8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

Pot Versus Kettle

Pot Versus Kettle


What to call a writer that wrote to entertain and failed to spawn my refined eclectic sympathies?

Well, 'retard' not accurate nor fair, ... , and 'liar' with out my contextual qualifiers has little relevance, so springs forth *buffoon* as much more playful.

Derogatory tags for spurious prose, oh my . Am I the pot or the kettle?


that I haven't leveled up a few times,

and squandered the points on the mad skills of 'jackanapes' or 'prat'.

Some of these posts are more painful to read than the "8 reasons why Fallout 3 will be awesome". At least you can actually understand what he's saying (without having to reread it).

It's misinformed hype. Do we really need to post epic Shakespeare in response?
At one time I was almost as excited as this journalist is about Fallout 3, but I can't believe the editor of that website let that get on the website. It reads like a post that a 12 year year old wrote on a random forum, and not like it was done by a professional writer.
I want to be a gaming journalist. It sounds like a really easy job. You get to play a lot of games and when you write stuff you don't even have to think about it. Sounds even easier than posting on the NMA forums. If that were a post on here, I'm pretty sure they'd get a strike... I "think". :P
PaladinHeart said:
Has there been any news yet on whether or not they're going to do a construction set? That will heavily influence my decision over whether or not I'm going to buy it. Although custom content hasn't really helped Oblivion much. Even with FCOM convergence (and all those mods) it's still a rather bland experience.
No CS at launch and none in the works was the last I read on it. If you plan to buy the game to mod it or play it modded then I'd suggest waiting until they at least announce it's release, else you get stuck with a game that you play for a few hours and put down for a year or two before the CS comes out.
yeah, and if you even think of buying it on console, don't expect a cs, well ever.

Microsoft has a tendency to sell shit for ridiculous prices.

Horse armor in oblivion=2.50

Can you imagine what downloadable content there will be?HOHO, new hairstyles, a new wardrobe! PETS!
Oh, come on guys. This is nowhere near the stupidest FO3 article we've seen the last year. :wink:

I still don't really know how anybody can believe '300 endings' if they've ever played any game in the universe, by the way. But what's really going to kill me in the months to come is the "slow motion corpses OMG YES". It's a sad feeling when you're embarrassed by your own gaming habits (and your academic interests in the field) because you know people will associate it with this kind of stuff. Heh.

Not really. He just seems to be unaware of games existing before the Xbox era.

Gamers have the best case of collective amnesia in the developed world.

Yip. It might have dropped out in a busier week. Alley of Infinite Angles is also doing a series of editorials on Fallout 3 that are infinitely more thoughtful, and we'll probably post that one soon (I think it's a series and am kind of waiting for him to post more).

Yeah, I need to go back and get the next one up. I just haven't kept up on all the post-Gencon/Leipzig info and I don't think it's right to talk when you're not up to date. Probably this week. I've just been procrastinating hoping Rob McGinnis would get back to me. Guh.
Stop And Consider

Stop And Consider

Please consider that a measure - some quantity - of text information in all media is as outrageously misinformed and as flippantly cobbled together as this sales promotion.

Consider most here reading at NMA know more about the FO's and perhaps, sadly, more about all forms of computer gaming then this author.

We are in an unique position to KNOW more about the basic data and can critique this text from any direction.
Not just snark about the "readable" aesthetic of the prose (tastes great vs. more filling?) or the full frontal pandering attempt at 'fun' to win over the hearts and minds of the reader.

It may be just a lone scribbler's option. It may be mere place holding filler. We can walk away right here and move on to the next suggested article.


Consider. this text may be more 'happy talk' to swell up the buzz for an impending software entertainment release.

Take this sample of commercial data scrambling, as a sample of other 'happy talk' that is crafted to misinform, misdirect and mislead the consumer,
whether one is shopping for an IRA account, a home loan, or a president.

There's a lot of 'happy talk' in all media, and we can choose to bask in the buzz,
pick it apart for useful fragments,
or turn it off and tune into a message one can trust.

Wonderful - information that affirms that the media market place is not solely populated by *buffoons* and persuasive predators.

Utopian? The media, not a gauntlet of fear and intimidation, spin and misinformation; the media, a "free" market place of ideas , what a concept!

Do we know who this guy is?

Can we pull a Roshambo on him and contact his ISP and get him BANNED from the internet?

Because seriously, this guy is way beyond disgusting.
Hm.... I think it's a pretty bad idea to let a drunk teenager write an article for you. Although since it's an xbox site, it's probably not that big of a problem, since the ones that are reading that crap, are most probably drunk teenagers too.
Jebus said:
Do we know who this guy is?

Can we pull a Roshambo on him and contact his ISP and get him BANNED from the internet?

Because seriously, this guy is way beyond disgusting.

It's a good thing the system's primary objetive is not to spread your genes. Because, when you see geniouses like Hawkings without a son and morons like these breeding like cockroaches, it makes you want to have the whole system scraped.

This guy looks so stupid that he should be banned from LIFE so that his brand of retardism does not spread.

No, seriously, that was the most retarded internet article. I'VE. EVER. SEEN. I felt a little of my mind dying as I read it.
HOLY CRAP you guys sure do whine allot! If you don't like the fucken game than don't buy it! And also Oblivion was one of the best xbox 360 games that has come out and please don't start giving me some shit how you guys say that the PS3 or WII is better because just to let you know the people who own the rights to the PS3 just lost 1 billion dollars because last year it was worth 2.5 billion and now its at 1.5 billion and its only going to keep going down and don't even get me started on the WII! ok! Wow you guys keep talking about how the guy should have done his homework about the last 2 fallouts when you can't even see how well Oblivion did!?!? Oh ya and one more thing! You guys say that bethesda has ruined fallout 3 and changed it from the last 2.... well if they didn't buy the rights for it you wouldn't have even gotten a fallout 3 ASSHOLES! Because if you had done you home work little boys and girls the people doing fallout 3 didn't have any money :'(. So after you have read my little speech please note to youself to never buy fallout 3 because you don't deserve it you selfish little bastards and don't worry bethesda didn�t need your money any way!

This is their reader base, tremble in fear.
When it comes to my impressions on pre-released games, you can pencil me down as a cynic. After having my expectations trampled, spat upon, and raped so many times in the past, I have come to the conclusion that if I convince myself that every game with a release date is going to piss me off, I'll enjoy it much more than I would have thinking anything else. Since I've implemented this theory into work, I haven't been disappointed by a game in a long, long time, and since I tend to like enjoying the games that I buy, this is a status I would like to maintain.
That's an almost direct quote of this guy: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/37-Mailbag-Showdown, amalgamated from a few of his video; a game reviewer who actually is smart and cynical - attributes which are the new 'Maddox' of the internet, with everybody trying to rip them off.

The world's radiated oxygen supply...
why someone hasn't yet thought of "mini-nukes" in this industry is beyond me...

This guy seems to have a very poor understanding of science... or really anything else, now that I think of it.
I've a rare holiday off work, after some serious crunch, and I've consumed a of couple glasses of rather good whiskey, so take the following rant with all the contempt it deserves... Brother None feel free to vat this nonsense...

Who the frak is a journalist to tell me if a game is going to blow me away, really? I do not expect or want any game to blow me away. I expect a game to entertain me, and not have annoying game flaws or bugs which ruin my game play experience. Hey Spore has not blown me away, but its amused me for about 10+ hours, which means its worth it.
I hate frell'ing journo's telling me what is and is'nt 'kool' all I want is a run down of the friking game, after that I'LL determine if it blew me away or not. For Fraks sake, you can only tell if a game only blew you away in hindsight. Fallout for instance, I remember only being really really into it on the first playthrough.
It was only on the third or forth time I felt I HAD to replay it, that I relalised that I had found some thing special.

SO MR "I know what will blow you away" journalist, I suggest you shut the F up, and let us gamer decide for ourselves what is good, and JUST DO YOUR GODDAM JOB AND TELL US WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT, HOW THE GAMEPLAY WORKS AND WHAT THE BASIC PLOT IS. I care NOTHING about your opinion, because YOU ARE NOT ME, and YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT OR LIKE...

*pant pant*

Sorry bout that all, feel better now.

Time for more whiskey :D
aronsearle said:
HOLY CRAP you guys sure do whine allot! If you don't like the fucken game than don't buy it! And also Oblivion was one of the best xbox 360 games that has come out and please don't start giving me some shit how you guys say that the PS3 or WII is better because just to let you know the people who own the rights to the PS3 just lost 1 billion dollars because last year it was worth 2.5 billion and now its at 1.5 billion and its only going to keep going down and don't even get me started on the WII! ok! Wow you guys keep talking about how the guy should have done his homework about the last 2 fallouts when you can't even see how well Oblivion did!?!? Oh ya and one more thing! You guys say that bethesda has ruined fallout 3 and changed it from the last 2.... well if they didn't buy the rights for it you wouldn't have even gotten a fallout 3 ASSHOLES! Because if you had done you home work little boys and girls the people doing fallout 3 didn't have any money :'(. So after you have read my little speech please note to youself to never buy fallout 3 because you don't deserve it you selfish little bastards and don't worry bethesda didn�t need your money any way!

This is their reader base, tremble in fear.

Damn, :crazy: . That´s really scary because people like this will eat shit if it´s served by their favorite company.
We have come to the time of corporative suckups that cannot see through the bullshit to realize that companies don´t care about them.
Yeah, cause the existence / non-existence of fallout3 really effects how much I enjoy Fallout 1/2 :roll:

Wow. Some modern gamers are morons.
Re: Pot Versus Kettle

4too said:
Pot Versus Kettle


What to call a writer that wrote to entertain and failed to spawn my refined eclectic sympathies?

Well, 'retard' not accurate nor fair, ... , and 'liar' with out my contextual qualifiers has little relevance, so springs forth *buffoon* as much more playful.

Derogatory tags for spurious prose, oh my . Am I the pot or the kettle?


that I haven't leveled up a few times,

and squandered the points on the mad skills of 'jackanapes' or 'prat'.


Hey dude, I have OLP and I don't even write like this - you're sure one diligent guy to maintain this with every post.
4too's posts are all highly refined nuggets of prophecy and insight.

Or Madness.

The same coin. Two-sides thereof.


Steve Wysowski
I basically run the ship here at XboxFocus (yeah, we're pirates). My job is to make sure everyone is doing theirs, and to make sure the site's content is at its fullest potential. I hire writers, I let them go, I help them, guide them, and I push them foward; all in the hopes that the user gets the best content we can offer.
