Tell me about "your" Fallout game

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
Just describe your Fallout game as you would write it in Fanfic Land where you had Bethesda give you the license and choice of team as well as programmers to make the game you wish.

My ideal Fallout game are these two which have been peculating in my head for awhile.

Fallout: The Boneyard

You play the role of The Private Eye ala Nick Valentine who is awoken in a bathroom with no memory of what has happened to you (due to being drugged) and then you find yourself in the former city of Los Angeles which has recently fallen into chaos due to its open revolt and secession from NCR. There's also been a small nuclear detonation so the center of the city is irradiated and the surrounding area evacuated so the city itself is mostly empty but for Looters, newly created Feral Ghouls, and other shootable enemies. NCR troopers clash with Secessionists as both sides have general points but are missing this clash is unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

You can go outside of the city to explore but it would be a very urban Fallout experience as the center of the city is just giant metal ruins of skycrapers but the further away you go, the more of original LA remains with robots having rebuilt sections as they were.

You would eventually find out the main villains of the game are the "New America Movement" which is a group in NCR's Congress which wants to have them conquer from sea to shining sea and were influenced by those Enclave soldiers which merged with NCR in F2's ending but hold the actual Enclave in contempt. You'd get many of the jobs u could in F2 like Movie Star, Athlete, and also being able to join the local criminal organizations.

Fallout: The Spire

This would be Fallout set in the Pacific Northwest. You're the Raider Boss, a former Raider who has left or been driven out of their original gang for reasons you'll be able to pick yourself. Up to and including you were actually trying to take them down from the inside before being made leader. What kind of Raider you were will be determined by your answers and actions during the game with good karma making you a Robin Hood-esque figure or evil ones a terrified Lord Humungous type.

The Spire is Seattle and it's full of settlements which are feuding with one another and tribals of various kinds. No previous groups of Fallout show up in the Spire but all original groups. As the Raider Boss, you have to deal with the various gangs in the region which are feuding as well as decide whether to forge an alliance with them all to make a lasting peace or destroy the others so one can take over.

It's very tribal and Raider focused with only one fully-functioning Vault in the Vault Kingdom (one of the Control Vaults). All of the tribes and Raider groups are killable (no Essentials in the game) and you can even destroy the Vault Kingdom in a massive slaughter. The game will eventually take you to the Spire which contains a ghoul sociologist who has been manipulating the region to keep in constant warfare with each other so it will never develop technology which could destroy the world again.

Another villain being your former lieutenant and the current leader of your gang who drove you out for being too monstrous or too soft.
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This is old and I stopped messing with it but here are a few ideas. I know @The Dutch Ghost has a few too.
No one is going to find a good one just like that. Be more specific.

Also, it may be old but apart from you two and a couple others, no one has really done this.

Anyway, here is my idea.

Fallout: Tribal
Thanks to pre-war information and the extensive library of the Followers, it didn't take long for grasping opportunists to find the reports of an American mining company called American Miner's Corporation, which mined for minerals and gold specifically in the Rockies. The reports of achieved quotas, expenses and profits were of no consequence, but one article spoke of an extremely valuable gold deposit being found on January the 24th, 2077. While a mining base was apparently constructed, the Great War ended any serious mining operations and left the gold untouched. A scouting party is created by some of the Merchant guilds in the Hub, and you are tasked with leading the small band to explore the Rockies, find the mining base and secure it for the Merchant's. In return, you're offered a large fee though things aren't as they seem when you set on your journey.

The Rockies aren't as empty as many thought, and is filled with cannibalistic tribes that barely live off the land (these are the remnants of the miners, and were forced to resort to cannibalism), though luckily most aren't hostile and are in fact enchanted with the scouting group. There is one main tribe that rules over all others (this doesn't stop the tribes fighting each other and kidnapping people for food) and is hated by others. These are the 'good' guys, as they are trying to create a proper nation without cannibalism and rampant infighting. However their ultimate goal is to unite the tribes and leave the Rocky Mountains, only to try conquer and defeat the nearby civilizations (like the NCR in it's infancy). They also have some rare and powerful energy weapons (advanced mining gear) which they give to their highest and brightest. They're quite willing to let the PC into the mining base, and care not for their goals. In fact they'll even help the player, though it's because they want to harness the technology in the base, technology they lack any understanding of.

The other tribes differ in characteristics, and there are three mini tribes that are second to the first. One are merely religious fanatics who worship the mining bases and see any unauthorized entry as blasphemy. They're the staunchest opponents to the PC's main quest, but are arguably the most peaceful and want only to be left alone, albeit with a cannibalistic diet. The second tribe is made up off scientists and engineers, meaning that it retains the technological knowledge lost by the others. Only with one major problem. They know how to operate the tech but do not know how it actually works. Basically to them technology is magic, and they're aggressive hoarders. They're happy to help the player if he shows scientific know-how. The third tribe have the most tribals, but are weak and lack the weaponry, skill and knowledge the others have. They're made up of outcasts and weaklings, pre-war tourists and simple miners that did all the dirty work. They have no specific tribal identity, and are basically an empty vessel the player can take, control and form.

Basically the player can try to help the different tribes, take power from one or even create his own or try to use the tribes to fulfill his mission of securing the mining bases. Exploration is encouraged, and there are only three major settlements (they're heavily expanded upon) and a scattering of mining bases. Advanced tech is rare as the bases are well protected by robots, tribals or mutant beasts.
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I made a Fallout idea set in Legion frontier, ala NCR New Vegas. I have to find it and expand it a bit, it may turn interesting.
I had an idea about actually getting to play as the enclave and getting to chose whether to stay in it or not. This way we could actually see how the organization operates.
I had an idea about actually getting to play as the enclave and getting to chose whether to stay in it or not. This way we could actually see how the organization operates.
I think it would be cool if you are actually a model Enclave citizen/soldier but you get framed and are kicked out. That way there would be a reason for you to start the game with nothing. You could then choose to prove yourself innocent and rejoin, fight against the Enclave, or leave them be and go your own way.
I think it would be cool if you are actually a model Enclave citizen/soldier but you get framed and are kicked out. That way there would be a reason for you to start the game with nothing. You could then choose to prove yourself innocent and rejoin, fight against the Enclave, or leave them be and go your own way.

yeah, that sounds cool
I think it would be cool if you are actually a model Enclave citizen/soldier but you get framed and are kicked out. That way there would be a reason for you to start the game with nothing. You could then choose to prove yourself innocent and rejoin, fight against the Enclave, or leave them be and go your own way.
Better yet, no enclave. Seriously, enough people.