zegh8578 Apr 27, 2022 I'm looking up so many various names of dif. cultures for my fiction story, Google algorithm must think I'm expecting ethnic round the world
I'm looking up so many various names of dif. cultures for my fiction story, Google algorithm must think I'm expecting ethnic round the world
zegh8578 Apr 25, 2022 WELP Finland and Sweden now applying for NATO membership. Not gonna Nostradamus anything, but Russia has promised forever that
WELP Finland and Sweden now applying for NATO membership. Not gonna Nostradamus anything, but Russia has promised forever that
zegh8578 Apr 24, 2022 Rip Mariupol. If I understood correctly, the city has about a 1000 un-evacuated people left, along with 500 defenders
Rip Mariupol. If I understood correctly, the city has about a 1000 un-evacuated people left, along with 500 defenders
zegh8578 Apr 23, 2022 Why do people still think troops abroad are dying "for your freedom"? I mean, have all the sympathy in the world for the troops, hell -
Why do people still think troops abroad are dying "for your freedom"? I mean, have all the sympathy in the world for the troops, hell -
zegh8578 Apr 14, 2022 The Sun went and called modern dino depictions "too woke", I fucking called it, years ago
zegh8578 Apr 6, 2022 If I ever visit Australia, I'm gonna tell people "cheese" instead of "cheers", and they wouldn't notice.
If I ever visit Australia, I'm gonna tell people "cheese" instead of "cheers", and they wouldn't notice.
zegh8578 Apr 6, 2022 Tankies, Q-heads and other Russia-apologists must be having an increasingly awkward time right now.
zegh8578 Apr 1, 2022 PSA for my English-speaking friends: A "tenet" is a core point in a religion - while "tenant" is someone who pays rent to live somewhere.
PSA for my English-speaking friends: A "tenet" is a core point in a religion - while "tenant" is someone who pays rent to live somewhere.
zegh8578 Apr 1, 2022 Oh my god, only 4 hours after Finnish authorities announced NATO membership no longer bound by referendum, Russia has sent over 30 000
Oh my god, only 4 hours after Finnish authorities announced NATO membership no longer bound by referendum, Russia has sent over 30 000
zegh8578 Mar 31, 2022 An American told me that a country such as Poland, where half the population gladly vote for conservative values, has no right to exist.
An American told me that a country such as Poland, where half the population gladly vote for conservative values, has no right to exist.
zegh8578 Mar 30, 2022 More brunch-lib morons on Twitter gulping down the Kremlin-aid, now openly wishing for genocide on Polish people (for being too racist)
More brunch-lib morons on Twitter gulping down the Kremlin-aid, now openly wishing for genocide on Polish people (for being too racist)
zegh8578 Mar 28, 2022 Chris shoulda ran after from behind, Will would turn, they would rough and tumble, woulda been way better
Chris shoulda ran after from behind, Will would turn, they would rough and tumble, woulda been way better
zegh8578 Mar 23, 2022 I like that if you must, the scientific name of the western lowland gorilla is Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla.
I like that if you must, the scientific name of the western lowland gorilla is Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla.
zegh8578 Mar 15, 2022 Wtf, I'm in conversation with a swede with 1 single Twitter-follow, some fascist-anime shit, trying hard to convince me Dugin is in fact
Wtf, I'm in conversation with a swede with 1 single Twitter-follow, some fascist-anime shit, trying hard to convince me Dugin is in fact
zegh8578 Mar 15, 2022 This isn't happening - I'm having to convince people that Putin is *not* some paragon of anti-racism black-savior, how are people this daft?
This isn't happening - I'm having to convince people that Putin is *not* some paragon of anti-racism black-savior, how are people this daft?
zegh8578 Mar 14, 2022 The ammount of people who are minimizing war as some romantic notion of glory - do they all live in underground bunkers?
The ammount of people who are minimizing war as some romantic notion of glory - do they all live in underground bunkers?