First off hi all, im new to the forums (been very lazy and not joined)
Fallout first started for me back in the long long ago, when amd chips were just sand and microsoft was only taking over the galaxcy,
I got fallout when it first arrived at my local games shop, i bought, played and got very stuck with it, after that i found the great site that is NMA, back in its infancy, yes i remember those days, long nights and days when i didn't go to school, playing and working hard trying to find that water chip.
Then 2 came upon us and i was in heaven,
i've followed and loved the game for years now but for a period in in the waiting for 3 i forgot to check the sites and lost interest,, only just recently dicovering that NMA is still alive and kicking and going strong, im right back in to my post apocalyptic world and loving it all over again,
how was the that for first post??