Say something positive about the USA

Sometimes I ask my yank friends, how do they feel living in US? Do you feel like you're not in your ancestral home place? :D You got a lot of places which are not that old really over there. Or when you visit your ancestral home lands in Europe or where ever, do you get like a special feeling? What's your special connection place on this planet? :D
That’s a good question. Honestly, my family doesn’t have many roots here. I’m only a second generation American; my grandparents came here in the 50s, and we’ve a storied past in the old countries but nothing of note here. Chances are between my ancestry and orgiastic love of history I’d feel more at home and peace in Rome than CT.

That being said, I’d feel more at home in a fucking dumpster fire than Connecticut.
I recommend going outside at 3:00am when everyone is asleep and laying down naked in the middle of the street. Should fix that problem right up dude.
I am of Italian and some other European(not sure)decent on the maternal side, but on the paternal side, all of my ancestors were Native American, specifically Cherokee, up until my grandparents. My great-grandfather was full Cherokee. So I've never really thought about Mutie's question. My roots are here.
That’s a good question. Honestly, my family doesn’t have many roots here. I’m only a second generation American; my grandparents came here in the 50s, and we’ve a storied past in the old countries but nothing of note here. Chances are between my ancestry and orgiastic love of history I’d feel more at home and peace in Rome than CT.

That being said, I’d feel more at home in a fucking dumpster fire than Connecticut.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to get at but, let's say your ancestors came from England and they went to place like Michigan or Alaska. That's a big change, although back then folks were more hardy and better able to adapt to harsh conditions. And I'm not saying English people are wusses lol just that it's a pretty wussy climate. :D

@Black Rose

that's cool. I know that in places like Upper Peninsula where Finnish immigrants went they often married Native Americans like the Ojibwa-tribe members. There were similarities in the characters of the two folks, both like forest stuff, sauna and drinking. :D Lot's of descendants of these marriages over there still.

Sisu is the thing Finns call grit/guts/perseverance.
I like the broads. We got the best broads. You can see some hot Finnish lookin smokeshow and standing next to her is some hot African-Mexican hybrid just woke up outta bed hot no makeup.

Countryside is great too.
Gotta agree the variety in people is pretty cool. You look at other countries and it's so uniform it fucks me up.
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No, I hated going to school and I imagine European governments as giant high-schools where everyone gossips and spies on everyone else enforcing politically correct behavior while hiding their depravity.

I mean; That behavior is everywhere, but it feels more Institutionalized in Europe.
According to Trump, Serifan gets better health care than the yanks so, dunno. UBI is a good thing to have in a society, maybe one day Vermont will show the way for rest of US.
You mean like how they will straight up arrest you for wrong think or arrest you and then drag you through the court system for two year and then fine you 800 pounds for being quote "grossly offensive" on the internet?

Well obviously.

That's the UK and France mostly.

Germany isn't as bad but they are heading in that direction, so are the Scandinavians.

Netherlands gets +5 defense with it's laid back attitude towards everything, but they got bigger problems. The whole country is going underwater literally.

However, apparently they have a problem not being able to give their homeless any welfare because "they don't have an address."

It's very much like that in Europe. Hell, it's kinda like that here too so...

At-least i can go out in my backyard, and start a fire, without the entire province I'm living in calling the police on me because I started a fire, to cook. You see, they can't be trusted with fire over there because everything is so close together and built without electricity in mind so, lol.
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Well obviously.

That's the UK and France mostly.

Germany isn't as bad but they are heading in that direction, so are the Scandinavians.

Netherlands gets +5 defense with it's laid back attitude towards everything, but they got bigger problems. The whole country is going underwater literally.

However, apparently they have a problem not being able to give their homeless any welfare because "they don't have an address."

It's very much like that in Europe. Hell, it's kinda like that here too so...

At-least i can go out in my backyard, and start a fire, without the entire province I'm living in calling the police on me because I started a fire, to cook. You see, they can't be trusted with fire over there because everything is so close together and built without electricity in mind so, lol.

People often grill outside here too, and you can often smell smoke from saunas which are warmed with firewood.
Well FINLAND i have said over and over again is the best put-together government in Europe. I think, IDK really but things I care about are also cared about the same way in Finland.

At this fucking place, you can get $6 Steak Dinners and 99c 10oz margaritas with salt and enough tequilla to make you not fucking care that it's 110F outside so you melt into the fucking sidewalk of a goddamn kaledascope of flashing advertisement lights of magicians and dark sorceres and music concerts and crazy fuckers and prostitutes and what the fuck ever else. A guy breaking fire out of is fucking asshole, while everyone revs the engines on their Ferraris and Lambos and shit in streets so well paved and put together that it looks like something from the future where everyone was a racecar driver. Then you go to the gas station and theres a casino in it. Also there's no fucking taxes on anything because the state only taxes the casinos and brothels because that's where all the money is, so everything is fucking cheaper.

And yeah it's fucking great.
The US keeps most of the Yanks in the US. There's that.
Nothing good can be said about imperialist who produces nothing physical for decades and gets cucked by FDR, not in present time.
Oh wow, thanks. That not only makes me feel better about myself as a man, but really solves the entire situation. I'd never think of saying that.
Here is mine:
Making a connection in Houston to go to Japan is more economic than the one where you do the connection in Spain.
I can always take comfort in the fact that people who hate America are either
A) retarded
B) not American
Those are really the only valid reasons tbh
C) Be from a country where American soldiers raped children and then got off with diplomatic immunity.