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So i finally got to finish Arcanum again, i have chosen to make a new char around the ideas i had in my first playthrough, which means playing a high tech Gunslinger. The main difference is that this time i neglected speech just to see what happens.

The game starts and i just find out i survived an incident revolving around a Zeppelin named IFS Zephyr, aside from me, in the ruins of the zeppelin, a gnome on the verge of death tell me to "find the boy and deliver him the ring", this alone leave me with all kinds of questions. To make everything harder, i have this annoying priest preaching nonsense in my ears at every step i take, name's Virgyl.

When i Finally got him to shut up, i got attacked by a random guy wearing an armlet, the armlet had the name of a shady organization named "the molochean hand", i finally left and went to a city named Shrouded hills where i got some information regarding the supposedly responsibles by crating the ring, a company named "P. Schuyler and Sons". Before i could leave i had promised to solve a problem regarding a ghost haunting the city's mine, helped the main bank against a bunch of bandits, found out more about Virgyl's misterious friend which left a letter for us in Shrouded hills's hotel and sold the ring to a sympathetic dwarf who revealed to be the gnome's son.


Before i could leave the city i had to deal with some puny bandits (nothing some molotovs couldn't handle) and then... the gnome attacked me? son of a bitch!! i murdered the bastard, i'm so sick of those damn assholes.

Finally after leaving shrouded hills i had chosen to go solve the mines's quest, which wasn't too hard. i only had to talk to the previous owner's sis to find out what actually happened. turns out the guy was a piece of shit. She mentioned a big town named Tarant and gave me the address of the current owner of the mines.

After some talking i walked a long way to Tarant (those slow overworld walks full of murderers attacking me, oh the pain), that reminded me how much i hated this game's combat. it is SO bad, it actually hurts. but yeah, i got to the technological marvel named Tarant, which for some reason have 1 or 2 steam engines through the entire town. Aside from that, Holy fuck theres a LOT to do here. In fact, i still don't know what happens if i choose to publish my story in the Tarantian newspaper.

After a LOT of questing going from find out a lady's missing painting to wiping a gang's territory clean (the stunningly high amount of content reminds me of New reno), i finally do what Joachim letter told me to. after reading the telegram he left in Tarant, the guy told me more about those shady assasins and told me to go to a city named stillwater as fast as possible. the first thing i tried to do was reaching the creators of the ring, but the guy operating the store wouldn't give me the rights to contact the true shop's owner, so i invaded the shop and ended up murdering everyone in there. I had no lead to stillwater and my only other tip was a letter naming a very known name in Tarant. so before i could do anything i decided to talk to the most important person in the region. the one responsible for the machinery in most of Arcanum, Gillbert bates.

Mr bates tell me a story about how he got involved with the dwarves of a clan named "the black mountain clan". I give him the ring and go after their place, the Black mountain mines (ohh boy).

Until this point i had not many issues with the game. the content is mostly good to great, but this place here ruins every playtrough i have. in this playtrough i did almost every quest i could, the only one left in tarant was a certain shady quest that i left for later, yet i was level 9 when i reached the mountains. The issue? level 30 golems that chew throught my party in seconds, it really is a pain in the ass and even after i returned and tried every quest in ashbury either, i got only to level 15.

I actually even managed to try and kill the automatron in order to get the basic PM, sadly Virgyl died during the process :cry:


After doing every quest in Ashbury and taking the dog which me i tried BMC again and... it still wasnt enough. my hand canon deal ok damage, but my dog quickly died to the golems and only my him was able to take them down (the dog is the strongest party member in the game i think), i went back to tarant, took Magnus with me, went to Derholm and took Jayna and then i FINALLY could go through the mines (at L20, because i needed to grind a bit). At the end i found a lot about what happened to the Dwarven clan, it turns out that they were banished to a prison colony within an island named "the island of despair" by an elven clan. When you tell that to mr bates he is understandably very confused and offer us a ship to go and investigate.

At this point i was very tired of the game, it really has a problem with pacing and it is very easy to see that once you notice that the BMC was out of place and the rest of the game is PISS easy now, with mostly low level enemies. theres absolutely no challenge to be had in isle of despair for example. i went in there, took the pit challenge, demolished the fighters, talked to the leader of criminals in that place, rescued a lady and got a new lead. another dwarven clan, those who supposedly sold the BMC, the clan named "wheel clan". the funny thing is that this time i lacked persuasion and therefore i was told that i need to somehow craft special spectacles if i wanted to find the clan. I thought a bit and found the spectacles's store in Black root. It was logical to ask the vendor to craft for me. However, going blind and doing things differently at times is fun because even if it was quite logical, it took me an hour or two to come to this conclusion lmao.

The story is interesting enough after BMC that it keeps you going, but the gameplay honestly already had exhausted me completely at this point, so i stopped playing for some weeks.

When i returned i went throught the Wheel clan, slashed throught their whole dungeon, convinced Loghaire to return to his throne and then i went to stillwater where i couldnt find Joachim, but after a lot of questing i got the location for Qintarra, the place where i would finally talk with the elves and get my answers.

in Qintarra, i asked to get an audience with their leader, but Raven, their leader's daughter said i had to do something for her first and here we go...

in this quest, you find an elf forest that is protected by some elf spirits, the elves will punish those who engage on violence, killing them as a punishment for spilling blood in sacred land, Raven tell us to remove some humans from that region, but we can't use violence and she will tell us to "think about a method" as if it was something you could come up with by being creative. The issue? without persuasion, theres only ONE solution to that quest. you have to annoy the humans as this will make them try to kill you, which result in the spirits of the forest being triggered. The most egregious issue is that its extremely badly coded as the spirits will most of the times attack you regardless of who started the fight EVEN if your character is alone and hadn't retaliated. Playing this blind will be a hassle as you have no idea how you could solve the quest and i certainly tried. I searched the whole map for the company who supposedly employed them, tried to use an invisibility gem to pretend i was a ghost and even exploit their supplies or try and convince the lizard warriors around that region to attack them... all was for nothing as they haven't thought of a possibility that the player may want to try any of those choices. Because of that, you have to go through what seems like a buggy exploit in order to solve the quest. its notably badly designed. i only found about that AFTER i finished this playtrough since i usually avoid looking at guides while i play.

But i digress. after going through all that shit i got an audience with the silver lady, which is the leader of the elves and well... she was as enigmatic as one would expect.

After a lot of problems, and after investigating Caladon in order to find a cursed book that supposedly killed all of its owners, i return to Raven and tell her all i know, not only getting her to cooperate, but bringing her to a mission with the objective of erradicating the dark elves. The dark elves are a group of elves which followed the teachings of the dark sorcerer Arronax, which believed the Elven council should dominate and enslave all races he deemed "inferior" to the elves. he was the responsible for the destruction of an ancient civilization called "Vendigroth". They had a very different philosophy from their close cousins and were banished from Qintarra by being outright evil.

After i killed all of the dark elves and freed some slaves, i got information regarding Arronax. which lead me to a journey to thanatos (a place in which i supposedly could find the body of Nasrudin, a place where i could maybe get my answer). the funny part? Nasrudin wasnt dead. This plot twist is known by now, but its still as mind blowing as it originally was. You spend all this time trying to defeat the big badie arronax because of a legend which could be interpreted as nominating you the reincarnation of this legendary elf and then... you find out you actually were just a guy that ended up involved in this large
conflict, it is brilliant. Nasrudin tells you a lot about his backstory and what happened to Arronax, his son.

After hearing so much about it, we have two final quests to engage at... but not before i return to Tarant and finally do the X files quest.

That quest is still Creepy, horrifying and amazing after all those years, the feeling of finding out the implications of the whole thing and how much they mean to the setting is unmatched when it comes to quest writing. When my PC found out what the gnomes did and how much of Tarant was involved in the whole thing, i couldn't help but help the orcs of bates's factory take over the city and burn it to the ground. Yes, even Bates ended up dying at the end. To be honest, he totally deserved.

The orc riot rep was a trait i also got in my first playtrough and for the exact same reasons, however, i recall getting this reputation trait way earlier in my first playtrough. it has extreme consequences as you get instantly hated by both Tarant and caladon, which are quite huge quest hubs.

After all that, i FINALLY went to vendigroth and got my hands at the Vendigroth device, a piece of equipment made specifically to seal Arronax forever. turns out Nasrudin figured it out that arronax could return from the dead, after he got sealed into the void, a place where only evil are banished, banished to an area where time can't progress and everything is eternal. The reason why The dark elves took the BMC dwarves is to use their expertise in technological development to make a machine that could bring people back from the void. Because Arronax was so evil, we have to stop this before Arcanum is doomed to eternal death.

After getting the device, finally its time to go and beat the guy to death


After we finally get to the void... well, it turns out Arronax actually wasnt the villain, instead it was another enemy of the council, a necromancer named Kerghan which impersonated Arronax to manipulate the Dark elves in order to make his return possible.

I always found this ending really weird as Kerghan comes out of nowhere as a villain and he don't really ties well with the main plot and the whole thing revolving around nature vs supernatural. he wants to pretty much force people to abandon all life since he sees life as something horrendous that brings nothing but pain. His resolve is rather weak and if you have high Persuasion, convincing him is extremely dull compared to the situation with Richard grey in Fo1.

I lack persuasive skills so i "convinced him" with my sniper rifle.

We get the ending slides, lots of towns ended up in death, Cumbria fight against tarant and wins again (which should be easy really since well.. tarant isnt supposed to exist anymore) and a bunch of terrible things happen to everyone but Shrouded hills.

At the end, i had a rough time, but let's start with the pros.

+ side questing is mostly well done, which is not a surprise considering who was behind this game.

+ bunch of build choices

+ interesting premise for a setting

+ storyline gets quite interesting

+ lots of in-universe lore

+ in-town navigation is really great due to the new features such as the waypoint system.

+ Itemization is AMAZING. it has a lot of options for weapons: magick versions, tech versions, different kinds of armors, items for skillcheck based gameplay such as Fallout's,etc... crafting and getting different recipes and equipment is fantastic and it adds a lot to the game, even when most things are not as well done, itemization is consistently great. the worse part about it is that you might get the best equipment in the game quite fast because of the BMC grindfest.

Now... let's do the cons:

-combat sucks and theres no other way you could perceive it. The game has 2 modes, a turn based mode that works like fallout, in which your actions are governed by action points, using items on the inventory cost AP and so does moving or attacking, theres also a newly introduced Real time mode, in which theres no turns or action points and everybody hits each other at light speed, this was introduced in order to make combat more dynamic.The problem with the combat can be split within 3 parts: its buggy, it lacks feedback and the new fatigue system is HORRIBLE.

Why its buggy?: the fatigue system doesnt work on real time, which means you can abuse the system by exploiting the fatigue system in order to win easily. Aside from that bug, enemies sometime will get stuck in certain positions, the combat turn will keep loading forever without anyone acting on turn base mode and sometimes enemies will simply become invisible.

Why it lacks feedback?: the action point system is back for turn based, however not only the number of action points spent when walking is not highlighted anymore when the player hoover the mouse over an area (you have to pay attention and count the icons that become red once you hover the mouse over a certain position as those icons indicate the consumption of AP), but weapons and items can be used with minimal AP, even if they spend more AP to be used (if Player A should spend 4 AP to shoot a pistol, while 1 Ap they still can shoot the same pistol regardless of remaining AP), not only this is weird but very non-intuitive when you already have to count your AP in order to move on the map.The animations are also lacking, theres no difference in animation when you hit or miss anymore, which means you depends on a message saying an enemy dodged or you missed, those won't show up everytime which well, is VERY confusing when you need this feedback to fight without wasting your time looking at health bars.

Why the fatigue system sucks?: You just never have enough to fight. you either have to destroy your enemies too fast or carry a ridiculous ammount of potions to make up for the lack of fatigue. Obviously taking actions and moving your character cost AP, what makes it WORSE is that a bigger ammount of AP is lost when an enemy hit your character, which is ridiculous since for the most part, enemies won't hit you once per turn. This will quickly make your character faint (which is what happens once you hit zero AP), fainting during combat is certain death 99% of the times, so you'll be tempted to abuse the fatigue exploit and use real time to keep your fatigue high, once you notice that everything is horribly chaotic in real time and you can't keep up with the actions that are taking place on the area. Its a horrible system and for the most part its the worst element of combat.

-Since the combat is horrible, dungeon crawling has a very limited chance of being good, which for the most part doesnt happen as it is as terrible as you could expect. Let me properly explain:

Not only are dungeons extremely long and the design is very repetitive (the same layout for the Boose mines in Shrouded hills will be reused as the template for most dungeons in the entire game, which will wear the player out extremely quickly) but the distribution of enemies is insane. there are enemies EVERYWHERE, where as theres barely no puzzles to solve, you won't have a nice pacing between navigation, puzzle solving and combat, Instead you'll be dealing with a bunch of trash mobs that will keep attacking you in hordes and trying to exhaust your resources in the cheapest way possible. On top of that, a lot of those places have enemies of a large difference in level on the same spot, such as the BMC mines in the early game, which will place early game enemies such as level 8 imps alongside level 30 golems. Since the combat is so bad and dungeons are nothing but combat, it feels like a ridiculous chore.

- the A.I in the game is also quite terrible. Enemies are mostly simple coded like Fallout, which means they'll rush at the player disregarding their gear and run away if their HP is low, the problem is that pathfinding is significantly worse, so they'll stumble at each other very easily and at times, if you are close to an entrance or exit door, enemies might just stop and stare at you while you punch them to death.

- Aside from the enemy A.I, the party A.I is also quite bad. i don't know why, but this game removed the tactical interface introduced on Fallout 2. Tim cain may had have a distaste for Fallout 2 since he left during the development, however he SHOULD take notes from what that game did well and troika really haven't, they mostly ignored Fallout 2's changes while doing a game that is more party based than FO2 ever was. Well, as a result you can expect your Magick inclined party member to keep constantly casting a heal spell in your full tech PC to no effect, until they exhaust their fatigue bar completely.

- The main quests do decline significantly in quality after Tarant.

-One thing that i still haven't said is that this game is terribly buggy and its very easy to find not only annoying bugs, but game breaking ones. I found all kinds of weird bugs in some of my playtroughts such as being stuck in the isle of despair's pit by trying to use my spells at there, the game suddenly lagging to an almost unplayably slow speed and forcing me to reset the game or even the most common and frequent ones such as the infinite loading clock of doom, which always show up in the worst moments. Even my endgame slides had a hard time working.

- The nature vs magick system feels arbitrary and theres a bunch of very badly written in-universe elements. When cumbria war started, technology was starting to resurface, kickstarted specially by Bates's inventions, which means they were using less developed equipment against years of magical research, this includes but its not limited to: scrolls of summoning to increase the armies to ridiculous degrees with Golems, familiars, animals and the ability to summon spirits and demons, on top of that, Cumbria had the ability to ressurect the dead with cheap ressurect spells and scrolls that are well developed and researched between students, they could also charm their enemies, dominate their minds, shape the battleground with poison, manipulate the wind, turn people into stone, heal allies way easier than the technologists, cure people from all sources of poison, double their speed, paralyze people, kill their enemies and then make them return as undead warriors and somehow, those invincible killing machines with powers provided by the gods that only had to deal with the cost of being a bit tired after casting their spells (which could be countered by potion consumption), managed to LOSE????

I posted something related to that in Rpgcodex some days ago, but the funny part is that at the time i gave some slack for people trying to defend Cumbria war by saying that theres not a whole lot of mages in Cumbria's army. the issue? theres an ending in which the war happens again and Cumbria actually wins against even better developed weapons...

At some point they even introduce a small vial that can make even the Bulkiest character come back from the dead (due to the sheer necesssity of "balancing" the game), no repercussions or cons. and its extremely cheap for what it does either, making it quite acessible even if its pretty much the elixir from the gods. The first time i found this i was VERY confused. How does this work? how could they engineer technology that could ressurect the dead, making it acessible even to the lowliest of the human lifes, people who have no way of casting spells, the common folk!!! which implications such a big thing have on the setting? why nobody in-game talks about it??? I knew the game didnt have in-game descriptions for equipment but i also knew that Schematics actually had a little description presenting how a particular tech works and well.... After 2 hours i spent trying to find that schematic, i finally put my eyes at its description, which reads as follows:


"[This schematic is printed on a strange sort of paper, and looks to be very old. The writing is faded almost beyond recognition.] Experiments upon the life force..... regenerative chemical compounds...... unbelievable results...... completely revived and functioning normally..... advances.... Vendigrothian science......"

Arcanum has lots and lots of good ideas. it seems inspired and at times it comes too close to achive its full potential. However, due to the huge ammount of design issues, bad pacing, setting inconsistencies, awful combat and repetitive dungeon crawling, i can't help but feel like it was a half-crafted game that is no more than a bunch of good ideas which unfortunately are quite badly executed.

I would give it a 4/10
Hi @The_Proletarian, I overlooked this thread. I'm definitely in, and I will post my impressions soon. I just have an initial question about the game list. Are Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 omitted due to their development by Bethesda, or is there any other reason? Fallout: New Vegas is included, although it was published by Bethesda (but developed by Obsidian in participation with former Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 developers). Thank you for clarification and your feedback.
I'm definitely in, and I will post my impressions soon.
That's great! Glad to hear that.

I've been very busy during the last month but I'm finishing up my New Vegas play-through soon I hope.

I just have an initial question about the game list. Are Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 omitted due to their development by Bethesda, or is there any other reason? Fallout: New Vegas is included, although it was published by Bethesda (but developed by Obsidian in participation with former Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 developers). Thank you for clarification and your feedback.
They are omitted just because I personally didn't want to replay Fallout 3 and I have no intention of trying Fallout 4. However if you want to play them as part of this, then go ahead! I have actually started to warm up to the idea of replaying Fallout 3 myself, just to get a reminder.

Would you consider adding Last Hope (Fallout 2 TC) to the list ?
Sure! It would be great to have people playing it and get some impressions in this thread.

Is it in the same universe as Fallout? I've started the mod but you begin without a Pipboy so I don't know which year it's set. I asked @Forgotten Knight but didn't get a reply.
Sure! It would be great to have people playing it and get some impressions in this thread.

Is it in the same universe as Fallout? I've started the mod but you begin without a Pipboy so I don't know which year it's set. I asked @Forgotten Knight but didn't get a reply.

the starting year is 2321..
you can get the pipboy realtively early on but it's kind of tricky to find it.

Either way it's not about the chosen one, thought here are mentions of Vault 13 vaults in general and supermutants, although no FEV mutties are found ingame besides mutated animals ( deathclaws among them).

The game is set relatively low tech, the ammo is scarse, (in fact the only mod that has more scarse ammo is probably the Ardent's mod demo), the game itself capitalizes on few new approches to how you solve quests in fallout, how you obtain items ( one new book type (books are scarse as hell btw). one companion ( although late game) specialized in small guns, although has the standard dude animation sets so all weapon animations are included. About the only Fallout game where You're not sepose to get Power armor of any kind (low tech setting as I've said), i really liked how you start this mod in a prison, although the reasons to go out are kind of unrealistic, though I think the game overall is kind of neat, "fills it's niche" so to speak, though some might say ending slides would be a welcome addition, I don't expect they'll come, it is a one man project afterall.. A solid playtime, Kind of short and has a refreshable in game timer to keep player on a leash, only one stealthboy, and you have to abuse the game mechanics to get it or wait till post endgame, only one lockpick set, so save before lockpicking with them ( same goes for electronic lockpick). it's a kind of game where you have to watch out what you respond to ppl, it's easy to piss some of them off by always pressing "1". but overall.. I Liked it.. a lot.. simply because it's a few day playthrough comparing to mollochs like "2" or Sonora.. which take of upwards of a week
I just begun. There's 8 lesser rad scorpions you have to fight in unarmed just to pass the first door. And in the next room there's a dude you have to fight in both unarmed and then melee combat (he himself only uses unarmed though). It's a bit annoying if you go with a build that isn't versed in those combat styles. Maybe that's the games way of letting you know you should make an unarmed/melee character? Especially if you say it's a low tech game...

Also the player character wakes up with amnesia.

Thank you for naming the year, 2321 is well beyond even New Vegas. I just noticed you can see the year on your save.

e: I made it to the surface.
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I just begun. There's 8 lesser rad scorpions you have to fight in unarmed just to pass the first door. And in the next room there's a dude you have to fight in both unarmed and then melee combat (he himself only uses unarmed though). It's a bit annoying if you go with a build that isn't versed in those combat styles. Maybe that's the games way of letting you know you should make an unarmed/melee character? Especially if you say it's a low tech game...

Also the player character wakes up with amnesia.

Thank you for naming the year, 2321 is well beyond even New Vegas. I just noticed you can see the year on your save.

e: I made it to the surface.
pressing the / or ? on the keyboard also prints out current date and time..
also the unarmed and melee test can be laughd at if you have 9 or 10 action points, simply attack once and run for at least 6 hexes away in a straight line, he won't have the AP to attack back, simply stab once and run. this will off him without the need to heal. Scorps in the first chamber can be dealt the same way though you don't need to run that far, you only need to put rocks into the container to open the door, as per description says, there's a rock in every room but not a scorp in every room...

unarmed is plausible but not an efficient way to beat the game. Setting the game to Hard also makes it impossible to beat. enemies will have 12/30% physiacal resistances added to what they already have, so certain deathclaws can be taken down only with certain heavy machineguns and AP/FMJ ammo.. on the other hand an easy game is not that easy in certain random encounters...
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also the unarmed and melee test can be laughd at if you have 9 or 10 action points, simply attack once and run for at least 6 hexes away in a straight line, he won't have the AP to attack back, simply stab once and run. this will off him without the need to heal. Scorps in the first chamber can be dealt the same way though you don't need to run that far,
That's exactly what I did!

I'm getting information from the other inmates now. I'm hoping for a way to not have to pay them for information, I want to keep that cash. It's interesting that the Prison Master said that this was the only prison that survied the war. More probably the only prison that they know of.

e: So you have to give money to prisoner Gary in order to get information. At least 51% speech wasn't enough to get that information for free. Maybe barter can get the price down? Then you can ask either about him or about the fifth prisoner who escaped, Scott. You can't go to the administrator after that... But now another prisoner will talk to you. I don't understand why that option wasn't available from the beginning. I had to read the info text to get that.

Then you talk to the administrator but you can only give him one line of information. The pipboy is hidden for some reason, why couldn't the administrator just give you one? In another mod the pipboy had a tracking device iirc so that way they could track you. Then you are sent off to find some of the escapees?
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Perhaps this is off topic but I’m curious what the backstory is for the prison you start in in that mod. Is it like the Van Buren automated prison? Or is it a pre-war prison being used by a post-war faction? Or is it supposed to be a mystery?
That's exactly what I did!

I'm getting information from the other inmates now. I'm hoping for a way to not have to pay them for information, I want to keep that cash. It's interesting that the Prison Master said that this was the only prison that survied the war. More probably the only prison that they know of.

e: So you have to give money to prisoner Gary in order to get information. At least 51% speech wasn't enough to get that information for free. Maybe barter can get the price down? Then you can ask either about him or about the fifth prisoner who escaped, Scott. You can't go to the administrator after that... But now another prisoner will talk to you. I don't understand why that option wasn't available from the beginning. I had to read the info text to get that.

Then you talk to the administrator but you can only give him one line of information. The pipboy is hidden for some reason, why couldn't the administrator just give you one? In another mod the pipboy had a tracking device iirc so that way they could track you. Then you are sent off to find some of the escapees?

i never had to pay more than 250$ to Gary and administrator always gives around 370$ as far as i remember, and as i've said the reason for letting you go is kind of meh, though you have to report every four months or they will begin to pursue you..

as for the pipboy..

there's a manhole on the pitstop map of the prison go down find a note and read it ( use the hand icon) it will mark a small location on the worldmap near the prison.. go there and get what you need ;)

Perhaps this is off topic but I’m curious what the backstory is for the prison you start in in that mod. Is it like the Van Buren automated prison? Or is it a pre-war prison being used by a post-war faction? Or is it supposed to be a mystery?
i think it's the second option but you may also belive it's a mystery.. whatever it's a game's mod not really a backstory behind it, it just is what it is I guess..
They found the prison and they tell you it's the only one that still remains after the war. Not much else is said.

as for the pipboy..

there's a manhole on the pitstop map of the prison go down find a note and read it ( use the hand icon) it will mark a small location on the worldmap near the prison.. go there and get what you need ;)
Yeah I know but I was saying that's an odd way to give you a pipboy, that's like an easter egg. I argued you should just get one from the prison adminsitrator.

You can just take stuff from the shelves in the General Store without the trader reacting. There's a sledgehammer and two flasks.
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They found the prison and they tell you it's the only one that still remains after the war. Not much else is said.

Yeah I know but I was saying that's an odd way to give you a pipboy, that's like an easter egg. I argued you should just get one from the prison adminsitrator.

You can just take stuff from the shelves in the General Store without the trader reacting. There's a sledgehammer and two flasks.
If You're speaking of Miners Town trader than yes she has a bunch of stuff laying around that she does not carry about, however her main trading inventory is off screen.. like for most of the town traders in this mod..
You can also steal money at the church withouth the priest giving a damn and you don't get negative karma either. You are stealing from the house of God! I like when people react when you try to take stuff and then go hostile if you persist. That rewards players who has invested in SNEAK and STEAL. Everyone shouldn't be able to just take peoples stuff.

When you enter the church you are approched by the guy sent before you to find the missing fugitives. He says his radio broke and that's why the prison can't track him anymore. So shouldn't the PC just be able to crack his own radio then and escape instead of having to go back to the prison every four months? The tracking device is in the radio! that's another reason I think the prison should have given you the pipboy and that they track you through that. Sure, you could throw that way as well... Maybe a bomb-collar?

And I don't understand while the guy with the broken radio is still looking for the fugitives. The prison can't track him anymore so he can just escape and get his life back.

e: The guards at the entrance hall at the sheriffs office doesn't care if you loot the lockers. I mean it's like that in Fallout 1 and 2 as well (except New Reno), but I don't like it.

e2: Need more dynamite!

e3: To find your liaison with the motiontracker was cool. But it could be expanded upon? Like you already know where he is because he speaks to you when you enter the church, even during daytime.

I need to decide where to go next. There are two unlocked locations...
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You can also steal money at the church withouth the priest giving a damn and you don't get negative karma either. You are stealing from the house of God! I like when people react when you try to take stuff and then go hostile if you persist. That rewards players who has invested in SNEAK and STEAL. Everyone shouldn't be able to just take peoples stuff.

When you enter the church you are approched by the guy sent before you to find the missing fugitives. He says his radio broke and that's why the prison can't track him anymore. So shouldn't the PC just be able to crack his own radio then and escape instead of having to go back to the prison every four months? The tracking device is in the radio! that's another reason I think the prison should have given you the pipboy and that they track you through that. Sure, you could throw that way as well... Maybe a bomb-collar?

And I don't understand while the guy with the broken radio is still looking for the fugitives. The prison can't track him anymore so he can just escape and get his life back.

e: The guards at the entrance hall at the sheriffs office doesn't care if you loot the lockers. I mean it's like that in Fallout 1 and 2 as well (except New Reno), but I don't like it.

e2: Need more dynamite!

e3: To find your liaison with the motiontracker was cool. But it could be expanded upon? Like you already know where he is because he speaks to you when you enter the church, even during daytime.

I need to decide where to go next. There are two unlocked locations...

How about this:
the "liason" as you call him is about the only source of stealthboy in the entire game.
if you kill the guy you'll hostile the prison guards in wasteland forest, so it's either super stimping ( super stimps are hard to come by and you need a lot for that guy) or use DeKRuS Fo2MechanicsMiniRework and invest in steal skill, in order to snatch the pipboy and his weapon straight from guard's hands XD
So I went to Farmers Town after Miners Town. You can give money to Joe to help his adopted kid. I gave 500 gold and was rewarded with 500 xp so 1xp per gold. That gold doesn't turn up in is inventory though, so you can't trade it back, that would have been sweet. You only get 750xp for giving him 1000 gold, so the xp/gold ratio is best at 500 gold. However when you give him 500 gold you get xp + ammo, when you give him 1000 gold you get xp + stimpacks. You don't get positive karma for helping the kid and nothing is communicated about town reputation.

Joe in Farmers Town says his grandpa built the gas station. Is that really likely though as it's the year 2321 and the war was back in 2077? More generations must have passed... Maybe he doesn't know his lineage all that well.

e: You can steal 4 gold from the desk in the Pharmacy without the clerk giving any reaction. He is standing right there!

Another thing I thought of is that there's no day and night schedule for NPC:s.
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So I went to Farmers Town after Miners Town. You can give money to Joe to help his adopted kid. I gave 500 gold and was rewarded with 500 xp so 1xp per gold. That gold doesn't turn up in is inventory though, so you can't trade it back, that would have been sweet. You only get 750xp for giving him 1000 gold, so the xp/gold ratio is best at 500 gold. However when you give him 500 gold you get xp + ammo, when you give him 1000 gold you get xp + stimpacks. You don't get positive karma for helping the kid and nothing is communicated about town reputation.

Joe in Farmers Town says his grandpa built the gas station. Is that really likely though as it's the year 2321 and the war was back in 2077? More generations must have passed... Maybe he doesn't know his lineage all that well.

e: You can steal 4 gold from the desk in the Pharmacy without the clerk giving any reaction. He is standing right there!

Another thing I thought of is that there's no day and night schedule for NPC:s.

ahh... game logic in small mods != real world logic...

nvm.. enjoy the game and don't complain.. it still took FK's massive amount of time and work to make this game...
I'm not complaining I just point stuff out that could be improved, feedback. I think it's a fun mod so far!

e: You don't get Gecko Skinning Perk for helping out hunting Geckos at Farmers Town? You get ten gecko pelts however.

e: Quincy can buy the Gecko Pelts of you for 1250$ so why should you give them to Bob for only 1000$? Sure you get 300xp and more quests but you should probably get at least as much mooney as Quincy is offering.

e: Merchant at deserted village should have some money in his inventory to trade for. Like 500$, the amount the Falcon brothers are asking for.

The Falcon Brothers only show up at night, however you cannot rest at the village so you have to travel around the world map in order to pass time and that's annoying.

If you shoot Gordon in his right arm his ability to throw grenades is disabeled (I think).

e: It's a bit odd that three quests in Miners Town are gate locked behind Mike. At least it's possible to convince him to tell about the quests thorugh Speech checks.

e: It couldn't hurt if Sharon the Merchent had a bit more gold on her.
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Quincy ocasionally has all the gold u need. Bob has a buyer on the pelts, so Quincy buys them from bob for 1250 so he has to have profit too, and you unlock second quest with bob (though not right away). The bedt way to aproch the door with stolen goods is by sneaking in front of Gordon. If you kill Gordon, the town turns hostile.

Money to everyone is s bit of s probkem in this game. You just sepose to have some "just in case". There are going to be more things like that, including one time purchase abilities.
and you unlock second quest with bob (though not right away).
That's the only reason to give him the pelts, otherwise you make mor emoney by selling to Quincy.
The bedt way to aproch the door with stolen goods is by sneaking in front of Gordon. If you kill Gordon, the town turns hostile.
I've killed Gordon. But anyway you must still blow the door with dynamite even with your method? Or is it unlocked if you use Sneak?