New tools for Fallout 1/2

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
Cubik2k said:
Fallout 1 Encounter Tweaker v. - the tool for change encounter frequency check. Works with Fallout 1 ver 1.2 only (US, TeamX)
It is usefull when you need more or less encunters while wandering on global map ;)
Just exactly what I need, but will it work with NPC mod and hi-resolution mod?

I noticed in my game some problems with hi-res patch, it could crash/frezze game after use FO1 encounter tweaker. In clean FO1 it not happen, only with Mash's res patch.
If you will notice such things, please report.

EDIT 23.04.2012 - updated Fallout 1/2 Critters Editor (v. - added missing pictures (thx to Pixote), fixed bugs (FO1 skills values calculations), added option to optional editing BASE values (default disabled), other minor visual/functional improvenments and changes.
Thanks Cubik - I'm grabbing right now. :wink:


I found something. The image is still missing for the Lieutenant. When I try to convert FO1 to FO2 I get a 'file not found' message.

Can the people make suggestions? :mrgreen:

1. Can the editor have the maximize and minimize buttons in the top right corner. At the moment I can only open and close it.

2. This might be a bit harder to implement. Can the critters in the window rotate like the Titanium Frm Browser. It would mean having to use the AA FRMs for each critter. An alternative could be animated GIFs. The critters could use their AA animations (Idle), and be facing the front, instead of their backs. I could fix all of the animations for you. Also could the background in the critter box be a darker gray colour.

Here are the Fallout 1 critter GIFs/FRMs -

Here are the Fallout 2 critter GIFs/FRMs -


Thanks Pixote for your help and engagement so here is next update of the Fallout 1/2 Critter Editor v
- fixed bug with "file not found" message when convert FO1 to FO2,
- added rotate critters in the window like in Titanium FRM, editor use animated GIFs. However, this enlarge the pack because of large number of pictures :/
- minimize/maximize window
- blue background for pictures

I found something. The image is still missing for the Lieutenant. When I try to convert FO1 to FO2 I get a 'file not found' message.
This is correct picture for file
For Lieutenant Super Mutant game uses file (most probably).

A file of Fallout 1 critter GIFs is corrupted. Can't unpack this, but I converted FO1 frm's to anim GIFs. However thanks for your effort :)
Thanks Pixote for correct FRM :) I did next updated Fallout 1/2 Critters Editor (v.
- fixed minor code bug,
- fixed frame of overseer (thx Pixote)
- all pictures are in ZIP archive now
Cubik2k said:
I noticed in my game some problems with hi-res patch, it could crash/frezze game after use FO1 encounter tweaker. In clean FO1 it not happen, only with Mash's res patch.
If you will notice such things, please report.

EDIT 23.04.2012 - updated Fallout 1/2 Critters Editor (v. - added missing pictures (thx to Pixote), fixed bugs (FO1 skills values calculations), added option to optional editing BASE values (default disabled), other minor visual/functional improvenments and changes.
What Fallout 1 files are altered by the FO1 encounter tweaker? If the encounter tweaker crashes my game, what files should I restore to undo the thing?
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
What Fallout 1 files are altered by the FO1 encounter tweaker? If the encounter tweaker crashes my game, what files should I restore to undo the thing?

FO1 encounter tweaker make changes in EXE file. To restore you need run encounter tweaker again and choose falloutw.exe in RESTORE window. It return EXE to original state.
Cubik2k said:
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
What Fallout 1 files are altered by the FO1 encounter tweaker? If the encounter tweaker crashes my game, what files should I restore to undo the thing?

FO1 encounter tweaker make changes in EXE file. To restore you need run encounter tweaker again and choose falloutw.exe in RESTORE window. It return EXE to original state.
I see, thanks.

Now I'm gonna try it. My party cries for more encounters.
EDIT 26.04.2012 - updated Fallout 1 Encounter Tweaker (v - fixed minor bug with restoring to original state when EXE was tweaked before (when value of encounter frequency other then 65).
Still not compatible with Mash's FO1 hi-res patch!
Cubik2k said:
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
Cubik2k said:
Fallout 1 Encounter Tweaker v. - the tool for change encounter frequency check. Works with Fallout 1 ver 1.2 only (US, TeamX)
It is usefull when you need more or less encunters while wandering on global map ;)
Just exactly what I need, but will it work with NPC mod and hi-resolution mod?

I noticed in my game some problems with hi-res patch, it could crash/frezze game after use FO1 encounter tweaker. In clean FO1 it not happen, only with Mash's res patch.
If you will notice such things, please report.

EDIT 23.04.2012 - updated Fallout 1/2 Critters Editor (v. - added missing pictures (thx to Pixote), fixed bugs (FO1 skills values calculations), added option to optional editing BASE values (default disabled), other minor visual/functional improvenments and changes.
So I tried FO1 encounter tweaker, changing the value from 65 (default) to 40, then roamed the wasteland. Random encounters noticeably increased, although not all of them are combat encounters.

So far, I haven't experienced any crash. I didn't save my game though..

Anyway, here's the list of patches I'm using:
1) Fallout_1_TeamX_Patch_ENG_1.2w
2) f1child_patch
3) fallup13 from TeamX
4) f1npcmod, to enable companions to raise level
5) High Resolution Patch (v1.3)

Yet I didn't experience any problem. Or maybe I just haven't?
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
So I tried FO1 encounter tweaker, changing the value from 65 (default) to 40, then roamed the wasteland. Random encounters noticeably increased, although not all of them are combat encounters.

So far, I haven't experienced any crash. I didn't save my game though..

Anyway, here's the list of patches I'm using:
1) Fallout_1_TeamX_Patch_ENG_1.2w
2) f1child_patch
3) fallup13 from TeamX
4) f1npcmod, to enable companions to raise level
5) High Resolution Patch (v1.3)

Yet I didn't experience any problem. Or maybe I just haven't?
Correct, everything is working as it should. Cubik didn't change anything in the encounter scripts code -- many (well, some, whatever) of Fallout's encounters do not have monsters/hostiles. Some of these are the more commonly-encountered ones.
F2wedit v. - The tool for edit/create items PRO files in Fallout game. Since version 1.4.x.x supports files from Fallout 1.
Files "master.dat' and critter.dat' and EXE ('fallout2.exe' or 'falloutw.exe') are used for work.
Cubik2k said:
Since version 1.4.x.x supports files from Fallout 1.
Wow, thanks Cubik. It surely saves a lot of trouble. :clap:

EDIT: It seems F2wedit runs a bit slower for FO1. There's a small delay for display items while clicking the list, is it normal?
NovaRain said:
EDIT: It seems F2wedit runs a bit slower for FO1. There's a small delay for display items while clicking the list, is it normal?

Yes, it's normal. I hope that temporarily and I can to discover the cause. For some reason the program works more slowly, probably because of the slower algorithm for extracting the FO1 DAT files.

I am glad you have enjoyed this update of the program :)

I checked and it turns out that the extract FRM from FO1 DAT slows down the program.
You can temporarily turn on in main menu auto extracting files
Options -> Unpacking *. pro ​​files from *. dat -> Enabled

After click on selected item in listbox, FRM file will be extracted from DAT, and the next time f2wedit will use the extracted files. It will work faster. I will make next update for extracting all necessary FRM files by one click.
Cubik2k said:
NovaRain said:
EDIT: It seems F2wedit runs a bit slower for FO1. There's a small delay for display items while clicking the list, is it normal?

Yes, it's normal. I hope that temporarily and I can to discover the cause. For some reason the program works more slowly, probably because of the slower algorithm for extracting the FO1 DAT files.

I am glad you have enjoyed this update of the program :)

I checked and it turns out that the extract FRM from FO1 DAT slows down the program.
You can temporarily turn on in main menu auto extracting files
Options -> Unpacking *. pro ​​files from *. dat -> Enabled

After click on selected item in listbox, FRM file will be extracted from DAT, and the next time f2wedit will use the extracted files. It will work faster. I will make next update for extracting all necessary FRM files by one click.
Cubik, I didn't experience any crash when using encounter tweakerm, and I'm using hi-resolution patch. :)
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
Cubik, I didn't experience any crash when using encounter tweakerm, and I'm using hi-resolution patch. :)

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
5) High Resolution Patch (v1.3)

Thanks for your optimistic report :) Could you give a link to High Resolution Patch (v1.3) ? In NMA download there is only newest 3.0.6 which crash my game when using enco-tweak.

Also, what resolution you use, and what color depth (8bit, 16bit or 32bit).

Personally, I still have a bug when using the enco-tweak and hi-res patch :(

EDIT - update F2wedit v - added option for extract all necessary FRM fles for faster work on FO1 items (Main menu -> Tools -> Extract necessary FRM)
Hey Cubik2k you need to update your website so people know that the downloads are the latest FO12_critters_editor v1.0.1.0.

Thanks. :wink: