Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Zaius238 said:
killap said:
But don't you say to delete the value of 0 that is given for the WorldMapDelay?

yeah, was an mistake, you need just modify it:

;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
Ok, just wanted to clarify for the sake of everyone. Just the SharpshooterFix needs to be changed as mentioned above. All other values are fine.

Also, this issue has been resolved with my upcoming patch. I no longer apply the fix to the exe but rather use timeslip's ini file to do the applying. Thus this change will not be needed when my new patch is released.
lisac2k said:
And now for something completely different... A request!

Timeslip, could you resolve the taking multiple items from another inventory issue in FO1? You know, like the "TAKE ALL" button in FO2, which is missing in the first game... It's tedious to drag&drop bunch of items one-by-one.

Thanks in advance!

Word. That really does need to be added.

I felt I needed to agree and bump this to the next page :P
actually I have, but not installed at the moment. Also I have deleted Fallout, so I'll wait for the killap's Fallout II expansion pack + several fixes for it ;)

Timeslip said:
Anyone have a copy of VS 6 then?
IIRC my friend who is studying informatics has one. What would he have to do?
Just download the source code and compile it. VS 6 won't be able to read VS 2005's project files, but I don't think there's any project settings that are essential.

I'm not sure what code changes will be needed. There are some string functions (strcat_s, strcpy_s, _itoa_s etc.) that'll need the _s's removed, but there shouldn't be too much else.
Is it possible to add a "light flare" to the item slot, it doesn't seem right having to use four ap to go into the back pack. Any ideas?
I don't think these issues will ever be fixed, but I'll have to ask them anyway:

1. Is there any way you could fix the issue where planting explosive in npc's inventory and after it blow up, the game will crash.

2. Any change of fixing "Too many items bug" ( you can check more info about it from http://user.tninet.se/~jyg699a/fallout2.html ), which I believe is caused by cache overflow.
Mario_Dweller said:
1. Is there any way you could fix the issue where planting explosive in npc's inventory and after it blow up, the game will crash.

I think it's only script problem...
How so? No script controls explosives or how they detonate.
I'm not sure, but I've killed many critters by this way. And this error has appeared each time only with few NPCs...
Mario_Dweller said:
I'm not sure, but I've killed many critters by this way. And this error has appeared each time only with few NPCs...
Yes, it is a known issue that using explosives on an NPC can cause a crash - problem is it does not happen EVERY time. This is not handled by scripts though but rather the engine.
Didn't find it mentioned, but is it possible that when using the speed feature, which is pretty neat, the world sprites don't also speed up?

So that only the running speed or whatever.. With your tweaks (Using version 1.6 of your tweaks on Fallout I) the speed feature also seem to speed up world anymations, such as the fire in barrels or gizmo's sign in Junktown.

Keep up the great work! Thanks
killap said:
Yes, it is a known issue that using explosives on an NPC can cause a crash - problem is it does not happen EVERY time. This is not handled by scripts though but rather the engine.

Welll. I've tried to kill about 30 critters without script by dynamite. Succesfuly without game crash. And then I've placed about 10 dynamites to some guards' inventory in New Reno and the game crashed sooner than it exploded. Maybe it's random, but...
Hi there. Can somebody help me with this scroll tweak, how to make it work, where to put it? Can this be done without modifying F02.exe?
killapp, I can't get sfall to work with your patch. I tried starting over by uninstalling everything.

My fallout 2 cd is the original version 1.0. I install your killap patch (the one linked in your sig) according to the directions, and the game works fine and shows the version as 1.02 on the title screen.

when I put the sfall files into my fallout 2 directory then try to launch the game, I get a message saying:

You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout
Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US'

Can anyone help me? I really want to play in a window.
twotimingpete said:
killapp, I can't get sfall to work with your patch. I tried starting over by uninstalling everything.

My fallout 2 cd is the original version 1.0. I install your killap patch (the one linked in your sig) according to the directions, and the game works fine and shows the version as 1.02 on the title screen.

when I put the sfall files into my fallout 2 directory then try to launch the game, I get a message saying:

You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout
Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US'

Can anyone help me? I really want to play in a window.

I think you might be suffering from one of the problems mentioned in this thread. Try this:

Open the ini file that comes with timeslip's tweaks. Then scroll down to the part about the SharpshooterFix. It is currently set to 1. Change it to 0.
Dude101 said:
Found on Beth:


I've spent the last week replaying fallout 2, but I found a few things rather irritating. Being the habitual modder that I am, I decided to make an attempt at fixing them. You can download the mod I came up with here.

The first thing it changes is gameplay speed. Running from one side of new reno to the other for the hundredth time gets a bit boring, so you can set up some keyboard keys to modify the speed to anywhere between 0.5x and 10x normal. It affects running speed and combat, but not the world map, sound, movies or talking heads.

The second thing is that there's no option to play fallout in a window, so I added a windowed mode. It messes up if you scroll the window around, but it makes alt-tabbing, working with two monitors and taking screenshots a lot easier.

Lastly, scrolling through the inventory gets a bit cumbersome if you have lots of stuff in it, so I tweaked it to let you use the mouse scroll wheel as well as the normal controls.

I've only tested it with the copy of fallout2.exe that comes with megamod 2, but it should work with a normal v1.02 US version too.

Unfortunately i was banned from beth 2 days ago. so i cant look at it. :(