Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Something else related to that city list; if I scroll to the top and then click the up arrow again, it doesn't scroll, but the red buttons next to each location name go unresponsive, and I need to click the down arrow before I can use them again. Is that a known bug, or is it just my installation being weird?
I just tested that and yes it does that. I never actually noticed that before. No idea why it happens, but yes, it appears to be a bug. Any way of fixing it? :D 8-)
v1.12 is out:
>You can change the number of locations displayed in the locations list of the world map
>A fix for the bug that could cause the world map locations list to become unresponsive
>You can tell fallout to use a patch file other than patch000.dat
>You can change the version string that appears in the bottom right of the main menu
>You can use command line args to tell sfall to use a ini file other than ddraw.ini

Instead of the reply, I'll cheekily add here another annyoing problem - is there a possibility to increase the maximum map size in fo2mapper? Sometimes it proves to be damnably limitative. It was limited because of slow machines in '97/'98, I guess. TeamX mapper is a bit better in that, but we don't use it. Any opinion?
I haven't touched the mapper, only fallout. I have no idea what it does, how it works or what would be involved in changing any limits.

killap said:
I just tested that and yes it does that. I never actually noticed that before. No idea why it happens, but yes, it appears to be a bug. Any way of fixing it? :D 8-)
Fallout has a scroll_cities_list function, but it seems to be a bit out of order. It scrolls the internal list of which cities are displayed first, then checks if there is room to scroll any further, and then only scrolls the graphics if there is. It's fixed in 1.12 anyway; I added a new check to see how much further it could scroll to the top of the function.
sadly have to report, that timeslip's tweak doesn't work for Fallout under Windows 98 :-/
I'm having the same problem...
I wonder if there's any documentation on internet that could explain why it doesn't work on Win98...
nothing happens in my case - I can say this by trying to scroll item list with wheel. I'm using Fallout (I)

somewhere timeslip made suggestion, that this happens due to the usage of system ddraw.dll instead of the local file. And this occures only in win98
I've been experimenting with virtual PC, and it turned out that the windows 95/98 problem is due to the VS 2005 runtime library linking to some functions in kernel32.dll that didn't exist back then. If anyone has an older copy of VS, a recompile it should fix it.

The problem with using the system copy of ddraw.dll turned out to be unrelated. Windows 9x seems to cache a copy of loaded dlls, but restarting the computer was enough to get it to notice the new dll.
Anyone have a copy of VS 6 then? If not, you'll have to wait till I'm back in uni in October so that I can use my uni copy.

Using gcc could be an alternative, but its asm syntax is completely different to VS. About 50% of this mod is asm, so it would need a lot of rewriting...
Hey Timeslip, why timeslip's tweak v1.12b are incompatible with fallout2.exe of Killap's Patch?

You can fix this? :)
Zaius238 said:
Hey Timeslip, why timeslip's tweak v1.12b are incompatible with fallout2.exe of Killap's Patch?

You can fix this? :)
What happens? It worked fine for me before. Then again I did run into a problem with one of his later versions and had to change something. Perhaps you are experiencing the same thing. What error does it give?
You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout
Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US'

But i solved the problem:

Edit ddraw, and make it:

;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
SharpshooterFix=1 <-- delete this number


;Map delay
;If using an exe with the world map speed patch applied, this will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default
;Default value for killaps patch or megamod is 0x1000000
WorldMapDelay=0 <-- delete this number

And now works fine to me :wink:
Zaius238 said:
You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout
Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US'

But i solved the problem:

Edit ddraw, and make it:

;Set to 1 to fix the pathfinder perk (25% travel time reduction with 1 level, 50% reduction with 2)
PathfinderFix=1 <-- delete this number


;Map delay
;If using an exe with the world map speed patch applied, this will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default
;Default value for killaps patch or megamod is 0x1000000
WorldMapDelay=0 <-- delete this number

And now works fine to me :wink:

Yes, I was thinking the PathfinderFix would conflict since I too had a patch for it applied to the exe. As for the WorldMapDelay, leaving at 0 should work just fine (it does for me at least). What did you change it to?
Sorry Killap, i posted fast and dont see my mistake:

I edited ddraw, and make it:

;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
SharpshooterFix=1 <-- delete this number


;Map delay
;If using an exe with the world map speed patch applied, this will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default
;Default value for killaps patch or megamod is 0x1000000
WorldMapDelay=0 <-- delete this number

Dont are necessary modify pathfinder perk.
Zaius238 said:
Sorry Killap, i posted fast and dont see my mistake:

I edited ddraw, and make it:

;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
SharpshooterFix=1 <-- delete this number


;Map delay
;If using an exe with the world map speed patch applied, this will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Set to 0 to leave at the default
;Default value for killaps patch or megamod is 0x1000000
WorldMapDelay=0 <-- delete this number

Dont are necessary modify pathfinder perk.

Oops, actually I meant to say SharpshooterFix as well. I had applied a patch for that, not the Path Finder perk. Still, leaving 0 for the WorldMapDelay should work...
killap said:
Oops, actually I meant to say SharpshooterFix as well. I had applied a patch for that, not the Path Finder perk. Still, leaving 0 for the WorldMapDelay should work...

Yeah, the only problem are SharpshooterFix, WorldMapDelay is Ok. Thanks for the help! :D
Zaius238 said:
killap said:
Oops, actually I meant to say SharpshooterFix as well. I had applied a patch for that, not the Path Finder perk. Still, leaving 0 for the WorldMapDelay should work...

Yeah, the only problem are SharpshooterFix, WorldMapDelay is Ok. Thanks for the help! :D
But don't you say to delete the value of 0 that is given for the WorldMapDelay?
killap said:
But don't you say to delete the value of 0 that is given for the WorldMapDelay?

yeah, was an mistake, you need just modify it:

;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
And now for something completely different... A request!

Timeslip, could you resolve the taking multiple items from another inventory issue in FO1? You know, like the "TAKE ALL" button in FO2, which is missing in the first game... It's tedious to drag&drop bunch of items one-by-one.

Thanks in advance!