what is your favorite unique weapon in Fallout New Vegas?

I know Red Glare isn't a unique weapon in a sense that there's only three in the entire game and that's it, but I enjoyed it. From what was thought to be a shit weapon turns out to be an absurdly powerful explosive tool that could vaporize any top-tier threat, as long as you modded the Explosive Immunity fix, of course.

The Humbe Cudgel. The non-unique Lead pipes are the first strong weapons that'll get you through the first 8-10 hours of the game or so. The impact and high cripple chance make most raiders drop their weapons. The strong attack (holding down the left click) allows you to get into melee range quickly.
With an energy weapons build, I'm a big fan of the Holorifle. With a decently ranged scope and the hologram effect, it can deal with almost all enemies in the game and DLCs, all for the cost of one MFC per shot. The jury-rigged look also fits the game's post-apocalyptic western setting. That spread though...
Question, does the ARCHEMEDES orbital death ray count? :smug:

No but seriously, Microfusion Hyperbreeder Alpha. Not only is it the most Fallout looking gun of all time...


...but it's a fully automatic, ranged weapon that doesn't use ammo. I often scoff at the lesser peasants who are forced (at least in hardcore mode) to lug around pounds of electron charge packs, while I on the other hand am free to fill my inventory with enough Nuka Cola trucks to span a highway.
Christine's Sniper Rifle. I didn't try New Vegas until much, much later than the rest of you, so I didn't play the DLC in released order - I played them in the order I found them. Old World Blues, Broken Hearts, Dead Money, Lonesome Road. When I got the sniper rifle, it wasn't really that impressive, so I just dumped it in the sink, and forgot about it.

Hours, and hours later, I finally got to meet Christine, and we went through a physical manifestation of hell together. Once we'd cleared it out, she decided to stay there, for the rest of her life, watching over the Sierra Madre, and there was nothing I could do. Nothing. So I went back to the sink, and took her sniper rifle with me. If she won't leave the Sierra Madre, then I can at least take a little piece of her with me instead.

Also, you can use it to shoot things.
Survivalist's Rifle

12.7mm is a meaty macho round and HL 12.7 absolutely murders anything without substantial DT. Also like the lore attached to it. ALSiD comes in a close second. Combine both with Grunt perk for more fun.
That 12.7mm pistol - one of my fav weapons in the game. Other than that, the medicine stick.

From non-unique weapons, I actually just use the scoped trail carbine. Love it in any situation.
The first thing that comes to mind is Pushy. Uppercutting people across the room never got old lol.

If you ever want a good laugh, give that thing to Veronica.

"FOR THE BROTHERHOOD." *One shots Deathclaw as it rockets off over the horizon.*
Yeah, is a stupid weapon. My favorite smg is actually the weak of all, the 9mm smg.

You tried Vance's 9mm smg? That thing is a beast in terms of dps especially if you get it early on.

Now for favorite looking unique weapons in Fallout New Vegas? I fucking love Q-35 Matter Modulator, I love red as is one of my favorite colors so it already gets bonus points, the extra tubes full of plasma and the fact the microfusion cells (which when used on any other energy weapon looks like is normal color) actually matches the guns color is such an amazing detail.

Now for my favorite unique weapon to use that feels good? Close to Ratslayer or Sleepytime as I love the finidhed black metal look on them makes me feel like some sort of hitman.
Now for my favorite unique weapon to use that feels good? Close to Ratslayer or Sleepytime as I love the finidhed black metal look on them makes me feel like some sort of hitman.

Sleepytyme is one of the best holdouts in the game. I love the (completely unrealistic) puff-puff sound it makes when it fires. Basically, if you've got the Sneak to do improved holdouts Sleepytyme with HL ammo will absolutely murder any casino goon to the point where I'd say it's overkill.
The Protonic Inversal Axe

Okay, so technically there are three you can get in Big MT but screw it, it's unique to me. I love the concept of it. A Middle Age axe turned into a high-tech electrified beast. I hate that Knock-Knock is actually better than something as experimental as this but who cares about stats! It's all about looks.
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