Fallout 76 announced!

A fallout game set in the pre-war world would be very interesting if it followed the lore of Fallout 1 and 2 and the Fallout bible. Too bad Bethesda retcon the shit out of that and made the pre-war world a generic 50's paradise instead of an authoritarian hell hole.

Fallout 4 had them murder the mentally ill to make Robobrains. One nice neighborhood does not a utopia make.
Uh. No?
TESO anyone?
Anyone actually try it during the free weekend?
I did.
They sell reskinned mounts for like 12 bucks in that game.
There's this thing called "sarcasm" you might want to look up.
Bethesda tried paid mods several times, each time getting a bigger backlash, and they just wait for everything to blow over and then try again.
I am, like Fallout 4, cautiously optimistic, because fuck it, I'm so bored I don't mind new products to play through.

Things that'll be nice:

No BoS, No Enclave, No SuperMutants.
More engine tools.
No VA'd protagonist. Fixed text-based dialogue.
A return to skills-perk-checks-traits.
New location.

Thing's that'll suck:

BoS, Enclave, Supermutants.
No engine tools or under-the-hood revelations.
VA'd Protagonist
Capital Wasteland setting.
Stuck in or around a vault. A full-sized vault should be a huge dungeon or settlement, but not the main focus of the game.
Co-op or multiplayer as the main focus than just a feature.
Online-only play

If I see one thing emerge from the 'suck list' - no buy. End of, really.
New location.
Bethesda games are never set in new locations.

They are set in a pulpy mad-max style wasteland with all the iconic parts of the franchise(Supermutants, Brotherhood) slapped in, and nothing original.

They are set in a pulpy version of the Fallout world designed around reminding everyone that this is a Fallout game by repeating the same tropes seen everywhere. They aren't new locations in anything but name.
Bethesda games are never set in new locations.

They are set in a pulpy mad-max style wasteland with all the iconic parts of the franchise(Supermutants, Brotherhood) slapped in, and nothing original.

Like Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas.
I would just like to remind everyone before they break out the Panic At The Disco CDs and sharpen their favorite wrist slitting knives that there is still a glimmer of hope in this community.

Tim Tim and Lenny Boy are going to save us from Fallout Rust Z. After all, it is the will of the Creator for these two humans to assist us on the Great Journey.
I honestly couldn't care less what Bethesda does with the Fallout license. As far as i'm concerned, there's only three games in the main series: Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas.

Now, i definitely care about that Outer Worlds game and hope we get more information in the near future.
Tim Tim and Lenny Boy are going to save us from Fallout Rust Z. After all, it is the will of the Creator for these two humans to assist us on the Great Journey.
I hope we get to see this game at e3 but I doubt it. I'm also conflicted about supporting obsidian after what chris avellone had said about the upper management.
Only a few hundred pages of a Codex thread where MCA spills some juicy details on how crappy Obsidian's upper management can be.

Wow, looking back, I'm really glad I never applied there. Sounds like a mess. Hopefully Outer Worlds can still come out of development relatively intact despite all that. Plenty of great projects have survived worse. I feel for those employees, though. At least they can feel proud of what they accomplished instead of having worked on whatever the hell Fallout 76 is supposed to be...
Wow, looking back, I'm really glad I never applied there. Sounds like a mess. Hopefully Outer Worlds can still come out of development relatively intact despite all that. Plenty of great projects have survived worse. I feel for those employees, though. At least they can feel proud of what they accomplished instead of having worked on whatever the hell Fallout 76 is supposed to be...

I always thought that working with obsidian to make RPGs would be a dream. I was shock when Chris said that it was actually a nightmare. Oh well atleast the games they do make will always be better than what shithesda can make.
Found this could be a "my dad works at bethesda" type thing but:


Well, that'll be interesting. Documentary insight into developments close to release is both informative and good marketing.