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  • Whenever I see photos of poutine, I always think "jeez, that was the best picture they could find!?"
    Poutine always looks like someone went to McDonald's, came home and barfed into a bowl.
    Havin a glass of mead. It's okay. Not a "whoa, new favorite!" or anything, but I can see people drinking it.
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    Lucky bastard.
    Mead's pretty good. There are some breweries I've been to that make some really good meads and wines.
    Why on earth does spiderman shoot web out his wrist, btw? I mean, his mutation is directly related to spiders, not a convenient deliberate
    I've been visualizing a pants-on-his-ankles superherodude swinging from his own ass-silk, he'd clench, loosen from the thread, do his usual summersaults, for then to aim his rectum, shoot another string of ass-silk, and keep swinging, "wooo-ho-hooo!"
    In the Venture bros. There is a character that is a anatomically correct Spiderman. He has a butthole on his spine that he cleans with a q-tip.
    I love Venture Bros. I haven't seen it in forever since I don't have TV anymore though. Should look into buying the seasons.
    I just cut a tiny lil piece of thumb off a me
    Oh, and it was accidental. I got this tiny knife, for small slicing, IKEA, sharp as a motherfucker, it terrifies me. I got ANOTHER knife that is near identical, but really dull. I was cutting tomato, confident and happy I had the dull knife, but amazed at how well it suddenly cut. Guess the rest.
    Knives are fun. Welcome to the Almost-Amputation-Association! I almost had to self amputate a frostbitten finger a couple months back. We all have fun stories here :)
    I eat supermutants
    I eat supermutants
    Being a cook I've taken off several bits of myself. My poor wife's first memory of me cooking was me taking off the tip of my right middle finger. Scar is still there. It happens. Still don't have any baker's lines myself though. ( Rim of a hot sheet pan burn) Cuts and burns. As far as knives go keep them sharp. Cutting a tomato or yourself is better sharp than dull.
    Btw, "The Doors" are excrutiatingly boring, every damn song just bores me to tears. There, I said it.
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    Big No
    Big No
    I'll "The End" you for saying that.
    I am however, totally sold to Creedence Clearwater Revival. I always knew them, and some songs, but I didn't realize how many kick ass songs are theirs
    I hate The Doors, so me and you both brother. CCR is freaking awesome, and while I like AC/DC, there are so many other bands I'd rather listen to. I think they are overrated. Iron Maiden I am just neutral on.
    lacking spellchecks prompt me to keep adding words to the list, to the point where I'm suspecting I've added actual typos TO the list
    vortex of grammardoom!
    Btw, whos idea was these cooking bags for food? Christ how clunky, and more and more food comes with these bags now
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    And then people wonder where all the plastic polution comes from.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Yeah, particuilarly as it's really not difficulit to prepare chicken, cook the rice and all that with resh ingredients.
    exactly, and I kiiinda get what they're going for, like, "trap the moisture etc", I don't mind some of the moisture escaping, tbh... :I
    Picked NMS for a couple of random moments of play, immediately hit suicide-button (R1)
    You know how the computer un-savvy mom is always afraid to "ruin the computer" by "pressing the wrong button", and you're always "naw, just click around, that's how you learn! There is NO self-destruct feature on the keyboard, lol!"
    No Man's Sky pretty much has the button equivalent of that worry, an outright surprise-suicide feature
    Eh... I need an architectural word, and I cannot find it cus I dunno how the hell to even google for it :S - When a wall is not flat - but
    Sigh, I'm googling up survival-rate for plants that are denied sunlight, and top result is a direct question - with NO fucking answer
    Or, I have a chronic bloating issue (thank you.), and I googled it cus, you know, that's what you do. "I eat air all the time. Now I'm bloated! What suggestions are out there, from the medical community?"
    "Tips: Try not to eat air. Try not to drink air. Try to not fill yourself with air on a regular basis."
    "Oh my god! Tremendous! It actually worked!"
    The PS4 thing is hilarious. I love being able to search problems online but the threads you sometimes find like that are a bit mind boggling.
    It's just a matter of shifting through the surface stupidity, but god, it never ends! So often do I catch myself expecting mass stupidity to be like a passing bother
    µ-Ziq's Xenith Filigree Anus is not only an awesome track, but is one of the better track names ever
    SOME spoilers: the latest GoT episodes shows me how D&D as writers simply do not comprehend the possible scope of this particular fantasy
    I've always been sceptical (and I say that mildly) to media adaptations, book-to-movie, movie-to-comic, book-to-game, game-to-movie etc. Adaptations can be convenient - if done well, but most of the time, they're just cash-grabs, and will behave like it. When I first heard of GoT I thought it was like Breaking Bad, I thought it was something brilliant and beloved made for TV particularily
    As soon as I learned it was an adaptation - of fairly obscure but critically aclaimed 90s fantasy novels... from that moment on, I've kind of just been counting down and waiting for it to just start sucking... and sure enough! They just could not hack it in the long run.
    At one point on AOT S3-1 a character flashes back to a conversation they never had with Eren (That was actually a huge moment in the story), because the writers of the early episodes of the season thought characters talking was too boring and they needed the Human Supression Squad on episode 1.
    Yeah, time to fuck off from Twitter and other social media for a while... why can't people combine watching a beloved tv show with
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    Sons of Anarchy >>> Borinking Bad. Bye.
    Pfff, it's totally different, the whole dynamic. SoA is about people who are almost "born into" that life, they're badass cus they're all badass - it's like Oz, it's *about* hard-ass gangsters. BB is about a high school teacher "breaking bad", that's the point, the ongoing transformation
    I don't even use Twitter, Facebook or any social media platform because fuck that.
    My brother's in Munich at some machine-seminar, he's a grunt, but for some reason, his boss brought all the grunts, like a school trip
    Apparently, he has allready managed to get in some argument with hookers, idunno how he does it...
    Heh, over 70 years after the resource-driven Chaco War, Paraguay finally discovered oil the hard-won shrubland territories
    Kalmykia, Russia, is such a weird place. Buddhist majority religion, Kalmyk/Dzungar/Mongol majority population, remnant from Mongol empire
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    And it is, in case it was not clear, in Europe! Just north of Caucasus!
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