Fallout 4 Achievement list

Nah, that strikes me more as someone betraying the group.

Beth seems to be playing up the evil options in Fallout 4 as more jerkish than evil.

You can probably complete the entire game being "evil" and just mildly irritate everyone.
Well with 3 seemingly major joinable factions I am hoping it goes like this far as karma goes,

The Minutemen = Goody too shoes through and through
Railroad = Somewhere between grey and good
Brotherhood of Steel = Not good, but not necessarily evil, more grey
So I am honestly kind of hoping that you can only join one of the three factions shown in the achievements. Otherwise it will feel like a thieves guild, dark brotherhood or Companions quest line. Which is fine I guess, that is probably what will happen. Not being able to be in both the Empire and Stormcloaks in Skyrim at the same time give me a little hope.

I don't want to join the Minutemen, I want to destroy them and the Railroad and help the BoS take over Boston by force. Then create a mod that sees Lyon's visiting Boston, I can just see it now,

"Ah Hello dear brothers!" - Lyon's

:confused: "who the fuck are these people?" - BoS in Boston

"We have come to assist you in helping the people of Boston, we are Lyon's Pride!" - Lyon's

*sound of mini guns and laser weapons going off* Lyon's gets slaughtered by BoS in Boston.

"Uh anyway I didn't see Barney and friends roll up with BoS symbols just now did you bob?" - BoS Boston

"eh nope didn't see a thing, ok lets just push them into the water here, moving on" *whistles* bob

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Actually for Skyrim, Dark Brotherhood + Thieves Guild makes sense.

But only those two. MAYBE Wizard College as well, but NOT an Archmage. You should be blocked from the Archmage line if you join the Dark side.

Companions, big no.
I wonder if they'll pull a Skyrim and force you to join a faction or have a quest that shoehorns joining a faction down your throat?
I really hope not, I really do. If they learned anything from New Vegas, they won't force us into joining any faction.

I will say the official website supports the speculation that you won't be forced into joining any faction. "Or go it alone, the choice is yours".

The line is also readable on steam for fallout 4.
But you might still end up joining SOMETHING in the end. What I liked about New Vegas is that the game offered you at least 4 ways to solve the situation, with Mr. House, Legion, NCR and Yes Man. And each of them was unique. And the game also reacted how affiliated you have been with the faction. In Skyrim the plot between the Stormcloacks and the Empire was in no way really intervowen with the world or the main plot of the game. Except for that one situation where the groups decide for a truce till the Dovakin kills the main bad guy. But even that is only freezin the quest it doesn't give you any more options or something to work with. You never see anything from that in the game except that a town you captured before for the empire has now stormcloacks runing around instead of imperial guards.

I would not be surprised if the Factions in F4 will be just as bland and uninspired from the rest of the game like in Skyrim.
The factions in Skyrim were the most underwhelming in any TES game, no question. I compare everything to Morrowind, its just night and day.

I am staying optimistic until I play the game, but at the same time staying realistic to avoid a huge let down.
Well Morrowind guilds were horrible at C&C department(Look what happens when you're Temple Leader during Main Quest). Only thing Morrowind guilds had as C&C was: "Play A or B quest line".
Well if you ask me only thing Morrowind did better was setting(that Dunmer culture) and the lore though i understand why people likes it better.
Morrowind was a LOT better in terms of art, at least. Its overall style was pretty damn cool, and the concepts it worked with were a lot more unique than anything Oblivion and Skyrim had to offer.
The same goes for the story, really. Skyrim and Oblivion were essentially about dudes who were born with somethingsomething godpower fate. Worse, in Oblivion you don't even play that dude, you're just some random henchman. Morrowind makes you work hard to become the Nerevarine, you're not just born like that (Ok, you were "born under a certain sign", but so were thousands of others). There's nothing inherently awesome about except the fact that you're the player character. Even the villains are self-made: They're just ordinary chimer who made themselves divine by tapping into the heart of a god. That's pretty badass.
The C&C was not all that great (although you couldn't just become the master of absolutely every guild and faction as easily as in the later games), but I felt a lot more involved and engaged in the story and the world than anytime in Oblivion or Skyrim.