The dev team thinks of everything

I thought it was amazing when Codsworth said my player name, I didn't know it had that capability. Then I realized that they spent an inordinate amount of time creating trivially complex interactions with the first 10 minutes of the game, and then fell off the boat.
Can you imagine what number of lines Bethesda's going to brag about for the Elder Scrolls VI? They'll have a voiced protagonist, naturally, but they'll have to record a male and female vocal for each species the protagonist can be.

Lol you have too much faith. Elder Scrolls VI will limit you to ONE race just like Dragon Age 2 did.

I was thinking pretty much the same thing. They will have to reduce the playable races down to 2, maybe 3, but that would be pushing it since they would have to record both male and female voices. If it is the Black Marsh, it'll probably be playable Human, Argonian, and the maybe third. Potentially more stream-lining will be in the works and I have no hope for any improvement on narrative or quests that make any sense whatsoever.
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I'm guessing that they will let you play all of the races, and only record voices for the races where it would obvious...Khajit/Argonian & Human.
(My character is a pacifist, but Codsworth is not.)

How would you be clearing the 'kill all the people in this building' quests or even the Museum part getting to Gravy in the first place. Letting Codsworth do all of it? I imagine you'd be doing it in a roundabout way by waiting and waiting as Codsworth AI does the killing, while also it getting knocked down from being ganged up on, then wait until it auto-heals (since immortal) and so forth. Also that wouldn't make your character a real pacifist, more like an accessory.
Yeah I was wondering how exactly you go about being a pacifist in Fo4. It's literary impossible.
The one or two corpses of the previous games...How does it stack up with Fo4? How many must die? HOW MANY!?!? (besides us, internally of course)
It's not impossible in FO1, maybe in 2 because of Horrigan. It's ntirely possible in New Vegas.
I thought it was amazing when Codsworth said my player name, I didn't know it had that capability. Then I realized that they spent an inordinate amount of time creating trivially complex interactions with the first 10 minutes of the game, and then fell off the boat.

After 40 hours I am convinced they spent their entire development time on superfluous gimmicks like the crafting, Codsworth saying my name, the terrible dialogue wheel and voice acting, etc. than actually writing the story and dialogue itself. So basically they went all out on everything that doesn't matter when it comes to a role playing game.

Fallout 4 is revolutionary...for a Borderlands game. If this was Borderlands 4 I would give it 10/10 (seriously). It is complete devolution for an RPG.

That said, I'm still running around doing the mindless settlement building.
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(My character is a pacifist, but Codsworth is not.)

How would you be clearing the 'kill all the people in this building' quests or even the Museum part getting to Gravy in the first place. Letting Codsworth do all of it? I imagine you'd be doing it in a roundabout way by waiting and waiting as Codsworth AI does the killing, while also it getting knocked down from being ganged up on, then wait until it auto-heals (since immortal) and so forth. Also that wouldn't make your character a real pacifist, more like an accessory.

Being pacifist in Fallout 4 is equivalent to playing Borderlands without firing a gun. Fallout 4 is made to imitate the grindfest of Borderlands - you're supposed to go out and clear a bunch of buildings. Even the "legendary" enemies are clearly taken from MMORPG grinds.
(My character is a pacifist, but Codsworth is not.)

How would you be clearing the 'kill all the people in this building' quests or even the Museum part getting to Gravy in the first place. Letting Codsworth do all of it? I imagine you'd be doing it in a roundabout way by waiting and waiting as Codsworth AI does the killing, while also it getting knocked down from being ganged up on, then wait until it auto-heals (since immortal) and so forth. Also that wouldn't make your character a real pacifist, more like an accessory.

Being pacifist in Fallout 4 is equivalent to playing Borderlands without firing a gun. Fallout 4 is made to imitate the grindfest of Borderlands - you're supposed to go out and clear a bunch of buildings. Even the "legendary" enemies are clearly taken from MMORPG grinds.

It's boring and doesn't add to the experience.
Add legendary loot to random tables, remove legends from the game, rebalance combat...problem solved
Once Fallout4 is rebalanced to be brutal on both sides, I'm gonna have a lot more fun. No more meat shield shit. The dialogue can't be changed, the main story probably can't be modded too heavily - without SERIOUS fan investment...But making it so I die when I'm shot in the head, or that others die when shot in the head (even when wearing power armor, if they don't have a helmet on!). And once they make companions killable and smarter about running to their deaths / taking orders...we will have a bit of a better game.

- Items are rarer, things have been scavenged, most interiors reworked to this effect. Item prices adjusted to reflect this, most shops have a massive decrease in stock; selling more barebone essential things that can be crafted and sold for profit instead of just having amazing shit that would make them a legendary adventurer.
- No more meat shields, people die when shot, you die when shot, creatures are still tougher, but not that much tougher. Getting the drop on your opponents is much more critical.
- Power armor is rebalanced, be a walking tank, fine; but no more grocery stores selling Fusion Cores (whoever says Power armor is balanced by Fusion core availability simply has not played the game that long).
- Player character voice removed/ Cheesy sound effects removed. (Why not? Haha)

What else can you think of that is feasible?
Here's a good one: untangle the controls, make everything bindable to individual keys on a keyboard. No more power attack / grenade shit.