Fallout 1 in my Fallout 2? It's more likely than you think! Fallout Et Tu Alpha Release

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Some news from the ever glorious Fallout 2 modding scene, this time from classy cat @Lexx!
The mod Fallout Et Tu (or Fallout 1@2) implements Fallout 1 in the improved engine of Fallout 2, finally giving you the ability to shove Ian out of the fucking way. That alone makes it the greatest mod ever, but it also has some other quality-of-life improvements carried over from Fallout 2.
It doesn't seek to perfectly replicate Fallout 1, mind you, but it's as good as possible. Most importantly, it improves the modding basis of the game.
For more info, check here:

Post Apocalyptic Grab Bag for Smarch 2019

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Happy Smarch everyone

Post apocalyptic has come back in style in recent months with Far Cry: New Dawn and Metro Exodus, which everyone and their Dogmeat has heard of, but there are tons of games that slip through the cracks, including this one I didn't hear of until today.

Then a tease of this series I'm not too fond of but people like.


But what I am sure you all want to hear more about is this game...


Stay tuned for more ripoffs of better games in the coming months. Cheers.

Mutant Year Zero is part of this month's Humble Monthly along with Borderlands 2 GOTY being on sale for 10 bucks on Steam.

Thanks to...

Ashes 2063 gets an expansion “Dead Man Walking”

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Back in September we reported on the release of Ashes 2063, a Doom total conversion which turns it into a story driven Post Apocalyptic first person action adventure game that takes inspirations and influences from 80s and 90s sci-fi and PA movies as well as games such as the Fallout series, Stalker, and another Doom conversion from back in the day called Strife.

For those of you who played Ashes 2063 and could not get enough of it there is some good news as Doom modder ReformedJoe with permission of Ashes developer Vostyok has been working these last couple of months on a prequel to Ashes 2063 called “Dead Man Walking”.

Some time before the events of Ashes 2063, the scavenger was ambushed during one of his journeys by a newcomer raider gang called the Rippers who after ambushing the scavenger and leaving him for dead in a ditch, have taken off with his bike to unknown whereabouts.


But the scavenger...

Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

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Obisidan Entertainment, recently bought by Microsoft, will announce something on the 6th of December at the Game Awards.
Their website shows the announcement of the announcement with some pleasingly pulpy SciFi artwork and an odd emphasis on "Spacer's Choice".
Pulp SciFi Obsidian RPG? Where do I sign?

Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

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In a relationship it is good practice to never say “I told you so” no matter how justified you are. It doesn't matter ultimately if you were right and they were wrong, and they acted like a petulant child stubbornly refusing to admit wrongdoing - what matters is how best to move forward. Fallout fans worldwide now feel the pain that was first spawned here at No Mutants Allowed long ago.

First the clueless video game executives rushed Fallout 2 creating this doomed timeline in which we exist. That created an overabundance of pop culture shenanigans that set the stage for future dunce cap escapades. Someone up top must...

Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

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It's here folks, at least for some people. The bugs you all know and love, minus the mods. Attempt to muster up enthusiasm for the most botched Fallout entry since Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (POS) - the much anticipated Fallout 76! New and improved with even more leftover concepts from previous games, like the Calculator, I mean, MODUS, the Enclave AI connected to brains or some shit.

All of your favorite factions are here friends! Including the Brotherhood of Steel with newly revised lore! There are one or two cool factions like the First Responders but they are all dead so nobody gives a shit. I don't know. You whippersnappers figure it out.



Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

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After an update that took three and a half years in the making. The TTW team proudly presents TTW 3.2.

With a changelog over 30000 lines long (when all weapon mesh fixes are condensed to one line), and a brand new installer capable of automatically installing all the utilities you'll need to run TTW and re-encoding Fallout 3's audio files, 3.2 is worth the wait.

People back in the day thought most modders would move on from Fallout New Vegas and into Fallout 4. Well, we survived the launch of Fallout 4, we survived Fallout 76 and we are still going strong.

Ever wanted to experience a mechanically superior Fallout 3? Have Survival Skill, Hardcore Mode, Cooking, Crafting, Different Ammo types for the same weapon, Harvestables, Weapons with real Iron-Sights, Weapon Mods, Traits, Interesting Perks, more Chem variety, DT back in your armors, Poisons, Throwing Weapons, Special Recipes, Companion Perks, and all the other goodies from Fallout New Vegas in your Fallout 3?

50 Minutes of 76

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The ultimate game in the popular FIRST PERSON SHOOTER SERIES is now here!

Discuss at length with snark.

20 Years of Fallout

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They attempted to erase us from the internet, but we are still here due to the lasting effects of the Glittering Gem. They told us isometric turn-based RPG's were the way they were due to technological limitations, yet dozens of Kickstarter RPG's keep on disputing this tired old notion.
Our numbers have decreased over the years due to many of us growing out of the series once it shifted hands, but we are still manning the walls to this day.

Across the web the unenlightened have finally awoken. They see Fallout 76 (and NuFallout) for what it truly is - a pale shadow of it's former self. Fans will argue that it is better for the series to evolve, but we all know the futility in that notion. Once you start stripping away elements of something unique to make it more appealing, you inevitably lose aspects that made it worth paying attention to in the first place.

On this most holy of days I thought it would be nice if we reflected on the...

The first episode of the Doom TC post-apocalyptic themed mod Ashes 2063 is out.

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This week a modder by the username of Vostyok released the first episode of a Doom 2 Total Conversion called Ashes 2063.

Ashes 2063 takes place in a world were human civilization was destroyed seventy years ago by a nuclear war with the descendants of those that survived eking out an existence among the ruins, having been thrown back to an almost pre war industrial level while maintaining and protecting what working devices, machines and weaponry they still possess or can be recovered.

The player assumes the role of the Scavenger, a wastelander who makes a living by exploring the ruins of pre war buildings for useful artifacts and scrap which has now become the currency of post apocalyptic society.
During their latest venture the Scavenger finds a radio that still work and picks up a mysterious transmission of a woman's voice that repeats a number sequence.

A delivery mission by the Scavenger's main buyer sends the player to the City, a pre...

Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

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It's almost like people realize fantasy RPG's are getting a little overdone! Thank the ancient aliens for that. It looks a bit like UnderRail, so that is a good sign. I am a little burnt out on post apocalyptic tropes too so shake it up a bit will ya?



Fallout Shelter Online

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Only in China for now. I suppose if they were going to do it, they should have done it like this from the start but...



THE SLURPING AUDIO IS HORRIBLE. Blame China. Turn it down. Discuss the inevitable FALLOUT.


Aliens. As party members. It happened sooner than I thought.

So essentially they took Fallout Shelter Online, added quests, multiplayer, exploration, and a world map that appears to be in the Boston area. Imagine a JRPG version of Fallout without a storyline. More pics in a minute...




It is only in China right now, but I can't imagine them keeping it over there for long. Expect...

Classic film "Threads" got a BluRay release

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Thought it would interest the nuclear-war-fiction-afficionados here.
The classic TV film "Threads" from 1984, widely recognized as one of the bleakest and most terrifying films about nuclear war ever made, got a freshly remastered BluRay release.

About time, too, it's a film more people should see, even if it's not a pleasant experience at all.

Fallout Officially is Bethesda/Dead

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A recent interview with Todd Howard has confirmed our fears. New Vegas 2? Never. If it isn't Bethesda, it ain't Fallout. Drink a shot of Rotgut tonight in honor of the days of isometric Fallout.

"I wouldn't say never," Howard said. "[But] now that our company is so big, it's always better to keep stuff internal ... it becomes less likely, but I could never say never. I thought the Obsidian guys did a fabulous job."

“For Skyrim Remastered, we had done some work on it but it was already pretty visually close. But for something like Morrowind, my personal preference is not to remaster it. We [also] get asked a lot to remaster [1997’s] Fallout 1, and I usually say, if you have a PC you can play Fallout the way it was. I think that’s how it should be. I think streaming technology is...

Fallout: The Frontier trailer

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After all the non-excitement about Fallout 76, here's a trailer for the upcoming Fallout: New Vegas mod Fallout: The Frontier.

The mod takes place in Portland, Oregon, and depicts a war between the NCR and the Legion, switching to a frozen wasteland setting instead of the classic desert.
More information on the mod can be found on their website:

Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

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So, here it is. The E3 trailer for Fallout 76.

There's stuff in it, and it looks like the focus of the game will be on "rebuilding".
So far no super mutants, too.

Here's the full gameplay reveal at E3:

There are super mutants, it's online (but playable solo), and it will be released 14th of November 2018.

More important news from the conference. Fallout Shelter comes to PS4 and Switch!

Here Comes Another NMA Newsbot!

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@Proletären often gets to news before I do so here he is. In all his glory. Awaiting your upvotes.


Fallout 76 announced!

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After about 24 h of a teasing live stream, Bethesda announced a new Fallout game, much to the surprise of quite a lot of people: Fallout 76.
They posted a teaser trailer, too:

In it we hear the classic "Take me home, country roads" while the familiar zoom-out sequence happens. The trailer shows the inside of a vault, number 76 as we learn, on what is called "Reclamation Day" (or after it), and shows a vault dweller putting on a Pipboy that looks a bit more classic than what we are used to from Fallout 4. The trailer uses a lot of assets from Fallout 4 and given the short development time it is reasonable to assume that the final game will as well.
That's all that is known from the game apart from rumours that it will focus on settlement or building mechanics and that it might be a multiplayer game (not an MMO, though).
We shall see on 10th or 11th of June at Bethesda's panels at E3.
The trailer has also been posted on...

E3 Fallout News Thread

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Give me New Vegas 2 or give me death! - Jogre said shortly before Toront hijacked his higher brain functions.


Things got deleted while merging.


Bethesda dropped a hint that Fallout would be making an appearance at E3. I for one hope we will be getting something like the canceled Fallout Extreme RTS or a Xcom style Fallout Tactics sequel, but those are highly unlikely. Almost as unlikely as a possible Obsidian led isometric Fallout RPG.

Some of the ideas I have read boils down to more HD/VR remaster crap. Personally I think it will be something small like a Vault Dweller in Quake Champions or another Shelter update.

Carry on.

Thanks to Jogre for letting me take over his meat sack.


Post Apocalyptic Gaming News

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 is coming...eventually.


Not much to look at, but it lets us know we can expect another round of post apocalyptic themed clones.

Metro Exodus will no longer be released this year instead being moved to Q1 2019. Here is some PR speak saying as much:

"The development of Metro Exodus is progressing well; we are all really excited by what we are seeing. We have been constantly reviewing the games progress to ensure that we deliver a product that gamers and fans of the Metro series want and deserve, as well as keeping an eye on announcements from our competitor products. We want everyone to be able to experience what is the most ambitious Metro game to date at its...