To repair ED-E you have three options. 1) Science, 2) Repair and then 3) repair with parts. That last one really annoys me because it makes the other two options that rely on skill investment redundant.
It's ridiculous really. The two first options relies on the player having invested into the right skills and then getting rewarded for that investment. But then you have the third stupid repair with parts option that is passable by any character as longs as you can bring the easily findable parts. All of them are in Primm, except for one sensor module which can be found in Primm (what I know).
I think good game design should reward characters that have invested into the right skills but this last options make skill investment just superficial as anyone can get the reward.
Also the repair with parts option is stupid in and of itself. So when you repair ED-E using the Repair skill you don't need the parts? And if you use repair with parts how does your character even know what to do? He doesn't have the skill.
It's clear that the "designers" wanted everybody to be able to get ED-E as a companion and they choose "bring some loot" as a third option. If there is to be a third option besides Science and Repair skill, I think that should be to pay Johnson Nash to repair it for you. That way unskilled characters can still get ED-E albeit it comes with a price. However if you have invested into Barter you can remove the cash bounty by instead bringing the required parts as a true barter.
That's how the quest for the Powder Gangers about the NCR plans for Primm is. You can use Speech, Barter or pay.
Anyway I'm on my way to get that guy from the NCR Correctional Facility made Sheriff in Primm.