Where can I buy Fallout 1 or 2?

If you search for "ultimate collection" you'll find a few threads. Merging.
Iendicis said:
Anybody who's interested, there's a new website opening in September called Good Old Games (it's in closed beta now) owned by the CD Projekt (The Witcher guys).

They will be selling Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for six bucks each (or so the plan is).


No DRM, works with XP and Vista. Download and play. It even has the soundtrack in mp3 format.

The Beta is now open, I just got my access code. And if you had signed up early enough if you buy one game you get a free one from Interplay, so you can get Fallout 1+2 for $5.99 total! Otherwise they have all 3 at $5.99
A friends of mine gave me a copy of Fallout 2 back in 2002. I got addicted and wanted to play the game again. I saw them both on sale at ebay and bought both. This is my first experience with Fallout and I love it. Its so awesome.
Well it seems like reading through this topic Fallout 1 and 2 were going for a pretty high price. I bought mine of Ebay for $15 3 months ago and that was pretty cheap. Some of the prices arent so bad. I seen one for $100 it was the big box with manual and other inserts. Check Ebay for anyone whos looking. I did feel dumb though because it had a $2 price tag on it.
Free Fallout

Hello. I am new to Fallout and would like to play both 1 and 2 before 3. However, I have been unable to convince my parents to buy them. I can't use Gametap. Do you know where I can find a full version?
I saw a copy of Fallout (big box) go for $511 last week. Can you believe that??

I still have my big box of both FO1 and FO2 with all manuals and inserts, thank god.
If anybody is still wondering about where to buy this series. I do recall being able to grab it via Amazon for $9, the package contained Fallout/2/Tactics and it had Win2000/XP compatibility. As I use Linux exclusively I have to use a few extra tricks to get it working but it installs and works fine in the end.

That is the US Amazon page I went to, mind you, so no guarantees elsewhere. Also, be careful which you get, there is the Interplay compilation and Bethesda also has one there. On the outside they look very similar, big difference being that I've heard a lot of horror stories about Bethesda's version having install issues (particularly with the first one in the series).
Thanks for the tip and all, but you said it yourself, that is only until the 22nd. Which, by my clock, is less than 12 hours from becoming a moot point.

Besides, I find a strange point of honor in actually owning this particular group of games (most of these publishers seem to think you are only "leasing" the games nowadays), the likes of which I have only felt wholeheartedly for roughly a couple dozen of the millions of games out there. Aside from it being arguably one of the finest franchises in the industry, it also looks damn fine sitting on the computer desk shelf next to my out of print Nuclear Physics books! :mrgreen:
I used to play Fallout 1 and 2 in the '90s, but my CDs broke down.
I now downloaded them for $5.99 each from www.gog.com, and they seem to work fine. I like the fact that you can redownload them as much as you might ever need.
I saw there'll be a "Fallout Trilogy" package released at Apr 22. Fallout wiki said it's American version. I'd like to know if all the games in Fallout Collection are UK version and are they already patched or unpatched with patches included? I don't know if I should buy Fallout Collection or wait for buying Fallout Trilogy (is it US original unpatched version?)
I bought the Fallout Collection (White Label) from amazon last October, it comes with patches, but its a nightmare trying to get them to work. I still, as to this day, have not gotten any of the patches on the CD to work.

P.S. Not sure if they are the UK versions or not, the Collection box has the Pegi style rating on it, and opening up the box the website is a .uk in the address so I'm pretty sure it is.
Just chiming in that I purchased the first Fallout last night from gog.com, and have had no problems running it. It's already pre-patched to version 1.1, can be re-downloaded from gog through your account page, and is also drm-free so it can be burned to a disc for later re-installation.

This was my first purchase through gog.com, and so far, I'm very happy with them. Their version uses its own installer, and installed (and plays) fine on my Vista32 home premium laptop. Really hard to go wrong with them if you really want the game since it's only 6 dollars and also has the original manual in a pdf for download.

I have a feeling I'll be buying Fallout 2 before the end of the week, so I can burn them both to the same dvd. :)
Buying Fallout 1 and 2

You can get Fallout 1, 2 and tactics all on one DVD as a bundle now for $20 new at places like Best Buy, WalMart, even GameStop. I saw them there the other day. It looks like the collections I always see for sale by ebayers in Europe but now its available in the US and in physical stores. Not a download.
Fallout 1,2 and tactics (in separate boxes!)

Hi, I recently found F1, F2 and FT at media Markt in Umeå, Sweden.

about 89 SEK each (89 Swedish kronor = 8.67987935 Euros, 89 Swedish kronor = 12.662208 U.S. dollars according to google).

I think the box said "Xp and vista compatible" on the back of at least one of them (Which probably means new version). Oh and our local mediamarkt does not have a webpage. They might ship it though. Don't actually know that.