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  1. J

    Our children is our future...

    Gotta stop Frank Horrigan from putting together a soccer team.
  2. J

    Could Fallout (original)style games be successful on phones?

    Why settle for a new game when you can play the original?
  3. J

    A few quick F2 questions....

    1) No. 2) If you mean become a prostitute - it's not something you can make a dedicated profession out of. Porn star on the other hand... 3) Yes. Metal armor is far superior. You'll get hit marginally more often, but take substantially less damage.
  4. J

    Help! Sudden Fallout2 Death Syndrome (Possible Spoilers)

    What happens to your character on the local map at 1600? You might get some death text explaining what the deal is. And what is the game over narration? I think for radiation, the narrator explicitly says something to the effect of, "Not even the vultures will pick from your irradiated bones."
  5. J

    [FO1 NPC mod] Tycho uses laser rifle? Glitch or feature?

    At least in vanilla Fallout 1/2, an NPC needs to have animation sprites for particular weapon types. According to Per's guide, Ian can only use knife, pistol, and SMG type weapons. Katja has spears, SMGs, and knives. I think all NPCs should be able to use "unarmed" weapons like brass knuckles...
  6. J

    NPCs wandering off-map

    There's a finite amount of map area outside of the visible map: so they shouldn't be able to stay there forever if you let them do their walking thing. If they were chased out there by combat, you might have another problem. Though, IIRC no major NPC (as in anyone with anything other than...
  7. J

    F1: bonus ranged damage

    From Per's guide: "Bonus Ranged Damage (2): Not enough of a bonus unless you're using a Minigun, Bozar or the like (although if you expect to score a lot of damage multiplication criticals it gets a little better). " From the way it's phrased it sounds like your first example would be how the...
  8. J

    F1: reputation

    To my knowledge reputation is limited in the upward direction, though you could always murder an indefinite number of people in towns to become more and more hated. But your reputation matters so little towards the overall outcome of the game, missing a few quests here and there isn't likely...
  9. J

    Fallout 2 Weapon Problem

    I had this problem my first time through the game, such that I came to believe you could only have one sniper rifle at a time. If you're still having trouble positioning the icon properly, why not try the "take all" button?
  10. J

    Does AI use aimed shots?

    I've had an A.I. blind me or cripple my leg, so I'd assume the A.I. would have to be able to take them under certain circumstances. It is possible they might have different critical tables than the player however.
  11. J

    [FO2] Merchants and money

    Spot on. The Redding banker carries a ton of cash, probably not enough for all the guns in V15 though. But chemicals (especially stimpaks) are fantastic because they have real game value to your party and, most importantly, they are weightless (unlike the flamer you picked up in V15).
  12. J

    [FO2] Ass getting kicked alot. need pointers.

    Come back with better armor. Leather armor on Sulik explains why he's dying. Roll in with at least metal armor on everyone - if not combat armor.
  13. J

    [FO2] Ass getting kicked alot. need pointers.

    Sneak is an all or nothing investment. Either you will have great results with a high score, or no results with any other percentage. Lock pick only needs to go up to about 110~120% or so to unlock even the hardest doors in the game. One can definitely beat the game with small guns, but if...
  14. J

    Doctor versus First Aid (what is better for the point buy?)

    No, doctor is the clear cut winner. There are quest checks involving doctor, but I don't seem to remember any involving first aid. Also: Doctor will fix more HP as well as broken bones. Neither skill, though, is worth significantly investing in past 80% or so.
  15. J

    Vault 13 First Deathclaw won't let me in!

    Agreed. The only thing you cheat is cheating yourself out of the experience of the game. If the game is too hard as is you can give yourself 999 HP, every perk in the game and... [spoiler:ca7bd50be9]...San Fransisco is directly in South-West most corner of map. Kill everyone there, steal a...
  16. J

    Is there any way to restore old saves?

    You might be able to use a save game/character editor to remove your made man status until a later time when you could re-apply it.
  17. J

    The precise way to get the best ending for New Reno.

    That vaguely rings a bell, but in the ending section of Per's guide there's no mention of it. Did you solve the murder and get to the SAD?
  18. J

    Fallout 2 1.02 official Car disappeared

    Have you looked around the general area? Sometimes the car's parking spot is not so obvious. Also, make sure the car did not get left out in the desert somewhere - as that can be a very bad thing. If all else fails, you might be able to edit the save state to add the car to your present...
  19. J

    Need help with recording Fallout 1.

    In the files section there's also a high res patch, if you want to play fullscreen and not have hideous resolution.
  20. J

    FO2 The "No-Restocking" Bug

    I have no idea as to a solution, but I can point out that it often happens to me as early as two to three years into the game. This is in 1.02, and has happened countless times for me. It might be worth checking into seeing if this happens with Killap's restoration mod?