It Wandered In From the Wastes

Well I didn't say you weren't assholes. And why no asshole achivement? On second thought nevermind.
ManWithNoName said:I say it sounds like theres a bunch of Hardcore KotOr fans here because they hated the KotOr 2 (which obsidion made) and they hate that instead of doing what they liked they're making a KotOR MMO.
ManWithNoName said:I promise not to comment on the communitys hatred again. I feel like you guys are slowly changing me though, like cancer. Not that you guys are cancer or anything.
UncannyGarlic said:There have been TRPGs for consoles since at least the NES and continue to be so no, lack of a mouse is not a valid reason. Granted, it works better with TB games than RT games but the fact remains that it works fine.
Brother None said:ManWithNoName said:I thought most people on this site were just assholes
Well, we are!
Thing is we usually had these debates a hundred times before these new people join to make exactly the same points in the absolute conviction that they're being really clever. Pointing out Strife and Ultima Underworld over and over does get tiring.
Kradath said:An isometric Fallout simply would not sell good, it is simply a fact.
First you say "fact", then you pass it off as your personal opinion. You can't say "fact" is your opinion. It just doesn't make sense.Kradath said:@Reconite: If you don't like discussions or personal opinions, you can go to any of those many countries were dictatorship says what is right and what is wrong. And if I say fact, it's still opinion, just wanted to say with it that I'm pretty pretty sure on this one, of course it can be totally different as well.
choconutjoe said:There's no indication that joining the forums and talking about things you like in FO3 will result in a torrent of nerd rage that would put the most dedicated Jar Jar Binks hater to shame.
I was thinking more generally (my own experiences and other threads I've read). Perhaps I was a bit off topic in regards to this thread.Brother None said:choconutjoe said:There's no indication that joining the forums and talking about things you like in FO3 will result in a torrent of nerd rage that would put the most dedicated Jar Jar Binks hater to shame.
Yeah, that's not really what we're talking about here. Talking about things you like in Fallout 3 is not the same thing as joining this forum to troll us with the same tired arguments about how turn-based is dead or how the franchise had to change. One is fine, the other is not, trying to lay the blame at that at our doorstep is just petulant.
Because last time I checked, "talking about things you like in FO3" doesn't necessitate the kind of posts made in this thread.
choconutjoe said:The tiniest seed of contention has a way of spiraling out of control on the internet. Making the bias of the site more clear might help stop lots of angry arguments before they start.
Reconite said:Kradath said:An isometric Fallout simply would not sell good, it is simply a fact.First you say "fact", then you pass it off as your personal opinion. You can't say "fact" is your opinion. It just doesn't make sense.Kradath said:@Reconite: If you don't like discussions or personal opinions, you can go to any of those many countries were dictatorship says what is right and what is wrong. And if I say fact, it's still opinion, just wanted to say with it that I'm pretty pretty sure on this one, of course it can be totally different as well.
Ok, so it's other people's fault and not yours. Either way you still end up with every thread in the news section degenerating into an angry slagging match. All I'm suggesting is that, if you are genuinely sick of it, you could probably avoid alot of it just by being more up front regarding what the forum is about.Brother None said:choconutjoe said:The tiniest seed of contention has a way of spiraling out of control on the internet. Making the bias of the site more clear might help stop lots of angry arguments before they start.
Last time I checked, it's good manners to read a forum and find out what it's about before registering to post. We're not really here to teach people internet decorum, they should figure that out for themselves.
You damn know those people that love old time cars from the past are damn FUCKING WRONG! How can they love something that is so outdated and old and not even usefull in any way. How could anyone of them love it more then a Ferrarie testarossa !alec said:I sometimes wonder what newcomers hope to find on a site that was built around the old games and of which the core still consists of people who held the Fallout heritage alive for a decade without anything really interesting popping up. That's dedication and it deserves some respect.
The community may not have one giant monolithic opinion regarding FO3, but there is no denying that this is the forum where people who passionately dislike FO3 hang out (the fact that you feel that people come here on 'holy missions' against you would support that).Crni Vuk said:I think such a warning would just make things even worse atracting more of those that think they have to go on some crusade or holy mission saving the NMA land its heretics and give people further the false impression NMA would be some kind of unity ~ where is the master ?.
Point is which BN and many others want to make is that you simply cant give any general statement about the oppinion of this community as this community has no oppinion. There might be the NMA review, eventualy. And even that is just a ... review. Not any oppinion or fact by the community. Coming over here with such a warning would be just as wrong like warning people that when they move to the Bethesda board they will mostly face only people with much love for Oblivion which is not true there might be many Oblivion fans on that board but thats just normal. Every community with enough members has a wide range of oppinions and likings. NMA is no exception.
To make one thing clear though, is there a biger potential to start a fight over Fallout3, and F1 here then compared to letz say the United Methodist Church forum/blog ? Sure. But how could that come of to anyone as surprise ? So in other words when you enther the front page read NMA and Fallout 1, you have already your "warning".
Kradath said:Everything you say is opinion and point of view, not a single person can say a full truth or fact per se, it is still all a matter of point of view.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:So...FO2 was made in just 8 months? Wow, I'm impressed.
Brother None said:Last time I checked, it's good manners to read a forum and find out what it's about before registering to post. We're not really here to teach people internet decorum, they should figure that out for themselves.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:So...FO2 was made in just 8 months? Wow, I'm impressed.
Kradath said:Everything you say is opinion and point of view, not a single person can say a full truth or fact per se, it is still all a matter of point of view.
I'm alive.
Diablo's name is worth a lot of money because Diablo and Diablo 2 were both excellent games. StarCraft 2 appears pretty good to me and it certainly has some improvements and has differences (many of the units) from StarCraft. Sure, it's name and Blizzards are the reason that it sold so fast but that doesn't mean that it's a bad game.Kradath said:Concerning the market thing. I'm not saying I think it's good that there are no isometric games out there. Yes, Diablo, but Diablo is not strong because of the perspective, it's a name which is worth tons of gold, just as warcraft and starcraft are, look at starcraft 2. No innovation, old graphics and gameplay, millions sold.
Since I failed to mention it before, I think most FPS players will agree that controls for FPSes are better on PC than on consoles, rather mouse and keyboard is more powerful than a controller for FPSes.tekhedd said:Agree; with a little effort, they could have made a turnbased game that works on a console. My point is that the FPS format was clearly a good choice for the market and platform, from a business point of view. I didn't really like the end result, but it *could* have worked. The FPS format, VATS, all of the ideas seem concept. In execution...
It's not that no one likes to debate the merits of Fallout 3, it's that most people who come here and talk about how great Fallout 3 is like to rehash the same wrong propaganda about Fallout that has been refuted countless times. There is contention periodically about how well or poorly done a specific element actually is and a number of people in the community like the game but many have issues with it being titled Fallout 3 and with the quality of certain parts (combat, for example).choconutjoe said:Hell, even a sticky at the top of the forum might do the trick: "Many of our regulars passionately dislike FO3 and are tired of people arguing with them on the subject, so please refrain from doing so. Use the search function if you want to find out more" etc.
You're oversimplifying and generalizing about the opinions that members have about Fallout 3, it's much more nuanced than being purely anti-Fallout 3.choconutjoe said:The anti-FO3 stance is honestly quite difficult to understand for some people who like FO1, 2 & 3. Some of the opinions on this forum can take you by surprise, as well as the animosity with which they are (occasionally) delivered.
Again, that's no one's fault but the poster for not reading a bunch of topics before joining and posting.choconutjoe said:Maybe if they knew what they were getting into before hand, they'd think twice before posting.
There's also Atlantica, which is JRPG like, and a HoMM MMO.PaladinHeart said:First, I seen someone comment on turn based MMOs. There's one called Dofus. It reminds me more of Final Fantasy Tactics than it does Fallout though.
Brother None said:It's the base model of Urquhart's "slam dunk" concept.
Chinz said:Prove it to me. How do I know you aren't just AI?
UncannyGarlic said:and Blizzards are the reason that it sold so fast