Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

Oh YOU have little hope? Wow ok I guess I won't bother then.

You don't have to take it personal you know.
It is just that reality in general tends not to favor efforts like this. A petition of this size is just to small.

If people who enjoyed Fallout New Vegas much more than FO3 or FO4 really put action into this there would have been a united fan effort in a matter of weeks after Fallout 4 to make Bethesda realize that the fans really want another spin off title by Obsidian.

We're now four months later and there is still no game news site mentioning a fan run campaign to convince Bethesda to do this.
I probably would have been on board the first couple of days this project was set up.


Here, petition at least three months old and still only eight supporters: https://www.change.org/p/pete-hines...n-entertainment-work-on-another-fallout-title

36 Supporters: https://www.change.org/p/bethesda-softworks-let-obsidian-handle-the-fallout-series

This one is more promising: https://www.change.org/p/zenimax-media-inc-contract-obsidian-entertainment-for-future-fallout-games
Listen Sir Postsalot. If you want to be an instrument of change, don't ask people if they would sign an imaginary petition. Make one. If you feel as strongly as you do, you should be making it, then asking other to join. I sure hope you're not expecting someone else to take off with your idea. Nothing pisses me off more than someone with a great idea for someone else to do. If you have no intention on making it, you shouldn't try and convince others to. That is not a leader personality type but a sheeps.

You're all bark and no bite, no loss.
What the fuck are you on about pal? I just came here for ideas for the best way to do it. As Fallout fans I'd have thought you'd all be keen to try get this happening but you just sound like a negative jerk.
You don't have to take it personal you know.
It is just that reality in general tends not to favor efforts like this. A petition of this size is just to small.

If people who enjoyed Fallout New Vegas much more than FO3 or FO4 really put action into this there would have been a united fan effort in a matter of weeks after Fallout 4 to make Bethesda realize that the fans really want another spin off title by Obsidian.

We're now four months later and there is still no game news site mentioning a fan run campaign to convince Bethesda to do this.
I probably would have been on board the first couple of days this project was set up.


Here, petition at least three months old and still only eight supporters: https://www.change.org/p/pete-hines...n-entertainment-work-on-another-fallout-title

36 Supporters: https://www.change.org/p/bethesda-softworks-let-obsidian-handle-the-fallout-series

This one is more promising: https://www.change.org/p/zenimax-media-inc-contract-obsidian-entertainment-for-future-fallout-games
Yeah fair enough man. We can still try though right? Just because it's been a few months you don't give up. Things like this can take time.
Listen Sir Postsalot. If you want to be an instrument of change, don't ask people if they would sign an imaginary petition. Make one. If you feel as strongly as you do, you should be making it, then asking other to join. I sure hope you're not expecting someone else to take off with your idea. Nothing pisses me off more than someone with a great idea for someone else to do. If you have no intention on making it, you shouldn't try and convince others to. That is not a leader personality type but a sheeps.

You're all bark and no bite, no loss.
What 'bark' ? Are you talking about man?
I recently tweeted Brian Fargo from Inexile about petitioning Bethesda to allow him to make an isometric Fallout game under license.
You have drive to write a video game developer.

There isn't one yet which is why I came here for ideas. I'm not exactly an organised person haha.
You have drive to write NMA and try an get someone to make your dream come true.

What the fuck are you on about pal? I just came here for ideas for the best way to do it. As Fallout fans I'd have thought you'd all be keen to try get this happening but you just sound like a negative jerk.
Take a chill pill bra, I'm encouraging you to finish what you started. I believe in you. You are the one.

What 'bark' ? Are you talking about man?
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To condense it; He's saying that you shouldn't be lazy and that if you want a petition to be created then go make one instead of inciting someone else to do it for you.

And what the fuck was up with your response to The Dutch Ghost anyway? All he did was share his opinion and you go acting like an ass towards him.

You want a petition to happen? Go create one then share it at Fallout forums and reddit and shit and see if it goes anywhere.

I ain't signing it though. I want a new IP that is heavily inspired by Fallout, not a "Fallout-lite" that's owned by Bethesda.
You have drive to write a video game developer.

You have drive to write NMA and try an get someone to make your dream come true.

Take a chill pill bra, I'm encouraging you to finish what you started. I believe in you. You are the one.

I just follow him on twitter. I think if there was enough interest Fargo himself may approach Bethesda. Yes I am desperate for another classic Fallout game.
Yeah fair enough man. We can still try though right? Just because it's been a few months you don't give up. Things like this can take time.

I would honestly support any effort you would do to get people together to convince Bethesda to give Obsidian or Inxile the opportunity to make another Fallout sequel/spin off game.
If I had been any good at making a website I would even have made a website for you to direct people at, that is how much I want another Fallout game made by people who actually care about the franchise.

Some people here can attest my dedication to the Fallout franchise as I so damn much want to make my own Fallout game. If this fucking depression hadn't come up and screwed up my brain I would still have been busy trying to come up and write down ideas, how pointless the effort probably is.

But you really would have to do something very loud and attention grabbing to convince others that this is a serious effort and not more fair weather wishing. Zenimax is a big corporation and only big numbers impress them, not passion from people. How else to explain their schemes to have fan made mods being paid for and them taking a percentage of it.
To condense it; He's saying that you shouldn't be lazy and that if you want a petition to be created then go make one instead of inciting someone else to do it for you.

And what the fuck was up with your response to The Dutch Ghost anyway? All he did was share his opinion and you go acting like an ass towards him.

You want a petition to happen? Go create one then share it at Fallout forums and reddit and shit and see if it goes anywhere.

I ain't signing it though. I want a new IP that is heavily inspired by Fallout, not a "Fallout-lite" that's owned by Bethesda.
I can't even remember what I wrote and I don't care. If he's not interested and you're not don't waste my time ok? Thanks for zip.
I would honestly support any effort you would do to get people together to convince Bethesda to give Obsidian or Inxile the opportunity to make another Fallout sequel/spin off game.
If I had been any good at making a website I would even have made a website for you to direct people at, that is how much I want another Fallout game made by people who actually care about the franchise.

Some people here can attest my dedication to the Fallout franchise as I so damn much want to make my own Fallout game. If this fucking depression hadn't come up and screwed up my brain I would still have been busy trying to come up and write down ideas, how pointless the effort probably is.

But you really would have to do something very loud and attention grabbing to convince others that this is a serious effort and not more fair weather wishing. Zenimax is a big corporation and only big numbers impress them, not passion from people. How else to explain their schemes to have fan made mods being paid for and them taking a percentage of it.
Yeah man I understand. I'm not lazy it's just that I don't really know what I'm doing as I've never done this before. All I'm saying here is put the idea out to others who may be able to come up with something that might grab attention. A single petition probably won't cut it. Some social media bullshit maybe? There are a lot of people out there that are really good at this sort of thing and for this to have a better chance I'd be happy for them to have a crack at it.
Just look at the amount of people around the web that is asking for another FNV.
I don't think a petition is really needed. Either Bethesda acknowledges how Fallout 4 has been received and does the smart thing and cashes in on a 'good' (relatively at least) Fallout game or they just sit around taking turns to lick Toddie Boi's arse.

I can't even remember what I wrote and I don't care. If he's not interested and you're not don't waste my time ok? Thanks for zip.
You're welcome, truly. I hope to waste more of your time in the future.


Actually, that's not very constructive, allow me to elaborate:
You don't care? You behaved like an ass, and when pointed out that you were behaving like an ass instead of maybe standing up to your mistake you say you "don't care"? That doesn't make you less of an ass, man. That makes you even bigger ass.

And don't waste your time? Dude, you wanted to 'talk about creating a petition for a third party Fallout game'. If me and @DirtyOldShoe had responded with "NO!!" and only "NO!!" then 'that' would be wasting your time. But we didn't just say "NO!!" now did we? We actually said quite a lot of things and elaborated on them. That's what people do on a forum. So we wasted your time? That's how you feel about it? And you're saying we should have had the foresight not to it in the first place or something? How the hell are we supposed to know that it would wasting your oh so precious time?

It's a forum. Not everyone is going to agree with you, not everyone is going to have only positive shit to spout like an echo chamber circle jerk that's slowly drowning us in jizz and pussy juice. If your time is so fucking precious that you can't stand someone responding to your posts with criticism then maybe forum's ain't for you.

So no, I will not stop wasting your time because in case you didn't notice this is a forum and I'm allowed to respond to other users with whatever criticism I want to. If you don't like that then there is an "ignore user" feature of this forum that you can use to block my posts.
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I say a new IP as a spiritual successor to Fallout so that way instead of trying to clean up the butchered lore they can have their creative juices focused on an IP that would be more "Fallout" than Fallout: Wacky Edition.
Alternatively, they could just use Wasteland and create an equivalent of Fallout: Tactics except reversed. Main series for Wasteland would be tactical combat oriented and the spin-off would be Fallout 1/2 oriented in design. Wouldn't even need a new IP for that 'and' Wasteland would be more fleshed out as a setting.
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I say a new IP as a spiritual successor to Fallout so that way instead of trying to clean up the butchered lore they can have their creative juices focused on an IP that would be more "Fallout" than Fallout: Wacky Edition.

Yeah, I agree. You don't try and "fix" a trainwreck, you just build a new train.

Alternatively, they could just use Wasteland and create an equivalent of Fallout: Tactics except reversed. Main series for Wasteland would be tactical combat oriented and the spin-off would be Fallout 1/2 oriented in design. Wouldn't even need a new IP for that 'and' Wasteland would be fleshed out more as a setting.

I would prefer a whole new IP is made, with its own identity, even if it's unofficially known as Fallout 1/2's spiritual successor.

I sure hope you're not expecting someone else to take off with your idea. Nothing pisses me off more than someone with a great idea for someone else to do. If you have no intention on making it, you shouldn't try and convince others to.


Okay, what? No offense, just thoroughly confused. Is there something wrong with coming up with new ideas? How is someone with an idea but not actually putting it into practice a bad thing? What if someone has a new idea and it inspires someone else to do it, how does the person who come up with the idea have an obligation to do it?

Alright, now I get that sitting lazily and trying to persuade every passer-by to put your idea to work for you is pretty absurd, but I hope you're not implying that everyone who doesn't always put their ideas to practice is a bad person.
Just look at the amount of people around the web that is asking for another FNV.
I don't think a petition is really needed. Either Bethesda acknowledges how Fallout 4 has been received and does the smart thing and cashes in on a 'good' (relatively at least) Fallout game or they just sit around taking turns to lick Toddie Boi's arse.

You're welcome, truly. I hope to waste more of your time in the future.
Thanks. Appreciate it. Have a nice life.
You have drive to write a video game developer.

You have drive to write NMA and try an get someone to make your dream come true.

Take a chill pill bra, I'm encouraging you to finish what you started. I believe in you. You are the one.

Ok man cool gonolay
I edited that previous post of mine with some actual constructive criticism. Read that.
Not interested man. Waste of my time. Looking for people who have good ideas not some stereotypical forum dweller who is miserable and has nothing to offer. Again, have a nice life pal.
Actually, that's not very constructive, allow me to elaborate:
You don't care? You behaved like an ass, and when pointed out that you were behaving like an ass instead of maybe standing up to your mistake you say you "don't care"? That doesn't make you less of an ass, man. That makes you even bigger ass.
Need to like twice but can't :(

Ok man cool gonolay
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Not interested man. Waste of my time. Looking for people who have good ideas not some stereotypical forum dweller who is miserable and has nothing to offer. Again, have a nice life pal.

Uh, what. I'm not really on @DirtyOldShoe's side either but out of this whole charade you're the only one who has nothing to offer.