New tools for Fallout 1/2

Cubik2k said:
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
Cubik, I didn't experience any crash when using encounter tweakerm, and I'm using hi-resolution patch. :)

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
5) High Resolution Patch (v1.3)

Thanks for your optimistic report :) Could you give a link to High Resolution Patch (v1.3) ? In NMA download there is only newest 3.0.6 which crash my game when using enco-tweak.

Also, what resolution you use, and what color depth (8bit, 16bit or 32bit).

Personally, I still have a bug when using the enco-tweak and hi-res patch :(

EDIT - update F2wedit v - added option for extract all necessary FRM fles for faster work on FO1 items (Main menu -> Tools -> Extract necessary FRM)
Sorry for the late reply, Cubik. I've been pretty busy lately. After reading my hi-resolution patch readme, turned out that it's actually V2.2b.

V2.2b 09/10/09
Fixed a mistake I made adding "Fallout Restoration Mod" support which caused other fallout versions to stop working.

Problem is, I don't even remember where did I download it, but if you PM me your email, I can send it to you. It's small, only 469 kilobytes.
About F2wedit, I think I found a bug. I can't add any new perks to items or change one to another. I can remove perks (set "None") from items with no problem, but if I added/changed perks, after clicking "done" button, any change of perks didn't get saved in the proto.

EDIT: The older version ( works fine under the same situation.
Update F2wedit v - fixed bug with no save PERK for items.

Thanks to NovaRain for report :)

EDIT 03.05.2012 - updated Fallout 1 Encounter Tweaker (v a) - GUI improvenments, added new option to change Chance of normal encounters. Conditionally compatible with Mash's FO1 hi-res patch v3.0.x.
So.... I haven't played around with these lately. Does this mean I should completely abandon FUCK and Mapper for editing critters, and only use this instead?

Because FIXT is going to require a shit-ton of critter changes over time so I'd like to use whichever is "best"

EDIT: Also, one thing that would be AMAZING is if you could add some kind of Compare option. I have copies in different folders of PROs and don't remember always what the differences were/are. Looking at the Hex or opening them in the aforementioned apps individually is a pain in the ass. Some kind of comparison tool either in this app or standalone would be fucking awesome. Examples of the kind of thing I'm thinking of:
Sduibek said:
So.... I haven't played around with these lately. Does this mean I should completely abandon FUCK and Mapper for editing critters, and only use this instead?

Because FIXT is going to require a shit-ton of critter changes over time so I'd like to use whichever is "best"

The answer is a big YES.
Cubik2k said:
EDIT 03.05.2012 - updated Fallout 1 Encounter Tweaker (v a) - GUI improvenments, added new option to change Chance of normal encounters. Conditionally compatible with Mash's FO1 hi-res patch v3.0.x.
So, does it work with the V2.2b. hi-res patch I sent you?
Sduibek said:
So.... I haven't played around with these lately. Does this mean I should completely abandon FUCK and Mapper for editing critters, and only use this instead?

Because FIXT is going to require a shit-ton of critter changes over time so I'd like to use whichever is "best"

Yes, FO1/2 Critters Editor is fully compatible with FUCK/BIS critter editor. However, if you want edit new critter, you should make new PRO in BIS mapper (for proper PID number) and manually add PRO, critters.lst and PRO_CRIT_MSG (converted to INI by conmsg2ini_crit.exe) files in specified directories (\FO1\, \FO2\). In plans I have to make Critters Editor like F2wedit (add new critter, use FRM, DAT files etc.)

Sduibek said:
EDIT: Also, one thing that would be AMAZING is if you could add some kind of Compare option. I have copies in different folders of PROs and don't remember always what the differences were/are. Looking at the Hex or opening them in the aforementioned apps individually is a pain in the ass. Some kind of comparison tool either in this app or standalone would be fucking awesome. Examples of the kind of thing I'm thinking of:

I will think about this, but it not happen in nearest future. Give me more description how it should work and look.

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman said:
So, does it work with the V2.2b. hi-res patch I sent you?

I tested a little with V2.2b and it seems work good. However I made most tests with newest 3.0.6(3) version. I'm going to do more extensive testing when I have more free time, also in version 2.2b.
Cubik2k said:
In plans I have to make Critters Editor like F2wedit (add new critter, use FRM, DAT files etc.)

That would be great Cubik. You're got a real talent for these tools.

Are you up to making a tile cutting tool for modders? Something that would take an image and slice it up into many little tiles for the roof and ground. And then save the files as FRMs. It's a big ask, but I'm willing to help in any way possible. :wink:

We currently have a Photoshop 'action' that can do 400 tiles, but it isn't easy for newbies to use. <a> Building and cutting new tiles for Fallout 1 and 2.</a>

Pixote, TileCutter tool is rather hard for me, but I found some time ago LUA script for cutting tiles. I look for in my HDD for this script.

EDIT 05.05.2012 - update F2wedit v - added option for change game directory
Cubik, I've noticed all the map crashes my users of FIXT are getting, are on maps I've edited. Do you have any idea what could cause that? Mismatched .PRO perhaps? (i.e. used a different PRO when building the map then what is included with the mod). The problem is the only way that could be the issue, is for people not installed Patch 1 -- because my understanding is if the main install had this issue, basically everyone would be seeing the crashes, instead of isolated incidences.

We've seen crashes in Junktown, Hub Downtown, Raiders all of which are maps I've made changes to.

Thank you
It's almost always a PRO problem, something is missing from either the map, or proto file/list...or a mismatch somewhere. Recently with a new build with Mutants Rising, I had the same problem with maps crashing. The strange thing was when I hand dropped the new protos into their folders one at a time, it worked again...weird! :roll:
Im using f2 wedit the latest version but I have 2 problems, I need to know if there is a restore to defult button cause after playing around I messed up my hint book, and the other thing is when I edit the # of charges an item has it doeant save
Is there any way for you to get the mapper to check against PROs?

For example, check the PROs in the folder against the PROs used when the map file was last saved, to see if they are different. Would help a lot with troubleshooting map crashes (for me anyway)
So now I can finally mod FO1 files with F2Wedit without using a workaround? Sweet.

Although I noticed that when I fetched the update by using the auto-updater, the patch version is newer than what's advertised in this topic. Even newer than the Weapon Perk bug fix.

Any changes of importance?
with f2wedit :

1) I get several seconds of lag and a CPU usage spike whenever clicking on an item in the list. Is that supposed to happen? :scratch: It happens every time I click on any item's entry in the list.

2) Also, Windows is marking every PRO I select as Modified, as well as PRO_ITEM.MSG as Modified. That's really not good... there's various reasons this is a bad idea. Why is your program marking files as modified just by reading them?

2b) These items actually get modified just by clicking on them (all the others are just marked as modified, but in fact had no changes) -- 90, 107, 165, 205

PRO 90: hex offset 0x40 changed from 08 to 01
PRO 107: hex offset 0x40 changed from 09 to 00
PRO 165: hex offset 0x34 changed from FF FF FF FF to 07 00 00 00
PRO 205: hex offset 0x1A changed from A8 to A0

3) Lastly, is possible to make multiple instances possible? I tried this and seems to be specifically designed to not allow multiple instances.

Suggestions for critter editor:

1) options menu that allows to set folder (so I don't have to use "FO1")

2) allow user to set so it always boots with Fo1 or Fo2 critters selected as default. (for example in my case so I don't have to click Fallout 1 every time) merely convenience but it'd be nice.

3) it's missing fields! :( Please add them... Otherwise we still have to use hex-editing / FUCK / Mapper which defeats the whole purpose.
Kill Type, Gender, AI Packet, Body Type, Critical Chance, Better Criticals, Age

4) Name display doesn't take into account that CRITTERS.LST is out of order for some critters. For example look at PRO 24 and 25 (Nightkin and Townswoman). Your app reads them sequentially when in fact they are out of order in the list file, meaning slot 24 is PRO 25 and slot 25 is PRO 24.

Not trying to be rude or anything, just I've been using both extensively today and want to give my feedback / glitch reports. Of course we all appreciate your work :clap: :notworthy:
I agree with Sduibek about f2wedit. That bug (items silently get modified) really annoys me. Strangely it does not happen with all items, just some (all weapons I think, but not always). Just tested it with latest and version - both have this.

It would have been great if projects like this was open source, because many modders use them (for their usefulness), yet bugs like this make it worse for everyone and no one to fix them, because sources are not available and authors usually lost for years of forever :( I'm almost sure such bug is easy to fix.
I agree with Sduibek about f2wedit. That bug (items silently get modified) really annoys me. Strangely it does not happen with all items, just some (all weapons I think, but not always). Just tested it with latest and version - both have this.

It would have been great if projects like this was open source, because many modders use them (for their usefulness), yet bugs like this make it worse for everyone and no one to fix them, because sources are not available and authors usually lost for years of forever :( I'm almost sure such bug is easy to fix.

Even though I like applications to be open source so whenever one gets tired of maintaining the program, someone else can take over, I think it's too soon to say Cubik is lost for years or forever. AFAIK, the latest request before today was fulfilled. His tools are pretty much 'done', until he gets more feedback, IMO. I haven't used them because I don't mod, but reading this thread gives me the idea they are complete enough, so I'd expect him to only modify on request (either because someone thought of a cool feature or because someone reports a bug).