Darkcorp voted for Bush jr. so he did not mention him. 

Well I don't think Eisenhower did fuck up during the Suez Crisis, courting Egypt was a more important goal than preserving the dignity of dead empires.Want me to bring up Eisenhower's fuckup during the Suez crisis too, cause I will admit he fucked up royally .
To equate the occasional weak republican administrations, to the multiple times weak democratic leadership has led to war is hardly comparable.
Eh, Egypt under Nasser did a fine tight rope walking act between East and West during those times.Nasser went to the SU anyways.
Tonight there was a serious fire on the cruiser Moskva, which was 25-30 miles from Serpent's Island near Odessa. The causes of the fire are being established, but the main version is a missile strike.
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the cruiser was seriously damaged. During the fire, the ammunition detonated and an explosion occurred. The ship fell to the port side, the power supply was lost. The SOS signal was given at 1.05.
54 sailors were rescued by a Turkish ship.
https://smolnarod.ru/sn/krejser-moskva-zatonul-posle-peredachi-signala-sos/На самом крупном крейсере Черноморского флота начался пожар, во время которого сдетонитровал боеприпас. Экипаж корабля эвакуирован.
Сегодня ночью возник серьезный пожар на крейсере «Москва», находившимся в 25-30 миля от острова Змеиный рядом с Одессой. Причины пожара устанавливаются, но основная версия — ракетный удар.
Как сообщили в Министерстве обороны РФ, крейсер получил серьезные повреждения. Во время пожара сдетонировал боеприпас и произошел взрыв. Корабль завалился на левый борт, пропало электропитание. Сигнал SOS был подан в 1.05.
54 моряка были спасены турецким судном.
Russian MoD confirms that the flagship cruiser Moscow sunk.
Hahahha. Damn, wonder if Ukrainian troops are having a field day with this joke. And will make their own from their personal experience from fighting the Russians>>Russian troops are trogging through the Finnish wilderness at night. Suddently they hear someone yelling from a nearby hilltop "A Finnish soldier beats any Russian soldier any time!". A Russian soldier volunteers to prove otherwise and runs up the hill, but soon falls to a sniper bullet . The voice yells "Ha! One Finnish soldier is better than any two Russian soldiers!". The Russians take cover and an officer sends two scouts around the hill to flank the sniper. After a moment two shots are heard and the same voice yells "One Finnish soldier is better than 10 Russian soldiers!". The Russians send ten men up the hill. More shooting and a grenade explosion later no one comes back and they hear "One Finnish soldier is better than a whole platoon of Russian soldiers!". So the Russians send a whole platoon. After several minutes of gunfire grenade explosions a wounded Russian crawls back to the rest of the troops, grabs an officer by the shirt and says "It was a TRAP! There are TWO of them!"<<
Even their radios can be heard by everyone since they aren't encrypted and a radio operator dropped his frequency cheat sheet on day 2 of the invasion.Forced to use 3G/4G network which could be heard by everyone, because their own radio have been jammed.