8 reasons Fallout 3 will blow you away

The site is a no site, I don't even know why we covered this. Seriously.
Bioshock had one health bar. He finds innovation in having multiple health bars for different body parts. Anyway, it's nothing new.
The thing that really gets me about that "article" is how this fool is approaching it like it's some kind of pure first-person shooter. Certainly, I particularly enjoy the idea of taking Fallout into a 3D world, and some of my favourite all-time games are FPS-RPG's (System Shock 2 win!), but all these assclowns seem to want nothing more than ludicrous amounts of explosions and gore, plot and character development be damned.

Also, his "mini-nuke" observation fails, since Unreal Tournament has the Redeemer (first mainstream FPS reference I could think of)

Also also, first post on the forum for me! (though I lurk here pretty regularly because who else am I going to trust for Fallout-related newsstuffs)
And to the haters: rather than moaning about how this feature has the possibility of becoming boring, why not embrace its originality? After all, this is the industry that has so willingly adopted such singular practices like giant laser beams as means to kill; why give an innovative animation feature so much heat? I'm not.

Cutscenes are original amirite

This open world appears to be a shining light amongst today's titles, peaking its head above this industry filled with repetitive games with clunky, incoherent layouts and design. If all the stars and planets align, there's a chance of Fallout 3 can reach the state of gaming nirvana, in which the gamer will be completely immersed into the game itself and unaware of his physical surrounding.

A gamer with an over 80 IQ will find themselves jarringly taken out of their immersion when they shoot their first nuclear car.

But that's not for you to worry about, Steve.
Fallout has become like some slutty ex-girlfirend.
She used to be refined, exclusive.
Now she's a coarse whore that will drop her panties for cheap thrills.

Time to cut her loose boys.
SuAside said:
but guys!!!!! it'll be AWEOMSE!!!eleven!!1!
Heh, yeah. SuAside beat me to it. Don't you just love the "come on, guys, it'll be amazing" people? Oh, sorry, we didn't realize it would be 'amazing'. Nobody ever hinted at even the slightest possibility of that. Golly gee, we'll all agree now since random person on the internet said so, seeing as we're just completely devoid of the ability to have our own opinions.

Covers up the 'you away' part of the thread title. ;)
Who suggested that you are devoid of the ability to have your own opinions? May I be the first, as your post did not in fact have an opinion on anything really. What exactly are you upset about? That some people are looking forward to the game? Big deal.
squinty said:
Who suggested that you are devoid of the ability to have your own opinions? May I be the first, as your post did not in fact have an opinion on anything really. What exactly are you upset about? That some people are looking forward to the game? Big deal.

Nobody ever said that. It is just that when you voice your opinion be prepared to be told how much of a fool you are for thinking that way by other people.

as the case is here.

This guy wrote his opinion and came off looking like a total putz. With all his Jokes and swearing he made himself look like one of those people what yell "Why no like, it has Asplosions" when people critises FO3 for Mini-Nukes.
FeelTheRads said:
It's not even about opinions, really. It's more about the misinformation or the lies... whichever it is.

A Ball of Misinformed lies blended with his Opinion on 8 reasons why Fallout 3 will be awesome?
squinty said:
Who suggested that you are devoid of the ability to have your own opinions? May I be the first, as your post did not in fact have an opinion on anything really. What exactly are you upset about? That some people are looking forward to the game? Big deal.
Attributing a false opinion to someone else is, especially over a clear statement, is a pretty rude thing to do. He was clear that his issue was with people posting short, unsubstansive posts which tell people how good a game will be (ie telling them what to think) without any reasons.

TheGM said:
FeelTheRads said:
It's not even about opinions, really. It's more about the misinformation or the lies... whichever it is.

A Ball of Misinformed lies blended with his Opinion on 8 reasons why Fallout 3 will be awesome?
He's not misinformed, he's uninformed and misinforming his readers. He seems to think that everything that Fallout 3 is doing is innovative or he's intentionally lying about it. I found it amusing the backlash that he was getting in the comments though.
I still think reason 8 is the best example of how fallout 3 will 'blow me away!' We should probably quote that somewhere or start a hall of stupidity.

A Guy: Holy shit! You gotta get this game man. Get this, it's released on a day that is within a month which in turn is located within a year.

Other guy: Whoa that's like some heavy in depth shit man. We gotta buy that.

Third guy: I don't know guys, I don't think that complexity is really what I'm looking for in a game. OH LOOK! I FOUND A NICKEL!
Jim Cojones said:
Bioshock had one health bar. He finds innovation in having multiple health bars for different body parts. Anyway, it's nothing new.
It was already in Fallout 1 and 2 to begin with, and I'm pretty sure there have been other games to have this feature in it. (Too lazy to think about any right now)

Who cares what this jackass thinks. It's clear hes making up shit just to get people all excited for the game by spewing out a lot of lies. I've already decided not to waste my money on this game. I'll have my friends and family do that for me on Christmas.
This article has tought me the true power of the written word. Before aborting my attempt to read it it managed to convince me that not only are breeding licenses a good idea, but it also convinced me that this dude shouldn't get one.