zegh8578 Sep 11, 2019 PHEW I *almost* clicked a weird looking (likely ranty) Youtube video purely out of curiousity - but I stopped myself. Dodged a bullet there!
PHEW I *almost* clicked a weird looking (likely ranty) Youtube video purely out of curiousity - but I stopped myself. Dodged a bullet there!
zegh8578 Sep 3, 2019 Today some kiddo told me - twice - to "take the red pill", like, outright, unironically. Almost endearing in its naive directness there
Today some kiddo told me - twice - to "take the red pill", like, outright, unironically. Almost endearing in its naive directness there
zegh8578 Sep 3, 2019 Um, some pcgamer article seem baffled that NPCs in GTAVO are *not really* playing on slot machines, but going through animations instead
Um, some pcgamer article seem baffled that NPCs in GTAVO are *not really* playing on slot machines, but going through animations instead
zegh8578 Sep 2, 2019 There's a lil red clover outside my window, that my eye always catches in such a way I always mistake it for a bird's head or something
There's a lil red clover outside my window, that my eye always catches in such a way I always mistake it for a bird's head or something
zegh8578 Aug 24, 2019 Back from Spain! Phew! As expected, I'm once again locked out of fucking everything, and now begins the recovery of all my accounts
Back from Spain! Phew! As expected, I'm once again locked out of fucking everything, and now begins the recovery of all my accounts
zegh8578 Aug 21, 2019 Oh hey, looks like Brazil just went ahead and mercy killed the Amazon with fire
zegh8578 Aug 5, 2019 Get Twitter on your phone while you´re in Spain, she says - don´t remember password, so, locked out - I go to my mail to unlock
Get Twitter on your phone while you´re in Spain, she says - don´t remember password, so, locked out - I go to my mail to unlock
zegh8578 Jul 20, 2019 Binging "Bondi Resque", man... even if I had muscles and knew how to swim better than a drowning crow - I couldn't do that shit...
Binging "Bondi Resque", man... even if I had muscles and knew how to swim better than a drowning crow - I couldn't do that shit...
zegh8578 Jul 19, 2019 As much as I bitch about Google translate, its biggest sin is probably to leave a word untranslated if it cannot find a translation -
As much as I bitch about Google translate, its biggest sin is probably to leave a word untranslated if it cannot find a translation -
zegh8578 Jul 19, 2019 Ugh, it's so hot here, but if I open doors or windows, all the bugs are gonna be all "CAVE better explore!"
Ugh, it's so hot here, but if I open doors or windows, all the bugs are gonna be all "CAVE better explore!"
zegh8578 Jul 18, 2019 How the hell do I research murder methods and technicalities - for fiction - without ending up on some list? The search results are all
How the hell do I research murder methods and technicalities - for fiction - without ending up on some list? The search results are all
zegh8578 Jul 17, 2019 I just bought approx 50 dollars worth of Italian gellato. Was that wrong of me?
zegh8578 Jul 16, 2019 Just learned of Inuit folk-tales relating to hostile interaction with Norse explorers
zegh8578 Jul 15, 2019 TV pet peeve: Unsolved mysteries - where the conclusion of the program remains "we might never know" - thanks, I could have guessed that >:I
TV pet peeve: Unsolved mysteries - where the conclusion of the program remains "we might never know" - thanks, I could have guessed that >:I
zegh8578 Jul 8, 2019 I am always amazed at some people's attitude towards "the logical". I just saw someone arguing that it seemed strange that America was named
I am always amazed at some people's attitude towards "the logical". I just saw someone arguing that it seemed strange that America was named
zegh8578 Jul 3, 2019 Although I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not at all a fan of certain Youtube uploads having their title and description translated
Although I appreciate the sentiment, I'm not at all a fan of certain Youtube uploads having their title and description translated