You know, F4 actually fails miserably if you try to analyze it through an SJW lens. Bethesda clearly meant for the protagonist to be a straight white male. You can't roleplay a gay character, because the protagonist is happily married to someone of the opposite gender (and they took out the gay perks from NV, while retaining the straight ones). You can change your skin color, but both voices for the protagonist clearly belong to white people. And the man giving the opening narration, as well as having the military background that lets his family into the vault, strongly implies that he's the canonical gender choice.
Now, you know what game most SJWs I know love? NV. And why shouldn't they? Plenty of diversity, representation from all walks of life, positively-written gay characters and perks that let you imagine a different sexuality for yourself, etc. So jeer at the SJWs all you want, but they are not the problem when it comes to Fallout. Far from it.