Kotaku Sucks

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They were kinda cooking until that Fallout 3 review. If Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas were switched this would be my exact list but for vastly different reasons.
I just really dislike how the modern fanbase acts like Tactics does not exist. It's lame especially when that style of game has gained popularity.
Putting fucking Fallout 3 above New Vegas is just an example of how shit Kotaku is in general.

But really, Fallout lists should only take Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas and Tactics into consideration. Every other Fallout can just be ignored.
Yeah what a crappy list, really? 3 over New Vegas!? You might as well put 76 over 3 if that's how they wanna go about this. :yuck:

I like how they just do not fucking mention Tactics. Eat shit Kotaku.

I just really dislike how the modern fanbase acts like Tactics does not exist. It's lame especially when that style of game has gained popularity.

Yeah it really sucks that there really isn't a lot of love for Fallout Tactics, and NGL whenever the anniversary for the game roles around(March 15th, 2001) I'm usually the only one on Instagram to acknowledge and celebrate the game's anniversary. Heck I even do a countdown to the anniversary by posting all things related to FO Tactics! It's so heartbreaking to see that nobody cares, or has even played the game in order to appreciate it.

I just really dislike how the modern fanbase acts like Tactics does not exist. It's lame especially when that style of game has gained popularity.
It's because Tactics is considered semi-canon, so they don't bother including it. It's why Fallout Shelter and Brotherhood of Steel ain't on the list either.
We live in an area where the majority of Fallout games were not produced by the IP holders. This list is irrelevant, and getting mad at it is irrelevant too.
Nobody is mad I am just posting stupid Fallout news. I honestly despise Fallout and only exist here now to post news. Maybe you should care more then you would post more than 100 times in a decade haha.
It's because Tactics is considered semi-canon, so they don't bother including it. It's why Fallout Shelter and Brotherhood of Steel ain't on the list either.

Why? Because they were trying to act like they cared about old school fans opinion. Nothing in Tactics is more retarded than the shit in 4 or 76. The minor lore differences can be retconned.
Why? Because they were trying to act like they cared about old school fans opinion. Nothing in Tactics is more retarded than the shit in 4 or 76. The minor lore differences can be retconned.
Very true, but I'm just relaying information as to why Tactics is usually excluded.
I get it but when they said that shit it was right before F3. Now we have even more Tactics stuff like a giant fucking blimp.
Yes, they talk about those dastardly homosexuals and nigger stuff. The cretins.

"Kotaku Sucks" as a newspost headline, really?
Yes...really. What you concerned about the great fucking standards this shitty (DEAD) forum has put forth? If so YOU DO THE FUCKING JOB. PLEASE. It was a low effort post and yes Kotaku does suck. Nothing else needs to be said since they interviewed us in a shady way years ago putting forth the notion that they do indeed suck. Plus you suck.
Honestly that's all kinda weird coming from someone who's constantly complaining about NMA being dead and people (mostly me) driving away new and/or old members with their alleged negativity. But whatever man.
Honestly that's all kinda weird coming from someone who's constantly complaining about NMA being dead and people (mostly me) driving away new and/or old members with their alleged negativity. But whatever man.
I complain about it being dead because no matter how much effort anyone puts into this place it is like this. I could have spent one hour on this great article (lol) but it would have been greeted with just as much apathy and negative bullshit. That negative "WHY?" shit you just posted does more to harm small communities than me posting a simple "Kotaku sucks" article. *shrugs*

I find it hard to care about Fallout. When I do post something about it this is the response I get. If it is about 76 then people ask why. If it is about Bethesda Fallout people as why. If it is anything people just bitch bitch bitch. Basically yall fucking do it and suck my dick. I am tired of it and no longer care if NMA dies since it is already 90 percent there so other people really need to fucking step up.

I'm just being honest. Someone else needs to do stuff because I do not have the heart for it for like 5 people grand total online.
I mean, you also got the numbering wrong. They put Fo2 on #1 and not Fo1.
1. I am dyslexic and quickly posted it before I went to bed.
2. I don't care.
3. This is the most you lousy faggots have talked in weeks. Cry more.