Fallout PNP additions and revisions

Looking at this I think that You haven't done any modifications to the combat. Is it not to time consuming to run combat like the PnP rules suggest? Because that is why I made my version of the rules. Or do You use some other rules?

I for one don't use DT at all and rarely use to hit modifiers beside AC. Also only armor has Damage Resistance. So it is much simpler to count damage taken. So when a bullet hits You, You only subtract Your armors DR from the Weapon Damage and You get Hit Points to be taken form the PC.
From my understanding, the way that it is in Fallout and Fallout 2, everyone has an inherent AC (which is the chance to hit you right from the start.) Then there is DR which is a ratio of what the armor or tough hide (if a Mutant or whatever) is able to repel in direct hits so as to keep the attack from penetrating. Then DT is a base subtraction of any damage that gets past your initial armor or hide because corded muscles or horned protrusions/bony parts keep the attack from hitting anything vital. It's not really all that complicated and when you understand how it works, it takes but a moment's subtraction of AC and targeted penalties or whatever to find the to hit. The character rolls. Hit or miss. Then DR determines if the attack bounces off without any effect. Another quick roll for that. Penetration means damage is rolled. DT is a quick subtraction from that. Damage could be zero (take for example how Mutants are supposed to be something like The Incredible Hulk, and look at how many rockets he's had explode against him without any effect.) Then combat moves on to the next action for the round. No need to simplicate things too much :wink:
I know all that and if You face a 1vs1 fight the mechanic is bearable.
But when You have a 4 players vs. 15 ghouls fight (like we had yesterday) it takes to much time. I don't like my sessions becoming a math contest. In theory it sounds very neat but in practice it takes too damn long.
Anyway thats how I do it and it works better for me this way.
So I am typing out all of my compiled campaign material and will be making it available for others the same way I did the supplemental rules. Much of the material has been play tested through various campaigns I've ran so... Hopefully this doesn't take me too long.
Love the map. Texas innit ?

From what basis did you do this ? A roadmap without towns names ? I think I shall adopt your graphic options (craters, etc...) and make my own Denver map.
Glad that You like it. Actually it's a part of Kentucky. Map is from Google maps, the rest is photoshop. Craters are from images of mars craters, brush is 20pt Star Brush and the font is Gothic821 CN.
So, first gaming session is planned for next week-end. Scenario's ready, characters done, rules are set... But...

I have two more questions for you, badmotha :

1) The sequence scaling seems very small... There must be plenty of times where a NPC and a PC have the same sequence... who goes first, what happens ?

2) Once a character or NPC reaches his/her sequence, he uses all his/her APs ? There's no way he or she can save any for later uses in the round ? And once the round is over, everyone regains all APs ?
1. In normal PnP rules You roll additional d10, whoever has the higher roll is first.
My houserule is that we check Ag whoever has the higher score is first.

2. In PnP rules when it is your turn you declare and spend all your AP's at once, if You don't use up Your AP's You "loose" them. In the next round everyone has all AP's back. The PC who initiates combat and surprises the enemy, may spend his/hers AP's first no matter the sequence and after that the round begin.

Again I have a slightly different rule. When the round starts and no one is surprised, I check the Sequence whoever has the highest starts, and makes one action(move, shoot, whatever), than the PC with the second highest sequence follows with his action, and so on. If someone doesn't spend all of his AP's, he gains a bonus to AC (1 AC for 1 AC) for the next round.

If someone has a higher sequence he may wait until some condition is met (for example he waits until his enemy leaves cover), if that conditon is not met he looses all of his AP's. I don't remember if this is a PnP or my rule but I use it.

et voilà :mrgreen:
Aight... The D10 to decide who will go first, in case of a similar sequence, is a good idea. Will adopt that one.

As for unspent APs, I think I'll implement the following rule : 1) once it's your sequence, you may spend all your APs, or save some for later in the round. 2) you may spend APs left after your sequence at any sequence stage, but after any other character who acts naturally at this sequence stage 3) any AP unspent at the very end of a round is lost 4) at your sequence and at your sequence only, you may spend APs to improve your AC for the remainder of the round (so, a good decision for high sequence characters, and a bad one for low sequence ones)

However, I think a 1:1 ratio is hardcore. I'm considering 1AP->5AC

Anyways, this week-end will be a real test session. In any case, the characters will be 17 only, and they'll start inside an intact vault and will spend most of the session there. So, rules won't be a factor.

Oh ! Et merci pour tout ! :P
4 is a very good idea

the thing is sometimes in a small space with the ratio you are suggesting a person with a decent armor that spends all his AP on AC would be nearly impossible to hit, than again this is not a reality simulator :mrgreen:
Well, I'm saying this because I know my players...

"To be handicapped with fewer APs, for a negligible advantage ? THE HELL WITH THIS !".

They'd never use the rule. They are cunning bastards. For the moment, my players have all 8 APs. Let's say you sacrifice half of them. That'd give you 20 more CA. Fair, considering that you'll do half less actions during the round.

Let's take very high level characters.

25 AC armor + 8 AG = 33 total AC. Let's add... 5 AC because of a random perk. We're at 38. The character has 10 APs that he uses entirely. +50AC. = 88. So, it means that a superagile juggernaut, used to combat and spending his whole time dodging still leaves a tiny chance to elite gunslingers. Fair again.

1 is really tough. 5 may be a bit too much, but that will be an incentive for players to use the rule. I may drop it to 4 though if I feel it's too powerful.
Badmotha, do you happen to have a table summarizing AP costs ? Something that would include movement, various weapons examples and miscellenaous actions ?
AP cost for weapons is in this manual
or in the PnP manual(the differ a litte).

As for other stuff i don't have a table but it's easy:
1AP for 1m of movement
2APs for 1m of movement crouching
4APs for 1m of movement crawling
2APs for changing stature
4APs for geting up
4APs for using an item
4APs for taking something out of inventory
other things are specified in rules like healing or disarming traps
Dziękuję bardzo for everything Badmotha !

We had our first session this week-end (The Red Star - Episode 0) and it was an absolute blast : 14 hours of bliss !... One of our best sessions in... 25 years !

My custom set of rules works well. Gosh, I love percentages-based system. They are not very realistic, but neither me or my players give a damn...

Besides re-arranged skills and slight differences with APs, we're using very similar rules you and I. I just need to work on my critical table (which will be important, since it'll feature many effects, crippled limbs, localisation, etc...) and improve my perks list and I'll be set. Then, I'll put all this properly on paper.

So, thanks again, this new campaign is on perfect tracks !
Critical Hits Table
1 - Shot Bypasses DR
2 - Knockdown (the target must Get Up)
3 - Unconsciousness for d2 turns
4 - Unconsciousness for d4 turns
5 – Crippled (drops weapon)/ Blindness
6 - damage x1.5
7 – damage x2
8 - damage x3
9 – Damage x4
10 – Damage x 5

Critical Failure Table Missle Weapons
1 - Ammo Problems - The magazine was damaged or the ammo was bad. The gun does not fire, and the rest of the magazine must be discarded.
2 - Loss of AP - D'oh! The attacker looses all remaining AP for that round.
3 - Weapon jammed - Should have cleaned your gun out! The weapon will take 1 turn to unjam, and the ammo inside must be discarded.
4 - Dropped weapon – something slipped, and the weapon flew out of your hands and hit the ground.
5 - You slip and fall. All remaining AP are gone, and next round, you must get up (see Getting Up). While down, you loose all Armor Class from Agility.
6 - Hit Something Else - You didn't hit what you were aiming for, but you nailed the next closest target.
7 - Damage Self - You cut yourself on your knife, or shot yourself in the foot. Half the weapon's normal damage is dealt to YOU instead.
8 - Weapon Breaks - the weapon breaks beyond repair. Time for a new one. Oops.
9 - Weapon Explodes - Your weapon explodes and deals d10 to You.
10 - Weapon Desintegrates - Your weapon disintegrates in a ball of fire, deals d10 to and a Critical Hit.

Critical Failure Table Melee Weapons and Unarmed
1 – You purely judge the situation and step into the attackers hit, Your opponent gets a +1 do damage.
2 - Loss of AP - D'oh! The attacker looses all remaining AP for that round.
3 – Your attacker anticipated Your attack You have a –10 to hit for a round.
4 - Something slipped, and the weapon flew out of your hands and hit the ground or You opened Yourself to a hit and lose all AC for the rest of the round.
5 - You slip and fall. All remaining AP are gone, and next round, you must get up (see Getting Up). While down, you loose all Armor Class from Agility.
6 - Hit Something Else - You didn't hit what you were aiming for, but you nailed the next closest target.
7 - You cut yourself on your knife or bite Your tongue. Half the weapon's or Your normal damage is dealt to YOU.
8 - The weapon breaks beyond repair or You twist your Hand and Have a -20 to hit for the rest of the battle.
9 - Your weapon brakes and the tip hits You or You twist Your ankle and get d10 points of damage.
10 - Your weapon brakes and the tip hits You or You twist Your ankle and get d10 points of damage and also a Critical Hit.

Bonuses by Body Part for Targeted Shots
Target Critical Chance Bonus Targeted Penalties Melee Targeted Penalties Ranged
Arms,Legs +5% -15% -20%
Groin/Head +20% -30% -40%
Eyes +30% -40% -60%