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  • How does one dumb down something that was already stupid? I guess the answer is to send the concept to Bethesda and let them work on it.
    One should never underestimate a good sniper rifle and trusty combat armor in a classic Fallout game. Unless you don't level up Small Guns.
    Now that there is no more Fallout 4 content, I wonder how fast will the retroactive criticism apply to FO4. At least New Vegas is vindicated
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    Reactions: SarcasticGoodGuy
    It goes up already, 67% on steam.
    I saw that some of the positive reviews are flimsy justifications why Nuka World is not completely bad. I guess it'll be a while before the score drops again.
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    Reactions: 0wing
    Let's hope it is true.
    It's a sad day for consumers when merely being skeptical will cause people to deem you as a hater. There's a huge difference between the two
    Despite how much I dislike some of the mechanics, I really like Dead Rising 2.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    In DR3, crafting got streamlined quite a bit and it became easier to find crafting items when compared to DR2. I fear that the timer removal heralds DR4 being turned into something casual.
    Lol dead rising was always a casual game. But removing the timer is a step too far imo. It sorta defeats a good chunk of the charm of a DR game and removes all possible tension from escape. Dumb decision crapcom.
    Nothing like barely reaching the security office with a minute to spare to trigger the next mission. The timer made DR into a niche game of sorts tho (since less people would keep playing thanks to said timers).
    That moment when you realize that you should have leveled up lock-picking and hacking a little more in Underrail...
    In other news, Bethesdrones still comment on my sarcastic post on Nuka World's official trailer even after stating that I'm muting the post.
    It's probably lost somewhere in that sea of comments. I may delete that comment eventually to prevent brain cell loss.

    EDIT: Deleted the comment and the response is typical Bethesdrone slurs and very few subtle agreement on my point.
    The Rat Hole mystery in 1.5 does have a decent conclusion to the mystery quest-line. I even got to use my Speech skill and critical thinking
    Yeah, there were alarm bells ringing out the solution after one particular conversation. I was more concerned about finishing the quests I picked up for both sides though.
    I kind of wish I didn't complete the quest to give Alexa guns. It made the assault on her base a lot harder.
    I was able to convince her to kill herself by making up a story with my high Speech skill. It didn't give me any combat XP but it let me role-play as a silver tongued genius.
    Watching my younger sibling playing through New Vegas is reminding me that I have to finish Fallout 1.5: Resurrection one of these days.
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    Reactions: Jogre
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Black Angel It's brilliant, Its just that I forgot how much grinding you need to do in the classics in order to level up.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @JO'Geran wha-- you grind in the classics?!

    Now that I think about it, I've only done it with the respawning Deathclaws in the Boneyard. In Fallout 2, I never really grind.

    In 1.5, though, I did grind once in awhile, due to not really having direction and not knowing the skill checks threshold at the time.

    Loving it.
    Plus New Vegas mentions the Mr Bishop born from the Chosen One's affair with a Bishop woman. That and other hints indicate CO was male.
    @JO'Geran It'll be interesting to see how the mod will fill in the blanks left by the design documents for the original Van Buren.
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    Reactions: R.Graves and Jogre
    It will require a lot of creativity on there part, but I'm sure they are up to the task.
    At least some of Van Buren's endings are known. Hopefully, those will be good pointers for the Van Buren mod's direction.
    Maybe this broken base will blow up into a civil war between the fanatical Bethesdrones and the fans who are becoming aware of now Bethesda.
    is there a parochial faction ? sign me up
    Still made it to the Strip in New Vegas even while being chased by 3 young Deathclaws. Guess the Bethesdrones were lying about New Vegas.
    I imagine they find it impossible to follow a GPS then since it's so directed that it prevents mindless wandering.
    Mindless wandering is the only way I've ever been able to enjoy fo3. And fo4 still pisses me off to much to get any joy from it outside of listening to diamond city radio's playlist on YouTube.
    That's why I always remember that one key that enables auto-run/walk in FO3/4.
    Looking under new posts, I see more bot activity than people. I guess the bots are ascending to AM level.
    Who else could I be referring to whenever I need to refer to an AI god?
    Erm...skynet? I dunno I've only ever seen terminator salvation I have no idea what skynet even is.
    Fair enough. To clarify though I don't really consider Skynet to be a godlike being since it keeps failing the one mission to ensure its victory and continually messes with the timelines in ways that promote predestination paradoxes that seem to create its greatest enemies.
    Blood and Wine does give you a reason to hoard. The Witcher subreddit actually complained about not having enough money for that expansion.
    To be fair, some of that crap are supposedly ancient relics from a lost age and some of those settlements are poor though never lacking food
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