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  • It brings a tear to me eye when someone gets introduced to the PCMR.
    Been meaning to ascend myself. But all I got is a shitty laptop that I play fallout hitman and doom on.
    I wonder what happens if you make a thread on a gaming forum stating that Bethesda is overrated? Would the Bethesdrones swarm in to spam it?
    Depends on the Forum. I'd probably post in it just to fuck with bethesda fans since they tend to be children and children are very easy and fun to mess with. :D
    @Vergil So Sugarbombed would be the best place to start then? :D
    Sugarbombed is exactly how I'd describe those overweight bethkiddies after they've had their third chocolate bar after vomiting an opinion on the Fallout series onto the internet.
    Some of the fun in Witcher 3 is trying to kill a monster that is higher leveled than you and beating it despite the odds.
    That reminds me of the Cyber Demon in doom 2. Same concept there. Killing that thing always made me feel like a God. A lucky-as-fuck God.
    The only bug I ever got from Witcher 3 is some treasure hunt quests not updating after getting the treasures but nothing a reload can't fix.
    Finished Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines again. Kinda sad that my efforts will be for naught, thanks to the canonical end of the world.
    From what I can tell and heard, Ass Creed Black Flag is the only good one put out in a long while. The other decent Ass Creed game is Rogue.
    The only one that I enjoyed on some real levels was assassins creed 2.
    I concur with this. I was okay with Brotherhood for the most part but never went back to the series. It was for the best though seeing their current state.
    I enjoyed three as well. That is until they killed off Desmond throwing away the climax that they were building towards in favor of turning the series into a cow to be milked.
    VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action reminds of Papers Please with animu stuff and similar levels of writing.
    I'm more curious about what Japan thinks since Square made a poll in Japan asking which game they would buy. I'm already picking Persona 5.
    FFXV or Persona 5? The question most JRPG fans in Japan are probably asking now and/or in the near future.
    The people who Kickstarted Mighty No. 9 must be pissed. Guess M#9 won't be joining Pillars, Divinity and Wasteland as Kickstarter successes.
    Whenever I try to apply common sense in Fallout 4, I discover the folly of such things. Apparently, headshots to unarmored heads don't work.
    The old Ms. Marvel, who was Supermany, became Captain Marvel so this new Ms. has different ways to use her new powers (or something).
    I wonder what if Toddie boy ever thinks of visiting NMA... Would he even feel the waves of disgust directed towards him?
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    I didn't know he was a writer on thief, I thought he was just a voice actor or something(?).
    Pretty sure he wrote on thief 2... Hold on I'll check.
    I don't know... Couldn't find any credits for what he Did in that game.
    I did see that Thief 2 was listed as something he worked on before at several wikis (including wikipedia). I... found nothing as well. At least he did work of Thief Gold's opera level according to his comment.
    What a shock... Resident Evil is still a thing and their Last of Us clone is another zombie game...
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