8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This article definitely deserves a prize for most liberal, meaningless usage of the term "innovative".<blockquote>5. New and Innovative Health System.
Sometime in the middle of last generation, some bimbo said "health bars suck!", and suddenly, they were never seen in a video game again. What was once a staple amongst all releases has become outdated as fast as Michael Jackson jokes, with the entire industry switching to the "magically replenish" system for a more realistic feel (yeah. riiiiiiiight).

I have many problems with the new system, but after years of hating it, it has eventually grown on me (hey, if you were forced to eat dog shit for four years straight, eventually, you would start to tolerate it). Still, now that we're entering a time where new, more interesting health-related ideas have come into fruition, it's about time we open up the jar of hate and replace it for good.

Fallout 3 is going to offer the best answer to the problematic system of today. One thing that has always pissed me off about the current health system is that it can't really differentiate the severity of the locations in which you're affected. For example, if you're shot in the foot, you recover just as fast as if you were shot in the neck. Last time I checked, breathing heavily for ten seconds isn't the cure to a gun wound.

Fallout 3 has introduced a newer, more realistic system: rather than having one, almighty health bar for the entire body, there are different, specially designed bars for your head, torso and legs. While the words "health bars" may be synonymous with "1998" these days, the mixture that Fallout 3 is expecting to put into use can be something more realistic than anything you will ever see in, Call of Duty 4, Crysis or Bioshock (I don't care what excuses Bioshock used to guise it's recovery system, it was still the worst part about the game.)

Here's a blast from the past: health containers will be coming back to Fallout 3 in all shapes and size. Love them or hate them, it just makes plain sense: if you're bleeding, get a fucking first-aid kit! Don't sit on your ass and wait for the magical fairy to come around and sprinkle you with her pixie dust.</blockquote>I mean seriously.<blockquote>2. Slooooow-moooootion death animations.
One can look at this much-heralded facet of the game and label it as the title's "Wow" factor, which will invariably wear off after a week of gameplay. While they are probably right (and when I use the pronoun "they", I mean refer to the "Union of Global Crybabies"), it still doesn't take away from the fact that the one week of enjoying it will be more satisfying than one thousand present-day chainsaws animations and Spartan teabags combined together (*facepalm* for another Halo 3 reference again).

The slow-motion kill camera that Fallout 3 boasts is going to be an absolute treat for gamers, and for me to state it as anything else would be lying through my off-white teeth. Whether it be the hundreds of unique animations that play, the various amount of weapons at your disposal (why someone hasn't yet thought of "mini-nukes" in this industry is beyond me), and just to have something different than the standard chainsaw/pistol whip combination is a welcomed change of pace.

And to the haters: rather than moaning about how this feature has the possibility of becoming boring, why not embrace its originality? After all, this is the industry that has so willingly adopted such singular practices like giant laser beams as means to kill; why give an innovative animation feature so much heat? I'm not.</blockquote>He thinks slow motion death animations are something new?

Link: Fallout 3: Prepare to be blown away on Xbox Focus.
didn't wolfenstein 3D feature slow-mo death scenes (pixelled of course) of the bosses? (called "death cam" if I am not mistaken). The first game that came to mind was the 2001 game Max Payne, which had more of a matrix style combat than slowmo-death scenes but it all boiled down to the same thing.
According to the Fallout universe, sometime after McCain-Palin are voted into office in 2008, nuclear war ravaged the Earth...
Is this supposed to be joke? Or the guy is serious and he writes what he thinks without checking any sources?

5. New and Innovative Health System.
Yeah, there was nothing like this before. Deus Ex? I thought it is rather well-known game.

6. Over 300 Different Endings
And we already know that endings will be like in previous Fallout games (but animated) so it isn't so much.

8. October 28th isn't that far away...
So it is the reason why the game "will blow me away"?
I'm looking forward to this game but I hate this sort of person, from either side of the fence. Using a bunch of factoids and a shit load a fluffyness to back it up does not a good article make. It's like a conspiracy theorist haveing a really good sound theory and 'proof' and then adding in all sorts of BS just for filler. It just makes his main point look like BS...

Rarely do you see acting of this [Liam Neeson's] caliber reach the medium of video games, and his appearance is a sigh of relief to the ever-so standard testosterone injected, Ron Pearlman voiced characters.

While all of these aren't complete changes, the subtle differences are expected to be noticeable from ending to ending; which is still unheard of in any video game to date.

Any video game? Ever heard of... what's the name... Fallout?
Ausir said:

Rarely do you see acting of this [Liam Neeson's] caliber reach the medium of video games, and his appearance is a sigh of relief to the ever-so standard testosterone injected, Ron Pearlman voiced characters.

While all of these aren't complete changes, the subtle differences are expected to be noticeable from ending to ending; which is still unheard of in any video game to date.

Any video game? Ever heard of... what's the name... Fallout?

Duh, if you talk about FO3 it's just like talking about FO and FO2. Because it's all the same game right? :crazy:
Well this guy is sure to be on the list of suckups Bethesda enrolls for that SPECIAL treatment before every new game they release, he's just making his bed for the next Elder Scroll game.
This is what I wrote. I had to. The article is so fucking ridiculous.

"Excuse me Steve Wysowski, but it a requirement to be pants on head retarded in order to write for xboxfocus.com?

1. I would first try to do some research on the back story.

2. Slow motion is not innovative. It has been done many many times before.

3. Oblivion had very bad voice actors, except two. This game seems to follow in those footsteps. Quality voice actors were last seen in fallout 1/2, baldur's gate 2, half life 2, VTM:Bloodlines and so forth.

4. The exact same damage decal on buildings right next to each other and same model of car right next to each other is not good level design.

5. I think you need to look up what innovative means because I don't think it means what you think it means. Health bars have been around forever. There is nothing innovative about this.

6. Oblivion did not allow you to choose how you play. You were always good and could always join any guild. Also the original fallout's had tons of endings as well.

7. You didn't even mention the AI, which looks as bad as oblivion's.

8. Oblivion was a glitch filled nightmare that only modders could fix because bethesda didn't support it well. Expect Fallout 3 to be the same. And is this supposed to be a point to why the game will blow me away? It comes out on a day on the Gregorian calendar?"
but guys!!!!! it'll be AWEOMSE!!!eleven!!1!!

the net 2.0 generation at its finest.
This is so stupid. It isn't even worth to read more then the first few sentences.
tfp said:
didn't wolfenstein 3D feature slow-mo death scenes (pixelled of course) of the bosses? (called "death cam" if I am not mistaken). The first game that came to mind was the 2001 game Max Payne, which had more of a matrix style combat than slowmo-death scenes but it all boiled down to the same thing.
Max Payne had the spinning slo-mo death-cam when you shot someone in the head with a sniper rifle. Fallout 3 isn't the first game to have that.

This article is such trash, but I would expect no more from an Xbox site.
This article reads like something a 12 year-old would write.

A 12 year old who plays nothing but Gears of War and Halo and requires intravenous Mountain Dew to keep from falling over dead.

Man, and I was having such a nice day before I read this.
The funniest part of the article:

When it comes to my impressions on pre-released games, you can pencil me down as a cynic

Seriously though. The overuse of vulgarity and the crappy attempts at humor are supposed to do what? Convince me that he's a cool guy?

There's no harm in trying to be professional.
you have a nominee for "Best Game of All-Fucking Time" in my opinion
How cynical.

Liam Fucking Neeson is in it.

His dramatic voice and his subtle, yet noticeable emotions portrayed in past characters might be able to push Fallout 3 past the standard video game realm of "entertainment" and into the area of "art". Wouldn't that be something

Liam fucking neeson = art.

Fallout 3 spins that all of that on its head, then proceeds to kick it the nose, and fart in its face.

He's retarded.

Does he make any reference to the original games? I mostly just skimmed the article, but it doesn't seem like he has.
Polynikes said:
tfp said:
didn't wolfenstein 3D feature slow-mo death scenes (pixelled of course) of the bosses? (called "death cam" if I am not mistaken). The first game that came to mind was the 2001 game Max Payne, which had more of a matrix style combat than slowmo-death scenes but it all boiled down to the same thing.
Max Payne had the spinning slo-mo death-cam when you shot someone in the head with a sniper rifle. Fallout 3 isn't the first game to have that.

Yeah, but Payne didn't have exploding torsos!!!

How can anyone say that Fallout 3 has great voice acting. I'm still having nightmares about Burkes "Excellent, EXCELLENT!" yell.

Well anyway, the article is just load of crap. There is no point to even send mail to that guy. He tries to be cool, funny and cynical (for god sake, no American videogame magazine writer should try that), but the text screams: stupid is as stupid does.
Hey... give the guy some slack. It's his first review. Before this, he worked at McDonalds. As a cleaner.

No, seriously: I was almost expecting to read this:

9. You know those things you put into your dvd player, when you're bored but too tired from work to do anything else? Yes: movies. Well, this is just like a movie, but you can actually manipulate the environment and interact with the other actors! Is that awesome or what? And you do it by using your fingers. I don't know about you guys, but I'd say that's pretty innovative. For that reason alone, Fallout 3 will almost certainly blow you away. I know it blew me away when i 'manipulated' it.

This guy finally convinced me: I am NOT buying it. If something makes dumb people go ecstatic, I don't want any part in it.
it's articles like this that have ulitimately made me completely lose faith with gaming journalism.

It's brain dead articles such as this that will spell the doom of having future complexity(be it story,gaming enviroment and so on) in at least mainstream games.

While reading it, it almost self parodies itself.

Funny stuff.
JESUS said:
Well this guy is sure to be on the list of suckups Bethesda enrolls for that SPECIAL treatment before every new game they release, he's just making his bed for the next Elder Scroll game.

Yeah if I was a game journalist I would kiss some ass now and then, for personal benefit.
If anyone needed a clear example of Bethesda's target audience for this game, look no further.

That was truly painful to read.