zegh8578 Apr 12, 2019 Christ, the "lol ur planet disappeared" has to be the worst fucking random event in Stellaris -.-
zegh8578 Apr 11, 2019 Why is this the best fucking thing I've ever heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdTPdig3A9U
zegh8578 Apr 10, 2019 I was never into Iggy Pop (except "I wanna be your dog" is awesome) - but the dude refuses to die, and still tours, that's truly impressive
I was never into Iggy Pop (except "I wanna be your dog" is awesome) - but the dude refuses to die, and still tours, that's truly impressive
zegh8578 Apr 9, 2019 "Amazing atheist" in my Youtube recommendations. Everything aside, *just* my Youtube registration date should be indication enough that
"Amazing atheist" in my Youtube recommendations. Everything aside, *just* my Youtube registration date should be indication enough that
zegh8578 Apr 8, 2019 I've long wanted that kinda American Psycho shower, with black tiles, no "booth", just a big room with water coming from the ceiling
I've long wanted that kinda American Psycho shower, with black tiles, no "booth", just a big room with water coming from the ceiling
zegh8578 Apr 8, 2019 One of the more crucial points in designing a fantasy world map is to - at all costs - avoid subconcious penis shapes
One of the more crucial points in designing a fantasy world map is to - at all costs - avoid subconcious penis shapes
zegh8578 Apr 8, 2019 Alt. history communities are so lame. I should join them, and just slap Norwegian conquest on everything as a rule, Qin? Conquered by Norway
Alt. history communities are so lame. I should join them, and just slap Norwegian conquest on everything as a rule, Qin? Conquered by Norway
zegh8578 Apr 7, 2019 I am shocked and saddened to hear of Eddie Peregrinas tragic death 42 years ago. I really thought he was still alive :/
I am shocked and saddened to hear of Eddie Peregrinas tragic death 42 years ago. I really thought he was still alive :/
zegh8578 Apr 6, 2019 One thing I love about writing, is constantly questioning what I think I know, or things I never gave much thought - such as right now -
One thing I love about writing, is constantly questioning what I think I know, or things I never gave much thought - such as right now -
zegh8578 Apr 5, 2019 Few things bring out degrees of pedantry like arm-chair comment-section linguists trying to out-linguist each others...
Few things bring out degrees of pedantry like arm-chair comment-section linguists trying to out-linguist each others...
zegh8578 Apr 5, 2019 I love that there should exist anywhere between 60 and 120 nuclear devices unaccounted for, likely in private hands.
I love that there should exist anywhere between 60 and 120 nuclear devices unaccounted for, likely in private hands.
zegh8578 Apr 5, 2019 Anyone who has ever had a hand in manufacturing super-slippery rulers *need to be gathered up, and executed*
Anyone who has ever had a hand in manufacturing super-slippery rulers *need to be gathered up, and executed*
zegh8578 Mar 15, 2019 I just now realized Jogre no longer posts. See, that's how you leave a forum! Back in the day, that's how I'd leave a party, just, *shadow*
I just now realized Jogre no longer posts. See, that's how you leave a forum! Back in the day, that's how I'd leave a party, just, *shadow*
zegh8578 Mar 14, 2019 Does anybody know a good all encompassing handguns information database online? Like a reliable go-to site?
Does anybody know a good all encompassing handguns information database online? Like a reliable go-to site?