Gun Control

All the talk is on guns and no one talking about shitty parents. About shitty people that see blatant signs but don't speak up.
Take the guns away. I'd love to see the outcome of that. The psychopaths would just find another way to mass murder.
So next we ban chemistry? Flammable liquids? Hammers? Knives?
"Oh but mobucks! hammers and knives can't kill as many people!"
Well, genius, go ahead and google "mass stabbing sprees"

The inconvenient truth is that every law abiding citizen should have the right to protect themselves from murderers by having a gun. In a completely unarmed society, a .22 derenger would be just as effective as an assault rifle. Do a little research; every country that banned guns still has tons of guns that only murderers and criminals carry.

I hope all the bleeding heart liberals get their way because my point I'm trying to make will be proven correct.
The European way!
Taught by the U.S. Bro/sis? When are u gonna stop posting memes and stop saying "bUt EuRoPe!! :aiee:" - And you do know Europe ain't a country right? Or are u really that mentally challenged? Get some education dumbass. The world is bigger than your trailer park. Bet you wanna shoot me cus that's how your thought process work. You're as mentally deranged as RangerBoo, just without the obvious tantrum spasms. Go watch FOX news they rewrite reality to your liking.
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Nice happened a year before Charlottesville. And the body count was WAY higher. Look how offended you just got. I bask in your ignorance and misery. Telling someone to be "educated" was the cherry on top. Delish.
Nice happened a year before Charlottesville. And the body count was WAY higher. Look how offended you just got. I bask in your ignorance and misery. Telling someone to be "educated" was the cherry on top. Delish.
I got offended cus that's his general modus operandi. And it has been since before I joined. And wow a guy in Nice? I don't live anywhere near that country. And why you acting like the Charlotte incident was the only one in the U.S? I have internet too. But eh guess the 10000th time someone kills someone in the U.S doesn't matter. Aslong as there is just a single incident that seem similair in Europe then my opinion is void? And yes GM should get an education And travel outside the U.S his xenofobia is cancer. He's the type of person that is ruining the U.S.
@TheGM I'm treading on you. What u gonna do about it whitetrash?
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All the talk is on guns and no one talking about shitty parents. About shitty people that see blatant signs but don't speak up.
Take the guns away. I'd love to see the outcome of that. The psychopaths would just find another way to mass murder.
Gun control is not the same as banning all weapons though.

Part of the overall issue, since you already talk about parents, is this whole gun culture which has become really toxic. Where do you think all this gunfetish is coming from? Exactly. From parents that teach their children to treat guns like toys. And this is pretty much at the core issue of all of this. That guns have become a "toy". And for some even a sort of "Penis" they stick into everyones faces.
If Gun Control is renamed to Fun Control, it all makes a lot more sense. And it would be a lot more honest. Because guns are simply "cool". Fur focks sake. That would be the primary reason for me to own a weapon. I would love to have an FN FAL and take it to a shoting range and all that. Because hands down. Guns are awesome.

But look at how weapons and guns have been seen in the past, from the 50s, 60s to the 90s and today. There was a clear shift in how the gun community saw them self and how they act today where it is a show, where tacti-gear is celebrated, military-style outfits sold like hotcakes. It's a lifestyle at this point. It is often said the NRA would be the long arm of the arms industry. It's actually the other way around. The gun industry is following the NRA and the whole ideology behind it of nationalists, rightwing/liberterian bullshit, build on conspiracy theories, fear and a very strange idea of freedom. It came to a point where the NRA even talks about sanctions on weapon manufacturers that actually want better gun safety. - Ryan Busse Was a Rising Star in the Gun Industry. Then He Had a Change of Heart.

I am all for the second amendment. Infact I think those that repeat "wELL RegULateED MiLLiMItIA!" are just making fools out of them self because the history of the constitution clearly tells us that yes, it does indeed mean every citizen should have the right to bear arms. Same as with those that can not make a difference between assault rifles and the AR-15.

However there is at this point a cultural fetish around weapons which suddenly trumps all other rights for some reason and is used in a way to pretty much silence ANY kind of improvement or even a debate about the issue. Hell even the way how Switzerland does it is at this point openly mocked, as it's often used as example for a gun culture that does it kinda "right" so to speak. Because in Switzerland which has a higher gun ownership per citizen than even the United States, treats weapons very differently. And it shows. They have more weapons. Less school shotings.

Nice happened a year before Charlottesville. And the body count was WAY higher. Look how offended you just got. I bask in your ignorance and misery. Telling someone to be "educated" was the cherry on top. Delish.
Vegas happend in Vegas and was close in body count. So what's the point? That terrible people do terrible things? But why are they doing it? And what can be done to prevent it eventually? Or at the very least trying it.

And as a matter of fact cases like Nice and similar situations, did lead to changes where authorities now put this kind of attack in consideration, we took measures to identify "crazy" extemists easier, there are more precautions in public areas trough structural changes. It is now taken very seriously by the authorities in Europe. It's not as easy anymore to do this as it was a few years ago. So on other words, we do not just see it as something that "just happens" and that there is "nothing that can be done about it". Becase we do not see those kind of things like natural dessasters. People will always try to exploit any kind of "weakness" so to speak if they want to kill a lot of people. But that doesn't mean we just stop, wave our hands in the air and declare it a loss.

What you also have to consider is the context. Stuff like in Nice do not happen every week, or every month. Count all the gun violence together in the United States and to even get close to those shootings which are almost a "regular" thing in the US you have to get to incidents like Nice which are rather rare cases of terrorist attacks, to find something relatable. Something like Nice, as terrible as it is, happens in Europe once in a blue moon. In the US this kind of gun violence is like every month or something.
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Parents don't even raise their kids here anymore, they just park their kids in front of a screen and let t.v. and the internet raise them. It is clearly a cultural issue, as you have proven with the Swiss example. The nuclear family has been under attack in the U.S. for over a decade. Driven by a social justice warrior media that preys upon the common citizen's innate good nature. Almost everything is an issue here nowadays; the most mundane aspects of society are labeled as racist, sexist, or homophobic. Child suicide rates have skyrocketed because they grow up constantly being told from a screen that they are evil because reasons. Some of those children decide to go out in a hail of gunfire.

Shitty parents create shitty kids that shoot up schools. And when guns are gone they will rent a U-Haul and use it like a bowling ball into people pins.

Until you stop the race hate you will not stop the violence.


Standard government standing around response.


So this shows one shooter should attack and get taken out while the other blows up the hundred that pile up afterward I guess with a moving truck bomb. Why did the Army ruin my brain?
I don't know. The Marines have gun regulations. The MARINES!

When Trump speaks at the NRA meetings, guns are not allowed inside it.

Courtrooms are gun-free zones.

Should those places not be open-carry areas? I mean good guy with a gun will stop bad guy, no?
Kinda like how false allegations from a wealthy, hollywood actress were actually about black people all along.


Or this gem:

I've heard plenty Afro-Americans say if you know you ain't one of the racist ones. Stop getting mad cus u ain't the one they talking about. If you do feel some type of way then it's your own guilt. Apartheid in the U.S is an embarresment. And the U.S, has this weird culture of dominance its us or them. Red/Blue. Everywhere it's presented like you have two choices.

GM & RangerBoo is great examples, they've picked their side. That's why you get hit with the commie stick if you don't agree with their point of view. At the same time the right wing in the U.S is just as xenophobic as China or Russia. They even utilize state television(FOX News) that spread propaganda and misinformation like North Korean TV. I have an great example of that right here.
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Wow apartheid in the U.S.
I wasn't aware there were so many Afrikaans over here that we were allowed to culturally appropriate that word. Good to know.