old Marvel cartoons. PR's the same.
    I wake to pics of the new PR Megazord. Fan reaction is the typical "too hyped" to recognize the problems. I can't wait for the film to flop.
    Plus the original is a beloved classic so substantially changing the actual story is 'not' a mistake... Let the rumour remain a rumour...
    ...I guess live action remake means change the story so that it would be 'progressive' & 'intriguingly different'. That's not gonna backfire
    I'm finishing up the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series at the moment. Very atmospheric & terrifying but immersive as a result. CoP is really good so far.
    i'm planning to get it in anticipation of metro 3. is it anything close like fallout 3 ?
    Just saw this. My bad...
    I will say that it's better than 3 when it comes to immersion: It's not an RPG; it's an FPS that has Metro's atmosphere and difficulty (on the higher difficulty levels like Master). The game has some realistic mechanics that may add difficulty too (like bullet drop after some distance). Very immersive.
    A lot of anime/manga are being turned into live action shows these days. I'm not surprised at this point.
    That level of obsession may indicate a mental condition. Anyone going that far for insults is in need of some serious mental aid.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    So we all need mental aid according to 75% of the internet
    @erich van loon If that's what they think, perhaps they too need mental aid. Perhaps we all need mental aid.
    While all this is being said, it seems that the general story of Persona 5 is out on the Internet now.
    ...Is there a complementary Star Wars vs. Star Trek thread around here? I imagine much of it will involve bashing both for their problems...
    Star trek went to with after generations. Only good thing about nutrek is quinto's performance as Spock and giochhino's score for the film.
    Joking aside, Dragonborn from what I've seen is a lot like any other generic NMA troll. I guess his 'special' fanfic formed his unique fame.
    So he's a special kind of stupid? Well, it's good to know that all sorts of people exist out there whether we want them to or not.
    The world needs more people like Dragonborn. They are the type of people you can't help but laugh at over how stupid they are. The internet would be a boring place without them.
    Borrowing from Yahtzee, I guess I can sum up Dragonborn as this:
    It's a little retarded child with its head stuck in a cereal box and a massive great dump in its big boy pants going "I'm a real fan now!
    I can foresee some of the joking speculation in the Fallout 5 Predictions thread will end up being true.
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