17 days to go

"I knew you'd be the one to say something."
So you were Literaly asking to be insulted if that message was for the specific propouse of getting insulted by me.

Tip:If yo uare trying to "make a joke" it work better if you don't dissolve into a temper tantrum right after it. Just makes you look like an idiot.

I have never called you stupid for liking Fallout 3, I have called you stupid because you say stupid things. Like when you complained about not seeing Mr House Defense System ingame despite it being stated to be the Tower you can see from every place o nthe wasteland, or when you got super angry about me jokingly asking where did the Leather for the jackets for the Tunnel Snakes even came from. I mean i have even asked you to write arguments relevant to the topic at hand but you keep parroting the same pointless appeals to subjectivity, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and expecting you to contribute to the conversation with your opinion but you keep crying about things we weren't even discussing before you wrote on the thread to complain about being called an idiot.
It's funny how the kid who is just goign around every thread on the Fallout section of the forum is calling us "cartoonishly angry". Please show us more Battlecross. Gonna call anyone a White supremacist again?

Kid? Hardly, you're clearly the kid. The cartoonishly angry kid with issues who non stop posts on here about how much he hates something that doesn't affect his life while insulting anyone he disagrees with.

You were never called a white supremacist and got shot down hard and still can't admit you were wrong!

And the Besthesda Unpaid Intern of the Week Award, goes to BATTLECROSS, for his angry and childish defense of Todd Howard and Bethesda/Zenimax!
Battlecross just relax. There's no point in calling everyone out each and every time you disagree with them. If I were you I would honestly just leave this place. Not in the sense of "just leave if you don't like it here" because that would be a dumb thing to say to someone but just for the sake of your sanity. Suggestion from me to you.

Same thing goes for Walpknut.

Edit: I mean no one needs to leave but let's keep things smooth here.
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Battlecross just relax. There's no point in calling everyone out each and every time you disagree with them. If I were you I would honestly just leave this place. Not in the sense of "just leave if you don't like it here" because that would be a dumb thing to say to someone but just for the sake of your sanity. Suggestion from me to you.

Same thing goes for Walpknut.

Edit: I mean no one needs to leave but let's keep things smooth here.

Oh I am relaxed, and I'll stick around and argue if I wish. To be honest, I don't argue unless someone is a shithead and walpknut is the worst kind of arrogant shit stirrer there is on forums. So it's going to keep happening as long as he lies and calls people stupid.

"I knew you'd be the one to say something."
So you were Literaly asking to be insulted if that message was for the specific propouse of getting insulted by me.

Tip:If yo uare trying to "make a joke" it work better if you don't dissolve into a temper tantrum right after it. Just makes you look like an idiot.

I have never called you stupid for liking Fallout 3, I have called you stupid because you say stupid things. Like when you complained about not seeing Mr House Defense System ingame despite it being stated to be the Tower you can see from every place o nthe wasteland, or when you got super angry about me jokingly asking where did the Leather for the jackets for the Tunnel Snakes even came from. I mean i have even asked you to write arguments relevant to the topic at hand but you keep parroting the same pointless appeals to subjectivity, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and expecting you to contribute to the conversation with your opinion but you keep crying about things we weren't even discussing before you wrote on the thread to complain about being called an idiot.

Again, you don't seem to be using literally correctly when I said "you'd respond" and said nothing about insults.

Are you joking about the House thing? The laser system isn't actually there in in game assets and is referred to as "missiles" as well by Raul. You're claiming it's just the tower when that is never said. "...then designed an array of high powered laser cannons, which he had installed on the roof of the Lucky 38, to deal with any missile his program had missed." It's supposed to be cannons on the roof, but they aren't actually there to see despite being really important to the narrative. It was an oversight, this is fact. Get over it.

I got super angry? Dude, you've got the issues and I'm not getting angry. At most I get annoyed with your insane, stupid posts like this one. You're basically having conniption fits every time I post, but you claim I'm angry. Hilarious.

But yeah, I'm angry despite the fact that you can't read and like to claim I called you a white supremacist :mrgreen:
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Are you joking about the House thing? The laser system isn't actually there in in game assets and is referred to as "missiles" as well by Raul. You're claiming it's just the tower when that is never said. "...then designed an array of high powered laser cannons, which he had installed on the roof of the Lucky 38, to deal with any missile his program had missed." It's supposed to be cannons on the roof, but they aren't actually there to see despite being really important to the narrative. It was an oversight, this is fact. Get over it.
So you want Obsidian to waste time on models the player isn't meant to see when they are already running out of time trying to implement other, more important, content? :clap:
Are you joking about the House thing? The laser system isn't actually there in in game assets and is referred to as "missiles" as well by Raul. You're claiming it's just the tower when that is never said. "...then designed an array of high powered laser cannons, which he had installed on the roof of the Lucky 38, to deal with any missile his program had missed." It's supposed to be cannons on the roof, but they aren't actually there to see despite being really important to the narrative. It was an oversight, this is fact. Get over it.
So you want Obsidian to waste time on models the player isn't meant to see when they are already running out of time trying to implement other, more important, content? :clap:

It was part of a larger point with a discussion you weren't involved in, so you're out of your element Donny. :salute:
I can understand this whole argument if the player could fly. Other then that, why debate on the missile system? Maybe Mr House has... I don't know, RETRACTABLE launchers? Or hidden weaponry on the very top?
I can understand this whole argument if the player could fly. Other then that, why debate on the missile system? Maybe Mr House has... I don't know, RETRACTABLE launchers? Or hidden weaponry on the very top?

It's because most Bethesda Fans demand pointless visual content, and when you don't reward them with shiny but otherwise pointless additions, they whine and claim that they didn't get a "full experience" from the game.

I forgot Battlecross was the one who talked about the lasers on the Lucky 38! What an oversight Obsidian. If only you paid so much attention to detail like Bethesda. Then the unwashed masses would love you the same.
I mean do you guys really want to stay in the past of isometric CRPG's? Not saying there's anything wrong with isometric RPGs.
There is nothing wrong with isometric RPGs; and nothing wrong with turn based or realtime game mechanics. There is nothing wrong with first person RPGs that use the Fallout IP setting; But there is everything wrong with a first person franken-shooter as a direct sequel to Fallout 2. It doesn't matter who makes it; it doesn't matter if Tim made it himself. If Obsidian had made FO:New Vegas (as is), and pushed it out as Fallout 3 in 2007 (with Bethesda never having acquired the IP license), it would still be wrong. Wrong for the same reason that Relic doesn't sell 'Space Marine' as 'Dawn of War 3'; (and they make both titles).

There is room for a dozen games using the Fallout IP with whatever mechanics they wish, but there is no room for a direct Fallout sequel that does not use the mechanics of the series as its foundation. FO3 was built on TES ~and that's its first sin. It's like them trying to win at a dog show by entering a trained seal, and then accusing that the judges obviously cannot be pleased, even though their entry played the 'Star Spangled Banner' on squeeze horns. ~But they cannot win because it's not a dog; its clever tricks don't matter.
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I mean you say you're relaxed and then go on to call someone a shithead. I just don't think this type of "discussion" is very healthy yeah?

Also just to stir the pot here I don't know why you have such a huge problem with the missiles not being shown, when the entire battle between Caesar's Legion and NCR isn't really even shown either. Like isn't that more important to the narrative? Honestly I don't see adding a bunch of missiles on a tower such a huge problem for Obsidian. You're saying like they're not devoted enough to add the missiles or something.
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It's just a complaint.

Nobody here thinks that New Vegas is perfect, but it's certainly leagues above Fallout 3, especially in terms of cohesive world-building.

That's what happens when you actually build a world instead of a sandbox theme-park.
It's just a complaint.

Nobody here thinks that New Vegas is perfect, but it's certainly leagues above Fallout 3, especially in terms of cohesive world-building.

That's what happens when you actually build a world instead of a sandbox theme-park.

Yeah, if compared directly to Bethesdas Fallout. But if you compare it to Fallout 1 and 2 you still have to acknowledge the fact that Fallout was never meant to be a first person/open world game like New Vegas. That's why Wasteland 2 is really closer to the spirit of Fallout than Vegas or F3. But I agree with you, if you compare the games directly, Vegas was closer to a true Fallout than F3 ever was.

It's kinda strange really ... Fallout 1 was made in the spirit of Wasteland 1, Fallout 3 was made in the spirit of cave simulations and hiking games, Wasteland 2 was made in the spirit of Fallout 1/2.
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