The dev team thinks of everything

Once Fallout4 is rebalanced to be brutal on both sides, I'm gonna have a lot more fun. No more meat shield shit.
Try this, it makes both you and enemies do 2x or 3x more damage on survival difficulty.

I was thinking pretty much the same thing. They will have to reduce the playable races down to 2, maybe 3, but that would be pushing it since they would have to record both male and female voices. If it is the Black Marsh, it'll probably be playable Human, Argonian, and the maybe third.
Well, Imperials, Nords, Bretons and possibly Redguards could have the same voice, Altmer and Bosmer could probably have the same voice too
(My character is a pacifist, but Codsworth is not.)

How would you be clearing the 'kill all the people in this building' quests or even the Museum part getting to Gravy in the first place. Letting Codsworth do all of it? I imagine you'd be doing it in a roundabout way by waiting and waiting as Codsworth AI does the killing, while also it getting knocked down from being ganged up on, then wait until it auto-heals (since immortal) and so forth. Also that wouldn't make your character a real pacifist, more like an accessory.

Hey, he's just my butler. I can't be held responsible for what he does on his time off. Oops, I dropped one of my landmines. Oh dear, I hope no one steps on that. Hey everyone I'm doing some target practice with my gun in this hallway, okay? Nobody enter this hallway while I'm practicing!

So maybe not 100% pacifist, but I'm certainly trying. I prefer using the Intimidation perk to tell raiders to stop dead, rather than shooting them. I also have the Ricochet perk, it's hilarious when it procs. And no perks in any of the combat skills, only Luck and Charisma ones. Most of those quests though, I tend to just avoid. In the one with the Deathclaw I simply jumped off the roof, exited the power armor and ran away. I'm going to return when I have the perk that lets you give wasteland creatures commands, and tell it to go attack that huge sentry robot up near the USAF Olivia satellite dish, the one you activate by holotape. It has two miniguns, so maybe it'll take care of things.

As for Codsworth, he wipes the floor with everything I come across, except the Deathclaw. It seems that the "player takes extra damage" modifier from the Survival difficulty setting doesn't apply to him, but the "enemies do more damage" modifier does. He also has an obscene amount of HP. You know Ack-Ack, in the USAF Olivia, the raider with the minigun? He killed her. Didn't even make him flinch. He's even more powerful with the perk that makes followers do more damage.
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(My character is a pacifist, but Codsworth is not.)

How would you be clearing the 'kill all the people in this building' quests or even the Museum part getting to Gravy in the first place. Letting Codsworth do all of it? I imagine you'd be doing it in a roundabout way by waiting and waiting as Codsworth AI does the killing, while also it getting knocked down from being ganged up on, then wait until it auto-heals (since immortal) and so forth. Also that wouldn't make your character a real pacifist, more like an accessory.

Hey, he's just my butler. I can't be held responsible for what he does on his time off. Oops, I dropped one of my landmines. Oh dear, I hope no one steps on that. Hey everyone I'm doing some target practice with my gun in this hallway, okay? Nobody enter this hallway while I'm practicing!

So maybe not 100% pacifist, but I'm certainly trying. I prefer using the Intimidation perk to tell raiders to stop dead, rather than shooting them. I also have the Ricochet perk, it's hilarious when it procs. And no perks in any of the combat skills, only Luck and Charisma ones. Most of those quests though, I tend to just avoid. In the one with the Deathclaw I simply jumped off the roof, exited the power armor and ran away. I'm going to return when I have the perk that lets you give wasteland creatures commands, and tell it to go attack that huge sentry robot up near the USAF Olivia satellite dish, the one you activate by holotape. It has two miniguns, so maybe it'll take care of things.

As for Codsworth, he wipes the floor with everything I come across, except the Deathclaw. It seems that the "player takes extra damage" modifier from the Survival difficulty setting doesn't apply to him, but the "enemies do more damage" modifier does. He also has an obscene amount of HP. You know Ack-Ack, in the USAF Olivia, the raider with the minigun? He killed her. Didn't even make him flinch. He's even more powerful with the perk that makes followers do more damage.

I'm putting on a tinfoil hat right now and wondering if Bethesda is hiring well-known people like you to shill their products. It's just about as ludicruous as you actually liking the game THAT much. :P
I'm putting on a tinfoil hat right now and wondering if Bethesda is hiring well-known people like you to shill their products. It's just about as ludicruous as you actually liking the game THAT much. :P
Look, I wrote a long thread earlier about why I like Fallout 4, like Fallout 2 and dislike Fallout 3, and if you still don't understand my reasoning then there's not much more I can do to explain it. Fallout 4 is like Skyrim plus Borderlands, and I don't mind that at all because I love both games. I like wordy, story-focused RPGs too, but I knew from the very start of the announcement that they weren't going to make Fallout 4 one, so I won't judge it on its (lacking) merits in that regard. There are still many things I don't like about the game, but so far I'm having a lot more fun with it than I ever thought I would.
Look, I wrote a long thread earlier about why I like Fallout 4, like Fallout 2 and dislike Fallout 3, and if you still don't understand my reasoning then there's not much more I can do to explain it. Fallout 4 is like Skyrim plus Borderlands, and I don't mind that at all because I love both games. I like wordy, story-focused RPGs too, but I knew from the very start of the announcement that they weren't going to make Fallout 4 one, so I won't judge it on its (lacking) merits in that regard. There are still many things I don't like about the game, but so far I'm having a lot more fun with it than I ever thought I would.
At this point should realize that you have different principle on judging a worth of a game. Such disagreement on fundamental level wouldn't get anyone move to anywhere. While I absolutely disagree with your heavy praise on FO4, and Skyrim (this one game particularly), I wouldn't try to debate you on that one since how we judge a game is very different. Calling you a shill is a bit too much honestly (though I must admit your post sometimes overtly positive, perhaps to offset the negativity here mine included).
It least it serves as a balance, we do need such opinions, if only to show that NMA is not all just about us RAWR RAWR! WE HATE BETHEASDA! savages. Beeing overly positive is never a problem. As long as you don't run around telling others to be overly positive too. We are cynics, and we love it that way :grin:, at least I do!

So, I guess, give Magnus (Opus) some room to breath guys ;)
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I'm putting on a tinfoil hat right now and wondering if Bethesda is hiring well-known people like you to shill their products.
Nah, that would be pointless. Can't speak for the others, but let me assure you that I form my opinions on my own judgement solely. Not even whole NMA enjoying Beth games could have changed the view of how such stubborn oldfart as me see it. The same goes for movies, music, and everything. :)
Thinking back, I was impressed with Bethesda's Fallout 3. That was their first attempt at it. Maybe they should have called in some more expertise to make something we could all appreciate. But the thing that really kicks me is that they seemed to have learned nothing from Fallout 3 - other than that they can do what they want and we'll buy it anyways.
Thinking back, I was impressed with Bethesda's Fallout 3. That was their first attempt at it. Maybe they should have called in some more expertise to make something we could all appreciate. But the thing that really kicks me is that they seemed to have learned nothing from Fallout 3 - other than that they can do what they want and we'll buy it anyways.

And that is what makes Fallout 3 so frustrating at lest to me. With the game taking place on the East Coast Bethesda was given a clean slate. They could have created their own lore for the East Coast, new factions, new enemies, ect but instead Bethesda decided to recycle ideas from the other games and put them into a blender. It doesn't always turn out so well.
.. they can do what they want and we'll buy it anyways.
What? I wouldn't touch F3 with a three meter pole, never bought nor pirated that crap, and the same goes for F4. That F:NV console port was enough for me, more than I can bear again (gameplay-wise) in fact. Thanks Bethboys, but no thanks. As for other folks enjoying those Fallout-themed shooters, I'm not going to call them any names. We've had a lot of fun with Unreal Tournament with a couple of friends back then, so I can't see anything wrong with some mindless action!
.. they can do what they want and we'll buy it anyways.
What? I wouldn't touch F3 with a three meter pole, never bought nor pirated that crap, and the same goes for F4. That F:NV console port was enough for me, more than I can bear again (gameplay-wise) in fact. Thanks Bethboys, but no thanks. As for other folks enjoying those Fallout-themed shooters, I'm not going to call them any names. We've had a lot of fun with Unreal Tournament with a couple of friends back then, so I can't see anything wrong with some mindless action!

I'm OK with some natural progression away from older game concepts. Shooting/stabbing/maiming was in Fallout 1 and 2. It was just turn based. A way to handle it. The core of the game was and is, the incredible characters and story development. I was definitely talking about the gaming public in general with that statement, take a look at those sales numbers. Lol.
The core of the game was and is, the incredible characters and story development.
Cannot comment on F3 or F4, I can agree with this in regard to F:NV though, since well written characters and plentiful factions glued together by complex and intriguing quest structure was the only reason why I had finished this game eventually. Everything other, such as core gameplay with clunky combat system, unfriendly menus and UI optimized for gamepad, transparent dialogue windows with 3D objects moving in background, dumbed down skills robbed of any random dice throws and transferred to 4 level threshold system on a scale 0-100 instead, and mostly that terrible hiking trips through constantly reloading map cells, just effectively killed any fun for me. Good to see that Magnus can find some improvement in F4!
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Fallout 4 was just fallout 3 with Project Nevada and Wasteland defense installed though.. The fact the game still has the ALT+Tab bug from Fallout 3/Skyrim and the games physics are still tied to the FPS is shocking.
The dev team thought of everything except Fallout. The robot says your name, you have a dog, there's Minecraft in the game, and a million other gimmicks to show off in marketing, but I sure as hell do not see a Role Playing Game in here after 50 hours.

This game is further proof that the largest consumer demographic is the dumbest and least intellectually and emotionally mature. I'm sorry but I have played this non-stop since release trying to find a Fallout game and there is none. It needs to be said that this was clearly a profit-oriented project from the same school of development as Electronic Arts and Dragon Age 2.

I started the game up today and after FIVE MINUTES the voice acting and dialogue got so cringe-worthy that I immediately stopped playing altogether.

If you want to play Borderlands by yourself, I'd recommend Fallout 4. Except the voice-acting and writing in Borderlands is actually 100 times better which is appalling to say the least.
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Well, Imperials, Nords, Bretons and possibly Redguards could have the same voice, Altmer and Bosmer could probably have the same voice too
Couldn't they apply filters to the voices to make it seem like there are more, they already did that with NPCs in fallout 3. Ghouls and children were the same voice recordings as normal humans.
The core of the game was and is, the incredible characters and story development.
Cannot comment on F3 or F4, I can agree with this in regard to F:NV though, since well written characters and plentiful factions glued together by complex and intriguing quest structure was the only reason why I had finished this game eventually. Everything other, such as core gameplay with clunky combat system, unfriendly menus and UI optimized for gamepad, transparent dialogue windows with 3D objects moving in background, dumbed down skills robbed of any random dice throws and transferred to 4 level threshold system on a scale 0-100 instead, and mostly that terrible hiking trips through constantly reloading map cells, just effectively killed any fun for me. Good to see that Magnus can find some improvement in F4!

I agree with you. Fallout 3 was something to stomach, stomach so you can eek out some fun moments. I don't blame you for not having the palate for it.
The core of the game was and is, the incredible characters and story development.
Cannot comment on F3 or F4, I can agree with this in regard to F:NV though, since well written characters and plentiful factions glued together by complex and intriguing quest structure was the only reason why I had finished this game eventually. Everything other, such as core gameplay with clunky combat system, unfriendly menus and UI optimized for gamepad, transparent dialogue windows with 3D objects moving in background, dumbed down skills robbed of any random dice throws and transferred to 4 level threshold system on a scale 0-100 instead, and mostly that terrible hiking trips through constantly reloading map cells, just effectively killed any fun for me. Good to see that Magnus can find some improvement in F4!

I agree with you. Fallout 3 was something to stomach, stomach so you can eek out some fun moments. I don't blame you for not having the palate for it.

There were few fun moments but in general not worth it.
Magnus, I'm assuming you are trying to do pretty much exactly what the one reviewer said they were doing (PC gamer?), but even they said it becomes increasingly impossible. Now imagine if Bethesda was competent at making an RPG and actually did present multiple interesting paths to completing quests without having to go about in completely roundabout ways (making the bad AI do it). They could have made that area to showcase creative branching choices depending on how someone built their character rather the static crap that it is.

I should have known when Todd said during interviews that "one can get through most of the game without killing" as one of his many sweet little lies.
I should have known when Todd said during interviews that "one can get through most of the game without killing" as one of his many sweet little lies.

Perhaps he meant "most" in terms of time? Like if you spend 100 hours completing the game, you will spend at least 50 hours and 1 second of that time not engaged in combat.