Hey there, long-time lurker (like,
really long-time), but it's been ages since I've replayed F2 and now, with the soon-to-be-released New Vegas which I'm oddly hopeful about (yeah, I know, I probably shouldn't be) I've decided to stage one more walkthrough. However, I've never played any F2 mods and don't really know much about them. Of course, I could spend hours digging through forum threads and wikis, but I've decided to try cheating first and asking for help
So, my questions are:
Are the mods compatible with each other? If I understood correctly, Mega Mod seems to integrate other mods into it, but is it stable, and are the mods integrate into it good enough? What about Restoration Pack, is it integrated as well, or should I choose one of them?
FYI, I tend to prefer quality over quantity and talking over fighting. Any interface modifications would be most helpful, too (like scrolling, or widescreen, or higher resolution). Oh, and nothing drastically different from the familiar lore, please. Mothership Zeta was enough (ugh). Also, not looking forward to dealing with bugs.